6 Syrians, 1 Libyan "refugees" set German man on fire in attempted murder

German police arrests one of them, lets the others remain free.

Thank God, Germany, for your lenient approach to crime. Those "refugees" now can roam free and become neurosurgeons and rocket scientists.


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Maybe he should have been more tolerant

they turned themselves in so they will probably get a house and become German celebs lol

And 6 of the 7 were already known to the police. After how many months in this country? Shows nicely what kind of people enrich us here.

Why are brown people above the law?
They get away with everything.

well they went to the policestation on their own after having realized that they misbehaved so we have to assume that they feel deep regret.
I'm suret they will become valuable members of society soon, after their ptsd has been treated of course.

>And 6 of the 7 were already known to the police. After how many months in this country? Shows nicely what kind of people enrich us here.
And I am 100% sure we will not get rid of them, because they are "Syrians" and "Libyans" and it is so God awful down there, 40 million people who go after their normal life every day are probably dying every single day because it is so awful down there.

>well they went to the policestation on their own after having realized that they misbehaved so we have to assume that they feel deep regret.
>I'm suret they will become valuable members of society soon, after their ptsd has been treated of course.

This is what greens, communists and social democrats ACTUALLY believe. I am not even kidding.

That's just 7 isolated cases fampai


Refugees are still responsible for less crimes than german people. And no one was injured in this incident.

>german people
You mean turks ?

Guys, with just 5 days remaining - looks like we can do it:
> 1.779.773 Euro (27. Dez. 2016)
around 400k Euro have been donated over the Christmas days. We need ~220k more to reach the 2 million goal after which AfD's election campaign 2017 will become eligible for additional funding from state. Spread the info, donate please, we can do it.

>Refugees are still responsible for less crimes than german people.
Absolute bs, when it comes to outrageous crimes like this one. Most murders and attempted murders and rapes committed by ethnic Germans are intra-family crime. Murders, attempted murders and rapes between people who are not family members are virtually exclusively committed by foreigners, most notable "refugees" in Germany. Look it up.

>And no one was injured in this incident.
It was fucking attempted murder. The man was not injured, because people were around that courageously helped him, otherwise he would have died by burning to death.

>Homeless in part due to the government preferring to house over 1 million middle eastern migrants than a native German
>Get set on fire by migrants who displaced you

you are not german

they were traumatized.
let them go!

You're right. They should all stay, they are awesome and they will fit in perfectly with the German people.

You convinced me. I'm totally going to vote for the Grüne or Linke now. Thanks for the fucking enlightenment.

you will hang right next to these fuckers. it was attempted murder which failed because a few uncucked folks actually did something. you would have passed by and post on your fagbook about more tolerance.

I am doing my part. But I do not see why the 2 million goal has to be reached by year end?

desu im surprised that the government cocksuckers from zdf-heute actually say that they are refugees

atleast they dont deny the obvious now like before

they will try to make them poor traumatized young kids anyways but you see in the video after the habbening that they point and laught

If you are born in germany, you are german, so what is the problem ?
So you are telling me its better to kill your own family member than someone else ? I dont get your point and you are also wrong about your statistics.
Yes, it was a attempt murder, they showed up to the police by themselves and they will be punished for the crime, how is it relevant that they are refugees ?
I am more german than any other of the nazis here, I understand what destroyed our country and we can not allow that to happen again.
Not everyone is perfect and it will take a lot of work until they can speak german and work for their children. Thats why you have to put effort into the integration, as a german, but I am sure you never put any effort in anything in your life.
I am sure that's what you want, go outside and yell it, the society will never accept you, just stop your hating and everyone will accept you more, its not their fault, you can change.

>homeless man

nothing of value was lost

I think you might be wrong here Sören

only because all the arab and turks now count as "germans" in 2. generation

>Thats why you have to put effort into the integration, as a german
I dunno, big bro, isn't it the foreigner's job to integrate, not the native's?

Why the hell are you on Sup Forums?

I tried to be not racist and judgemental for once aaaand it's refugees.

kekkity kek

>So you are telling me its better to kill your own family member than someone else ?
It is punishable the same way. HOWEVER, as a society, we are much more secure if the danger only comes from family members, and not others.

>I dont get your point and you are also wrong about your statistics.
I am wrong about my statistics? What? Have you even looked at the Einzelfallmaps? Do you understand that the media pretty much reports all murders and attempted murders in Germany? And all of them which are not in a family, are committed by foreigners. Of course, the government isn't providing any statistics on family vs. non-family murders - but there are statistics saying over 90% are family related. Given the number of reported murders which are non-family members, you can see that virtually all are committed by foreigners and "refugees".

>Yes, it was a attempt murder, they showed up to the police by themselves and they will be punished for the crime, how is it relevant that they are refugees ?
Did you not read the article? They arrested one person and let the others go, even though they treat this as attempted murder. Fucking bs, I say. And do you think they will be deported? Not a fucking chance. We will pay millions for these criminals and after a few years, they will be put back on the streets and get even more German taxpayer gibmees.


>falling for russian fakefugees

When will you learn, Sup Forums?.

