Why did these threads die before I could add to the autism?

Paid-off Mods.

Posting delicious OC, apparently spam.


I remember the days when Sup Forums was for cutting edge internet assholeyness. Now, I get banned for making simple threads like...

> Women that shave their genitals are trying to attract pedos and men that give oral to shaved women are thinking of little girls.

And a couple more times for simple-level shit. Or the threads get archived right away. (see Origins of Incels)

Theory: Sup Forums users have become what they used to hate.


Mod that banned the fire safety threads got fired. Guess this one needs to go too.

Mods think editing comics = raiding

> Women that shave their genitals are trying to attract pedos and men that give oral to shaved women are thinking of little girls.

Where is the porn?

>i post shit Sup Forums tier threads in Sup Forums
>wtf why are they getting deleted?
Literally lmao

don't let the faggot mods intimidate you, editing comics isn't raiding.

Because some nigger mod is sperging out. What exactly can we do about this? Just try to outlast them? I am tired of all this censorship bullshit, Sup Forums is not what it used to be and now all the important generals are gone.

How is cripplechan?

>Sup Forums tier

they seem to dispise oc and good memes. its like the mod team is trying to slowly destroy Sup Forums so we dont rape the rest of the internet to death in reaction to a sudden shutdown

You dumb fucks are never gonna learn, are you?

Raids will never be accepted here on Sup Forums

I tried to make the image a punchline.

Yes, because drawing comics, investigations, and reporting violations of the law are all definitely raids.

Fuck off.

Other thread's jewd again.

This is bloody ridiculous.

slow af, but thats only because we aren't moving in enough numbers. honestly if we weren't such complacent fucks we could have a paradise over there.

Just a matter of time til (((they))) want to make Sup Forums safer.

what's the original?

it's OC from a swiss user

> manually unblacking the dick
I should've posted the template

how is the censorship there? I heard a while ago that it was pretty bad, but ive never really frequented the place myself

Confirmation trips

netpol has shit moderation. if we went to pl it would be ours though, nobody fucking uses pl.

Impressive, lmao

Protesting these fucking stupid Sup Forums mods by bumping this thread. I hate the mods here almost as much as I hate the fucking Muslims.

well I dont think theres much that you or I could do to get people to move, but if this continues then hopefully it will sort itself out. I doubt that Sup Forums can last long without any decent operations.

Dunno about the mods, sure it's funny to see how users on that garbage site called KYM get so riled up for a few strips made by their waifu.

I wana draw more Sarah porn
What next ?

Getting really angry here.
This crappy comic stuff is al just in good fun of course but the banning of EWO/safety just makes me blood boil.
On top of that there's fake news excrements being spammed all over.

Dirty pedo sick fucks.

they will do more crackdowns on oc, posibly troll us with another oct12. this creates movement but doesn't seem to keep it. we could get some more movement. the /rwss/ board on .net was pretty good for a while but it eventually screeched to a halt. i

And yet the actual and self-proclaimed invasion by /leftypol/ is allowed free reign along with all the slide threads. Really shows where these (((mod's))) loyalties lie.


What can we do about that?

Memes becoming too strong for them to handle.

Why can i always smell the lefty infiltrator in the way they spell?


Calling people dumb while they are in fact making fun of you is an unique leftist trade. They lack the sense of humour you need to come back with an ad rem reply.

By the way, have you noticed that the thread stopped being bumped a while ago? Interesting

That and also they always claim either authority or veteranship.
>Listen to me, neurophysicist here.
>pol/ is and has always been a communist board, fuck off dumb newfag.
Or they use stippest of their lingo that is not common here.

Well, I just stopped because no one else was saying anything

we really need to think of a way to get an exodus, advertise on other sites that polaks crosspost on. if we can get some 8gag polaks to join us itl establish a presence that can be built on. only thing needed is a destination.

You sure? We're still on page 8

The thread before the last one was gold. The strips really improved a lot.

Yes I was on that too

Maybe the first ban was because of that malayan destination doxx?
Did you save some of the strips?

I think we would have to wait until something bigger came along that was censored, I just dont think we would be able to get enough momentum going as of now.

At least in times like these, we can count on infinitychan.

only things I saved were screencaps of the dumb gook samefagging and making a fool out of himself

thats inevitable, the only part that needs to be worked on is establishing a location and keeping people active on it.

IRC is always a solid start.
Keeping people active is always a problem.

we can always use the Sup Forums discord as well, the mods on there aren't niggers like on here

I guess all original contributors got banned?
Why isn't anybody posting more strips?

I hope they arent retarded and know how to evade a ban, but yeah thats probably what happened

Yeah, what ever happened to that russian user that made a website?

Yes. They also mentally piss them selves everytime you disagree with them / represent an opinion that they do not agree with.

Fun to watch.

dont know. i wasnt really focusing on the comics themselves but the autistic malaysian guy. but i became really interested after the mods started canning the threads, because censorship is not something we should have to tolerate here.

Thread is auto saging

Mods are fags

Page 10 boys, prepare for impact!