Tell me about cocaine

Tell me about cocaine

How are the cartels so powerful?

What does pol think of the coca?

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It makes you feel like you're the king of the fucking world!
It's extremely addictive.
This makes it a pretty damn reliable source of income.
Also makes cartel members extremely unpredictable because they can't stay out of their own stash.

great shit desu

t. degenerate

Its the second best thing I've put up my nose. If I was rich I would be on it all the time.

shitty expensive drug that doesn't even give a half decent high

How do you break the cartels?

You've never done good coke, 100 percent purity coke is one of the most pleasurable things possible

Shit tier thread sage jidf faggot

>ban cocaine in the US
>retail prices go to the roof for a cheap drug that is made from cheap plants
>why are cartels so powerful
Just legalize cocaine and make it be buyable for pennies in any pharmacy. Cartels will go bust and can only flail themselves.


>1 post by this Id

It's actually really easy to make, but when other suppliers outside of Colombia were shut down, it gave them a huge monopoly so they jacked up the price. Most of it is produced with slave labour.

Because it takes several years before a crop starts actually producing, there's no incentive to start producing elsewhere since your odds of getting caught before you can see a return on investment is too high.

I'm not really that into it. Why, do you have any?

I prefer LSD. The people who do it are more chill for the most part. It's cheap and safer to buy in bulk, powerful and non-habit forming.

Don't fuck with Cartels bro.

Cocaine gives you permanent brain damage after single use. Stay away from using it.
t. Chemical engineer (working in medical fabrication field)
The test we have done on mice with that drug is insane you permanently alter mice brain with one dose of cocaine.
People here are so scared of it they literally let 100% pure cocaine be on our table and no one takes it because we see what it does.

I miss it desu senpai

Hillary likes it a lot.

I found tobacco to be more difficult to quit, personally.

Don't even drink coffee anymore.

That would really suck if people were mice.

Slippery slope from writing brilliant thesis with the help of a bump to fucking ugly girls with onion-stinking pussies because they might share a key with you.

>let 100% pure cocaine be on our table and no one takes it because we see what it does.
>100% pure cocaine
>no one takes

t. sissy fuccboi

Send it my way senpai

Do you live on the west coast?

You're retarded.

Explain what it does please

>le cheap ad hominem
Here's your you.

It has nothing to do with quieting it has to do with starting, your brain permanently process information slower than before you did cocaine. its like sniffing lighter gas.

You on the west coast nigga?

Permanent damage afer single use?
You sure about that Tomasson?

Medicine works in the same way its drugs in various dosage, so in that sense adderall also "permantnely" changes your brain.


Can you please give me some studies that show this so I can Redpill my friends

>no one takes it

There is nothing wrong with proper use of cocaine


Tried it once.

Wasn't that great. It kept me from passing out while binge drinking one night back in college.

I don't understand the appeal.

Was the first thing ketamine?


So what is the truth? Is the cocaine really source of true euphoria or is it "over rated" like many people on internet say? Does it really give you a buzz for just half hour? Sounds extremely short high

I'm trusting murricans on this. No chance to ever try cocaine where I live, not pure at least

You had shit coke


10 percent purity coke

I have done good coke, it was OK. I didn't feel ZOMGAMAZEBALLS like you guys say, and it wore off in like 30 minutes.

Meth, heroin and MDMA are way better feelings for much less. Theres a reason there isnt a coke epidemic anymore.

good thing people are not mice retard. next your gonna tell me and my two kids gmos make mice sterile.

Cocaine is a -ine which is a signal substance ie it stops pain, it also activates your dopamine centers in the brain. Cocaine is absolutely the best possible feeling you can get (on top of the world, you can do anything, happy and so on). Now to the side effects of it

It permanently lowers your own production of Dopamine if you take it more than lets say 2-5 times. (meaning you will feel more down for the rest of your live than before you did cocaine)

It "burn" (thats the best word i can use for it) your braincells which makes you dumber it does this after single use

Now these side effects only happen if you let it get to your brain. All local sedatives are actually made of cocaine but they stop them from traverling to the brain and doing harm so it only works locally where its injected

>tried it once
Wow you fucking pussy.

Takes more than a line back in the day to understand it's appeal.


It's pretty strong, but the main buzz is usually gone within 40 minutes, yeah. You'll occasionally get lumps of it falling down your throat throughout the day after, giving you a small spike in buzz, though. It tastes awful.

