Based Barry standing up to the Jews. You gotta admit he came through on this one. Is he /our guy/ now?

Based Barry standing up to the Jews. You gotta admit he came through on this one. Is he /our guy/ now?


Makes him way better than faggot ass Trump

Atleast he played their game long enough to not get JFK'd

This faggot cuck was never one of us, not now not ever

He might be if he didn't constantly push degeneracy, pander to niggers every chance he got, or suck every mudslime cock he came across.

So when are you guys supposed to vote for your state to leave the Union? I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with for your national flag for the Republic Of California.

Hopefully, it lasts long enough to get its flag added to Sup Forums's collection, so we can see how many American defeatists are actually just you guys.


you don't speak for Sup Forums faggot

I like Obama generally speaking. Seems like a good guy and didn't talk like a meme unlike our next president.

However, we do have a lot of issues. Our foreign policy is shit (Libya, Syria, Iraq) and the debt is really out of control.

I don't see anything coming out of the right that says they would do any better but we shall see.

>based Barry
More like Petty Barry becoming more petty everyday as we inch to inauguration

Sup Forums loves Jews now, since Trump's family is full of them.

>implying pol was never anything but a bunch of weabo neets pretending to be nazis cause muh anonymity.


They should use this one.

Malik red pilled him maybe. I'm sure he did it for the Muslims tho.

oh look its this thread again

Pol is supposed to be adopting the religion of kek judaic kabbala next .

it's easy to fall for the left/right dialect, especially when it's all over Sup Forums. But the biggest problem is the Israel lobby, it wield more power over foreign policy than the dems or repubs considering both parties pander to this lobby.

lol, no

In all seriousness, look at the number of one-off posts in this thread alone, all coming from America.

>didn't talk like a meme
>repeatedly used 'Thanks, Obama!' as a lame as catchphase even until this year

Thanks Obama

No you retards. He only fucked over Jews because he's a goddamn muslim.

I'm pro-Israel you cum-guzzling cuck

>Gay Muslim potus tries fucking Israel because he's a shit-eating leftist
>Retarded sperg: he's our guy

And you do? GTFO!

Yes, yes, he stood up to the Jews by giving them only $38B dollars!

And he stood up yet again by not vetoing a powerless resolution that timidly asks the Jews to please stop killing innocent people and invading other countries and obey the same laws every other country has to follow!

Definitely coming through for America!

>I'm pro-sand rat
Israeli's are not white and they don't identify as being white. The are Arab sand rats just like their Muslim neighbors .
>Based Barry standing up to the Jews. You gotta admit he came through on this one. Is he /our guy/ now?
You have to hand it to him on this one. On this he really pulled through for us.

One has to recognize that the more we let the Jews fuck the middle east, the more the middle east will flood and otherwise fuck the Western world.

Jew rats are essentially Arab with a little bit of white mixed in. Some more than others. They're only claim to fame and power is to, like the arab sand niggers they are, manipulate and subvert any aspect of society they possibly can. The Jew is not capable of playing on a level playing field with the white western world.

On there own, Israeli's would have been wiped out two or three times in the last century alone.


Hook, line, and sinker.

You gullible bluepilled fuck.