>how is it relevant that they are refugees ?

First of all: you're implying we like German criminals. No one does. But they are Germans, so we are forced to deal with them. These guys are not Germans. They don't have to be here. They came here """seeking shelter""" and we gave it to them. And what do they do? Commit crimes. Germans have every right to be pissed at them.

The most repulsive thing is that the state gives money to those migrants, but could not be bothered to care for the homeless German.

>still believing that
>nearly all of them were knows by police
>implying there aren't hundreds of thousand of shitskins counted as german

>the bullet missed him, it was just a prank
kill yourself


Definitely had a change of rules in that regard. Merkel making sure you homegrown folks are able to make the guests feel welcome.

Are you really so ignorant you don't understand percentages? German education must suck tremendously.

What can we do to help you krauts unfuck yourselves?

This kind of shit infuriates me. What makes it worse? They'll be treated as celebrities by the left soon enough.

Have you never heard "Truth has a liberal bias"... well, that's how it got there.


Russian? What? Those were Arabs.

>ethnic German kills someone nobody bats an eyelid

>Refugee kills someone pol tards are losing their minds

I read exactly that sentence in the Lügenpresse. While it's technically right for absolute values, it's of course criminally misleading. But that's exactly the plan.

6 Syrians and one Lebanese according to N24.

>What can we do to help you krauts unfuck yourselves?
Provide money to the right wing. I just paid 50 Euros to them. Anything helps, even 5 bucks.

>What can we do to help you krauts unfuck yourselves?

psy ops or something

don't get yourself involved too much though, the state of things is disheartening

The great uncuckening is happening. The whole lefty truisms worked as long as we had little immigrants. Now that mass migration has arrived, people see first hand what a load of BS this was.

These Syrian children were just trying to warm themselves up and didn't know you're not supposed to set the homeless on fire. And of course Nazi German police arrest them.

Looks like the Germans haven't learned to be tolerant. Another million Syrian children are needed.

What's that got to do with his inability to understand percentages vs absolutes? If 1% of the population commits 49% of the crime, it's a problem. Seriously do they not teach basic math in Germany?

Thermal emergency.

>What can we do to help you krauts unfuck yourselves?
Nothing. The Germans are a race of people who will lie to the police after being raped so as not to run the risk of being racist. There is nothing we can do for them. Seal the borders and stop the New Germans from enriching the rest of Europe. That's all we can do.

Ofcourse less crime absolutely. They are also 60 times less in Number but they commit more crimes per capita.

I'm still voting the AfD.

Your shilling didn't work.

>big bro
You mean delusional selfloathing subhuman ass licking faggot, right?

>Ofcourse less crime absolutely. They are also 60 times less in Number but they commit more crimes per capita.
A single crime more is too much.

A single euro paid more in welfare is too much.

Tell me Hans, was the intended crime also harmless?

Yeah fuck you, fuck your country, fuck Merkel.

Every single shitskin born in Germany is considered german by our government you stupid turd. Of course the crime rate of """germans""" is noted higher then.

A lot of people are simply latent racists, they wont allow people to get integrated. I am not fully blaming this issue to racism, but thats simply the main issue with germany, the everyday life in germany is far more racist than you might think based on the elections.
Why is there no "Einzelfallmap" for german people ? This is selective perception and you are building a bubble around you, all these facts around you are selected by yourself. Everything on Sup Forums will approve your views, because everyone here has the same views.
Most of these people are seeking shelter and fleeing from the same terrorists that do these things. Do you really belive most of these people came here because ISIS told them so ? And now they are waiting for orders to attack germans ?
What is your argument ? You just said "you are stupid".
They are in a total different situation than germans. They live in camps and have nothing to do, every human being would act like this.
You have to accept that AfD will get max 18% at the Bundestagswahl 2017, there is not a single party who is willing to coalise with the AfD, you are just throwing away your vote.

I think it's time to kick germany out of the eu. They are a huge security liability and can't handle their own problems

I saw the article
literally low life scum from east germany
Don't believe the Sup Forums memes acutally germany is very safe and fun. If you have the chance then try to visit it.
Most migrants are good people

I think they'll find themselves jealous of Americans and free speech soon enough, plus trump just wants the Muslims out of Europe.

Mocking the leftists to obscurity worked wonders here.

>Why is there no "Einzelfallmap" for german people ?
Because there are no Einzelfälle. As already said over 90% of murders are within the family and virtually all murders of non-family members are committed by foreigners and "refugees".

Just check out the news. When was the last time you have seen an article about a German murdering a non-family related person? When? And no, the media isn't picking on foreigners, the media is actually trying hard to shill for "refugees" and hide crimes - there is a reason they are called Lügenpresse (with the exception of the FAZ).

So umh... can we be sure it wasn't a Russian agent disguised as a """"homeless person"""" who set himself on fire in Berlin to blame innocent refugees?

>Yes, it was a attempt murder, they showed up to the police by themselves and they will be punished for the crime, how is it relevant that they are refugees ?

Are you so dense that you can not see that we could have avoided this and the rape/murder of many others if we would have blocked the European Border.

