
We need to help him get enough money for a college tour that will advance our ideas.

Thanks for your help.

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/"richard spencer"/end/2015-06-16/


everything this man does is meant to make us look like fringe extremists who should be ignored

>We need to help him
go fuck your mother with a rake shill

You would honestly have to be retarded to give money to this guy

ctr pls
This man is a future of our movement


>well dressed Chad who charms reporters is designed to make us look bad

>brown hair
This fucking shitskin, racemixing is disgusting and he should be gassed.

he's an overly edgy nazi larper and only exists to be a straw man for the left to rage against

it's similar to PETA the animal rights group that is actually funded by meat distributors to keep making vegans look like legitimate crazies instead of just stupid hippies


He openly expressed his views and many people agreed with him. Me, for example. I don't care if leftist rage against him.

Before the inevitable "controlled opposition" comments start flowing I would like to point out that Spencer has been within various right wing circles for a long time and if he really was an undercover agent he would deserve an Oscar for his sheer dedication to character.

never mind putting his own family in the line

what kind of agent wants his mother to be targetted by jews?

Controlled opposition faggot. Showed up as soon as the media needed an "alt-right white supremacist nazi"
More obvious than David Duke.

many express the exact same views

ask yourself why this one gets the network airtime

This. Spencer is either a DNC operative or insane.

because he is the one organizing a yearly conference since 2010?

I swear concern trolls from The Donald have taken over Sup Forums

Because of well placed and timed provocation. Heil trump, Heil our people, Heil victory, remember?

> Showed up as soon
> being a newfag this much

Hello faggots

yes I remember that media circus

that's exactly the PETA style tactics I'm talking about

>Trump was at the time taking serious heat about ties to racists

>gee I should invite a few hundred reporters to my nazi rally for Trump

that was an obvious attempt to derail Trump's campaign and only because it failed can faggots like you look back with such rose colored lenses

What do you mean by this?

Hurr show me one thread about RichTard $pencer before 2016.

Just one nigger.

He gave the media thier boogyman and he is a complete plant.

Oh my meme magic my pepe my WHITES POWER HEIL TRUMP.


You retards do realize that Sup Forums have been as successful as it is now because of the anonymity and lack of leadership, right?
We don't need or want a LARPing faggot who decided to capitalize on a movement based on ideas and random people from around the world.

Plus, this cunt is the literal foster child of controlled opposition. A nazi, and a face that the media can use to smear everything that was done by us, and make it impossible for anyone new or on the edge to be a part of whatever we were doing.

Kill yourselves, this is how everything falls every time.

>never even mentioned once before the election results on Sup Forums
>hurr ur a newfag

Wow, I didn't think the shilling would continue on.


Do you understand that hapened AFTER the elections, right?

so what? We all know he is very pro Russian Nationalism. We are all for nationalism everywhere


Oh yes we are going to be 100% successful by being completly anonymous. Get out of here, at one point or another, leadership must arrise for our ideas to become mainstream.

Reminder that
>I never heard of him until now
>Im a newfag from reddit

>being so cucked in mind and afraid of leftists
Stop it. Stand your ground, don't be afraid to expose your views.

Why would I raise money for a undercover FBI agent trying to honeypot as many young white men as possible?

news organizations have been btfoed by the alt right this entire election, so naturally they'll suck anyone's dick to get an interview with any leaders they can find
Also Richard Spencer has been doing this for a couple of years, to think he's been a shill all this time would be retarded

>he believes the alt right is real

Do something worthy of being recognized as an actual group or just admit you're fat degenerate neets in a basement.

>Richards a plants guys, i have no proof so I'm just gonna repeat it in every thread with my kike friends.

>Give me your shekels goy
Oh, he was a Jew all along

Spencer isn't larping. If Spencer is larping then so is amren and everyone else go fuck yourself retard

OMg literally holding a german Mic (Deutsche Welle).

It's for the university tour you stupid nigger.

You're fucking retarded
People like Jared Taylor, RAMZPAUL, Richard Spencer, black pigeon speaks, American renaissance and many more have been advocating for the alt right longer than you've been browsing Sup Forums
Just because it's become popular now doesn't mean it didn't exist until recently


Shut the fuck up.

The whole point of our movement is to be contrarian to identity politics.

Sam Hyde tried morphing to be a figurehead, and failed miserably. No doubt in my mind he'd still have a show if he didn't become a twitter keyboard warrior.

We're more powerful in large groups and anonymous.

Giving money to these controlled opposition special snowflakes will do nothing.

>yes we need a leader that no one can relate to and will cause us to be shunned from any form publicity except it being that we're nazis

You're a fucking idiot who's either a shill or a dumbass blinded by the fact that we've been fine so far because there was literally no one to blame for what is going on. Ideas don't become mainstream when you try doing it by pushing an agenda that gets shunned and pushed away when mentioned.

>Richard is a great guy! We only ever heard his name after the election, where he decided to capitalize on a movement of ideas on the internet and trying to push a failed agenda that gets smeared each time it's used! Give me money please!

Kill yourself.

No thanks he's an idiot who couldnt hide his power lvl

>literally zero arguments against based Spencer
nice try ctrs

shut the fuck up richard
no one buys this shit
alt right is a corporate meme and you are a fucking shill

>hiding your power level in Trump's America

Interesting you think the FBI is going to jail innocent people over nothing? Hahahaha let them come even Rockwell pointed out that he let the police and the FBI in whenever they wanted. Who cares as long as you aren't a fucking retarded fucking drug white supreeddedmist Spencer has nothing to worry about


dude is obviously a flaming homo whos probably a democrat plant to ruin the appearance of 'alt tight'

No option for bitcoin?

t. Milo shill




>has no argument to prove it
>uses ctr-tier shill tactics

Kill yourself, we already dealt with you during the election.

