>diaspora jews
Which jews are the bad ones Sup Forums
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Which cancer is the bad one?
Israeli Jews are based. American ones usually too left wing.
Let God sort them out
Here's the simple guide to Jews and Sup Forums
>diaspora jews
fucking awful cancer who spread globalism; especially the "atheist" ones, their commitment to opposing the state of Israel is simply to keep themselves in the West subverting
only triggers Muslims and stormfags who fell for the Muslim memes; they want to expand their nationalist state and settle it with all the subversive Jews from the West
Logically supporting Zionist claims should lead to the point where Jews start leaving the West on mass and we can actually start killing globalism. Opposing Israel just encourages Jews to take the "moral" cough cough route of staying in the West and continuing to subvert while attacking nationalism.
A nationalist kike is safer than a non nationalist one.
Don't forget the Sayanim. If you're familiar with the Muslim concept of Taquiya, it's the Jew version, their propogandists.
american zionists are also no good. They siphon your money to pay for their own stuff.
sorry OP for the lols whats the difference between
Mirachim and sephardim?
The living ones
Only good ones are the qt ones, the men , and liberal women can all be gassed or be deported from the US
the ones that survived the holocaust
one of my dearest friends is a diaspora jew, should i disavow him or has his jewry corrupted me already
depends on if he is a refugee lover. If he is, you need to disavow and clean yourself with soap
Absolute truth. Many diaspora Jews are anti-Israel, something I've come to learn recently. Fuck those guys.
I do like Natalya Herschlagg
he isn't, not many refugee lovers over here, but he might be playing mind tricks on me
I am Ashkenazi jew. I am not bad though.
Fuck off, a nationalist Jew is still a threat to the west, they want a strong Israel and hypocritically encourage the virtues they learned in the west at home while denegrating those same values in the eyes of the average modern western retard. Their purpose is to take the worthless desert which I'm fine with, and displace the fucking muzzies who then replace the Jewish presence in the west which I'm absolutely not fine with. The only good Jew is a dead Jew, don't care if he's a nationalist or not
he is probably just a common folk. Not all jews are schemers, many of them are poor and are not interested in multicult
The common jew is not our enemy, the puppet master's ascended from a cooalition of jews and the Vatican hierarchy.
Jews are parasitic by nature and if left to themselves they would starve, but like blacks in small groups they are beneficial.
Load of shit, stormfront propaganda. We encourage the west to do the same as we do. Kill yourself cunt.
Daily Reminder: Jews think they are gods chosen people.
and they only refer themselves as white if it suits them
Secular Jews are the ones in American media and academia that want to destroy the white race. Zionists are the ones that demand we support Israel.
A stupid antisemite fights Israel and zionism
A smart antisemite supports Israel and zionism, and wants all the Jews to move there.
A radical antisemite supports Israel and zionism, and wants all the Jews to move there, and supports Iran's nuclear program
right so all those schlomos running the media, peddling their globalist, progressive propaganda, aren't actually Jews, can't wait for this special pleading explanation
I respect the Israeli jews somewhat, minding their own business, killing muslims now and then. Protecting ones nation is good and respectable. Gas them last
Soros and his kind deserve death by torture
Israelis need to get the fuck off pol we can see through your paper thin narratives. You are evil cancer
Those people are anti-zionists, they fucking hate us. Google George Soros Israel.
Canaanite Jews. They're the ones that believe in that blood libel bullshit....I think...
"Kill them all, God will sort them out"
That's the spirit.
>Canaanite Jews.
That's all of them
All of them retard
Right now we have a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" situation going on So that we can effectively removed kabob
>I respect the Israeli jews somewhat, minding their own busines
You are not fooling anyone on that Norwegian proxy with that "Jews are the least problem" act Chaim.
the ones that are circumcised
the ones that can get their hands around your neck
the ones with a heartbeat.
I guess this means shoa time
So, the real problem is Diaspora Jews?
If Israel takes over everything they wanted in that shitty sandy peninsula. They leave us alone and games and movies will become great again?
>>found out this holiday my great great great grandpa was an Ashkenazi Jew from Germany
>>always wondered why grandma liked so much Israel things on kikebook
>>always assumed I was of Nord heritage, grandma makes kringla and rosettes for Xmas
>>family of blue eyes, blond hair
>>realize I always hold my shekels close, grab pennies off floor, lactose intolerant, large nose, father has Crohn's, curly hair on father, hate Muslims instinctly, always feel superior and manipulate dipshits around me
>>Feel like my life is a lie, feel like Josef Blake in Man in the High Castle finding out he was lebensborn, except I'm not Aryan, am a dirty Jew
What I do with myself?
Are you communist?
There is no problem with jews per se, just with certain liberal influenced circles.
Jews are just an established people who tend to be successful and end up in such circles.
We must not forget, the hardships of Jewish history made them more determined to be successful.
You're 1/32nd, you barely have any jewish blood. Calm down.
Use your new found jew powers to save the west!
The real question is which jews are good jews.
The answer is a dead one.
I think you'd still have to get rid of those guys by force as they'd probably never come here willingly.
Basically any people in the world ever
I can name the example of us here
>"Slavic brotherhood for life, Poland is our BFF"
>"Slavs? We are clearly goths"
>"Muslims are the flowers of the Croatian people"
>"Freaking heathens"
>"Serbs are just orthodox Croats"
>"Damn those Turkish rapebaby Serbs"
>"Filthy Magyars, damn them"
>"Orban is the best"
Same is done by any other, can make a larger list for Serbs and so on as well.
Interests can suddenly change depending on the situation.
Suprise surprise the answer, as with most things, is to spend less time on Sup Forums. Normies don't give a fuck about any of that shit, spend more time with them and less here.
Revelations 3:9
>Look, I will force those who belong to Satan's synagogue--those liars who say they are Jews but are not--to come and bow down at your feet. They will acknowledge that you are the ones I love.
The "Jews" you are referring to do not belong to the Biblical term 'Jew', which refers to the people of God.
By the New Covenant, the only people of God are those who recognize Jesus Christ as God in the flesh, and as the Saviour of the World.
So basically, Christians are Jews.
Those deceivers are only here for shit n giggles and ruining western civilization + the white man
All Talmud loving Jews.
Israel does not exist. It's a myth made up by jews to divide the citizens of the world.