Its relevant that its refugees because this could have been avoided. German native crime is harder to control. But refugee crime can be controlled by not having any refugees.

>Refugee kills someone pol tards are losing their minds

>deaths by (((refugees))) would be zero (0) if there would be no (((refugees))) in the first place

Were they intoxicated?
Why would they light the homeless dude on fire?

You must be Turkish. I doubt any German is this retarded to mistake a percentage for an absolute.

There aren't enough redpills on this planet to cure you. Please gas yourself.

They didn't set him on fire.
They burned a newspaper close to the homeless guy.

>hurr durr bad refugees the thread

Agreed. This isn't possible though, so the rest of us will just have to leave.

14 year old watching Böhmermann detected LEL.



Youre mentally retarded if you think that refugee crimerate is lower than german crimerate. Even a mentally retarded person should be able to use google though. This is from 2015, 2016 will be way worse obviously.

Just one highlight:

Refugees are responsible for 8,2% of aggrevated assaults. Remember: in 2015 we only had a few hundred thousand of them here, majority came after october.

>Refugees: 500K (avg)- 10.975 offenders - 1 in 45 (!!!)
>Germans: 70Mio - 80.000 offenders - 1 in 875

That is 20 ( TWENTY) times higher.

>germany is very safe and fun
the question remains for how long

>Most migrants are good people
doesn't make them any less of a burden

For allah. Inshallah.

>They didn't set him on fire.
>They burned a newspaper close to the homeless guy.
Absolute bs. They lit newspapers on the homeless guy and used lighter fluid so he would burn to death.

As I am pro death penalty, I think these 7 criminals should be hanged in a week from now in the middle of Berlin after a swift court held they are guilty scum.

Came to post this. Words cannot describe how furious I am. The bottom 5% of Germans would be better off taking a train to the border, burn their passport and say they're from Syria.

Yeah, just an innocent prank... that had people come running with a fire extinguisher... and they set his clothes on fire, not a newspaper. That's literally what the police said.

>We need ~220k more to reach the 2 million goal after which AfD's election campaign 2017 will become eligible for additional funding from state.
>additional funding from state.
>funding from state.
>For a right wing party
I am a man of hopes and dreams as well, but this is just ludicrous.

>newspapers close to the homeless guy

He literally used them as a blanket and these fucktards tried to burn him to a crisp.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Well he is right.
It's always easy to pick some crimes refugees committed and then to blame all for them.
In the end it's less then 1 % of them who turned out to be criminal.
The rates amongst the native germans is much higher.

not even an einzelfall, only a siebtelfall! :^)

The law is the law. German state has to provide additional funding if certain criteria are fullfilled. Otherwise the AFD can sue the state.


It was filthy bulgarians.

>native germans


No it is not. You make big claims but you do not provide any sources. You are simply a faggot. Please provide sources for your outrageous claims.

Stop arguing with this deliberately ignorant, dishonest and lying libfag shitposter parotting just the the same blatant kike media lies about Muslims and rapefugees and crime reports,

This fag is in every AfD/Rapefugee thread repeating the same lies and spins over and over again and all arguments either turn in circles when he just repeats the same lies to defend another lie or ends up with MUH NAZI RACIST shouting!

>It was filthy bulgarians.
Wrong, that was another Einzelfall...

I think we have reached a point where you can't differentiate the trolls from the cucks anymore, much like it happened with the whole gender and sexuality clusterfuck.

On that note, holy fuck there's tons of cucks in here.

Are there actually any stats on hand to support either claim of crime-rate proportions?

>They are in a total different situation than germans. They live in camps and have nothing to do, every human being would act like thi
Speak for yourself nigger

>holy fuck there's tons of cucks in here.

Or some triggered turkroaches.

Yes and im posting the same facts every time. Not really an issue, i want people to see it. With sources, from the government.

20 times, 2000% higher.
There are people reading this thread who think like him and they will remember this.

>Most of these people are seeking shelter and fleeing from the same terrorists

Look, in the house next to you lives an arsonist that burns down the house. You let the homeless neighbours in. Do you check which one is the arsonist or do you let them all in without checking?

You're also paying their living. They demand their own house and that you're paying for it. Half of them say you're the arsonist. They demand your car. To house one of them costs more than you make in a year.
If you think about throwing them out, your green haired wife threatens to burn down your house.

Thanks Mutti!

>If you have the chance then try to visit it.
No thanks. I can go to any American city if I want to see minorities making a city dysfunctional and leftists making excuses for them because of their limited understanding of math. What's the point? Germany is becoming exactly the same as America.


It's funny that you guys are the first to shout ''muh sources'' but on the other hand never actually deliever them yourselves.
I can easily link you various studies.

Their crime rates are higher throughout the bench. That wasn't a secrete until merkel opened the flood gates.

Kill yourself.

>With sources, from the government.
You haven't provided a single source.

Der Anteil der Ausländer an der Bevölkerung in Deutschland lag 2015 bei 9,72%

Der Anteil der Ausländer in deutschen Gefängnissen lag dagegen bei 27,9 Prozent.


Only the strong survive. It's the purge of the weak.

well done user

fucking auto-correct