Spencer is a paid actor hired by Soros. He's there to create the narrative that Trump supporters are racist nazis.

Why hasn't anyone seriously assassinated Soros? Kill this fucker already, and the Koch brothers as well.

Well have fun with that faggot. We're not looking for nerd virgins that won't leave their moms house.

That guy is an autist.


Fuck him

This desu. How would someone representing your views look that you approve of if Spencer and Yale-educated Jared Taylor aren't good enough?

We are fringe extremists though. If you're not you should gtfo.


He'll fit right in around here.

Oh he existed before. He just wasn't given a platform to make an utter fool of himself on live television until then.

Why do you let these faggots think for you? Are you that vapid?

This is Bernie Sanders/Jill Stein level of kikery

Why on earth would anyone give this guy cash

I used to hate him but listened to his podcast and it changed my view.


Highly recommend.

>We need to help him get enough money for a college tour that will advance our ideas.


We heard his name waaay before the election and we have herd of alright forever ago we even had fucking g places like Amren conferences where people with like minds would discuss white interests OH NOES EVERYONE IS SECRETLY FBI ARE YOU FBI AM I FBI?

Any of you guys see the vice video recently? This guy has got something

Because he's working hard to further a cause they believe in?

What the fuck is with these shills for this guy?

Is this the new CTR?

So we are.

>I am not fat or in a basement

>concern shills

Hey retard I like people WHO THINK LIKE I DO. I LIKE TO READ PEOPLES OPINIONS I DONT NEED TO AGREE 100 FUCKING PRECENT TO LIKE THEM! I like ramzpaul but I don't agree with him 100℅ you people have fucking god damn legit autism seek help

What the fuck is a "concern troll"?

Some sort of reddit cancer faggotry?

this one?

yes. It is becoming ridiculous.
They simply can't understand we believe in our ideas and it is obvious who is on our side

>we're not looking for nerd virgins who will never leave their house

And no one is looking for nazis to solve their problems and sympathize with, you mongrel. Have fun failing like the countless others.

>we heard his name
No, we never did. Show me an archive thread of him before the the nomination.

>by promoting a failed ideology that gets shunned whenever mentioned

He's either a shill or a retard that's setting himself up for failure.

The only thing you don't like about him is the fact he don't afraid to speak his mind.

Go to reddit then fag.


2012 enough for you?


> being this retarded


Fuck off you casual fuckhead you come here an hour a fucking day when you are off work and after checking your lebbit feed for anything interesting while you browse fucking YouTube for LIFE HACKS or some PewDiePie shit kill yourself

I have autism because I am asking you why you like to watch these faggots and get riled up because someone presentable and articulate is able to form sentences based on logic and conversations they have lifted from here instead of not participating in the tween phenomena of listening to literally who know bodies based on the fact that you can boost your own ego via tying them to your identity and self worth am I?

sure you're just not a fucking vapid retard?

Well show us how it's done fat boy.

>You retards do realize that Sup Forums have been as successful as it is now because of the anonymity and lack of leadership, right?

Eventually we're going to need real world representation. You could make the argument that now is not the time and many people would agree with you but that doesn't change the fact that it will have to happen eventually for our movement to have real world impact.

Milo, Laura Southern and Cernovich hitched their wagons to our train because they could see that we have the basis of a real movement. It's better for a person like Spencer to be our face than some kike-plant looking to co-opt our message and make shekels.

Before the inevitable "controlled opposition" comments start flowing I would like to point out that Spencer has been within various right wing circles for a long time and if he really was an undercover agent he would deserve an Oscar for his sheer dedication to character.

I don't care if he's a shill and has been doing this for a long time or not. He's a fringe kook and it seems that he's doing everything in his power to keep the alt-right on the fringe and powerless. The guy makes Alex Jones look like a reasonable individual.

>No, we never did. Show me an archive thread of him before the the nomination.

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/"richard spencer"/end/2015-06-16/

Spencer has been doing this for 6+ years i think.

Jared Taylor, who trusts him, even longer.

Jesus man, the founder of NPI trusts Jared so much he put him in charge

You go to rebbit fuckhead no one likes a fucking fat faggot who has a hard time understanding how liking someone fucking works. People have there faults and you have a big one being a huge fucking faggot retard lebbitor

>he didn't know about spence before the elections

Nu-Sup Forums OUT!

I seriously want these cultural libertarians and trumpite softies to leave. Go back to fucking r/the_donald.

dumb larper stormfag needs to die already

Remember to donate to Millenial Woes as well, so that he can afford another holiday.

what's so edgy about him?

just kill yourself jew.

What are you, civic nationalists or something?

We don't like the fact he's smearing everything we worked for by promoting nazism on a population that is raised thinking nazi=bad.

>posts video
>not an archived thread before the nomination

Show me actual proof.

By doing what we've always been doing you faggot.

>one thread in 2015 by a digruntled canadian
>before anything here was relevant

Not an argument.

>The whole point of our movement is to be contrarian to identity politics.

Wrong. If the left wants to fight with identity politics then we should respond in kind with ethno-nationalism, the ultimate and all encompassing form of it.

Civic Nationalism is a meme made up by the Jews to stealthily allow our countries to become multi-racial and therefore easier to control.