Sineloa cartel is the most powerful because it has assumed direct control of production transport and distribution. Most cartels/mafia only handle one aspect of the drug trade like the triads who transport mostly or Russian mob which is distribution.

Impossible to be 100% pure dumbass highest is like 97~

>Implying I had any plans of having my disembodied dick shoved into the brain cavity of my freshly decapitated head anytime in the foreseeable future

does anything feel especially good while on cocaine? I mean how you enjoy drinking fanta while high of weed, or how the video games feel more interesting. Can you get your dick hard while on cocaine?

Don't rationalize your degenerate poison manufactured in backwoods factories by smelly brown people in South America to me, I simply don't care.

It was a mediocre life experience at best. I've had more interesting coffees.

>It permanently lowers your own production of Dopamine if you take it more than lets say 2-5 times.
citation needed

This was like 15 years ago. I'd usually go ride my bike and stuff. It really pumps you up.

Basicly if you do drug tests on your salesmen your a fool. A coked up talker never lets another persons emotions bother them.

Literally no yous for political analysis on the politics board. Fuck you reddit for ruining this board.

People that do forms of speed feel very desperate in their lives day to day

>pls respond


Damn, what a cutie. I wish I lived in holland instead of finland. You'd have finnish younguns doing video like that, it would result in police raids to every known drug location, year long campaign against drug use, nationwide drug tests in schools and 30% rise in aclohol tax just to be sure


I wouldnt trust a dane on this subject, so much bullshit is spread about drugs here.

Cocaine is fun, but it tests your mental strength as well. I guess a downward spiral is inevitable if you're unlucky.

Also, keep the stuff away your mouth. You're risking your tastebuds.

Imagine never tasting anything again? what the fuck.

American army run by ((())) first got soldiers addicted, then when goys came back they all wanted that special something to continue their addiction, so they drank coca cola, brought to you by Christianity.

Read my above post you cuck cuz I answered ops question. Fucking new fag redditors talking about degenerate drugs like losers. Kys


Let me ask you this, if you have taken cocaine, did you not feel "down" the day after?

It has to do with the bodies own production of Dopamine
If the body gets it externally then it wont produce it itself because an external source is supplying it to the body

Now the body think that it will get a constant supply of dopamine from the new source and when it stops (you stopping with cocaine ie the day after) then it wont start its own production immediately it will take time and it will always be on a lower basis than before it was supplied externally.

Its Le Châteliers Principe

I don't see why cocaine and other drugs are illegal in our countries when their are far more dangerous pharmaceuticals given to children (adderall, ant-depressants etc).

It's a big high

Why are you so upset that I insulted your jungle poison made by squat brown men who don't bathe?

damn, the body is fucking dumb desu

> 0.001% coca leaf on the table
I'd fucking chew that shit.

This only happens from extended use, your body releases all the dopamine and it take a day or two to generate it all back such as in MDMA, speed, etc.

I've taken speed everyday for the past 3-4 years now an I'm fine besides a few downs. If you use it responably you will be fine

Its overrated (to me), but I think like most drugs, some people get a better high from it than others.

Opioids don't do shit for me either, I take a vicodin and I just get nauseous and want to sleep, don't feel good at all. Others take it and are filled with energy and euphoria. So in the end, its all depends on the person taking it.

You in mexico nigga?

Production is centralized in Andean countries, mosltly Colombia and Bolivia. It's farmed by poor people, made by guerrilla's cheap labor and sent to Central America and Mexico by Colombian cartels. Then it's mostly Mexico's responsibility for the distribution

i know what downregulation is, thank you... Show me studies that show a irreversable effect after such a low usage.

It's overrated shit that lasts way too short and it is way too expensive, I spent $500 on this shit in like one weekend during my coke days. I much rather snort ketamine, more bang for your buck and it gets you fucked up out of this world

yeah, well at least in my country there is this lutherian fucked-up ideology of not having fun ever, not even on your deathbed.

There once was a TV-debate about whether cannabis should be legalized as remedy for MS and cancer patients.

The conclusion was no, because cannabis can give them euphoric feelings which is strictly no-no because it may get them addicted and enjoying their last moments. This was the only downside they could think of. And then they wonder why we suicide.

This is retarded, who is going to sell the cocaine to phramcies now that the demand for it shot way up?

>hurr show me a study

I literally just proved it to you if you had any idea on how - Le Châteliers Principe works.

everything is a Chemical equilibrium including your dopamine levels

The lack of any form of scientific reasoning in all of your posts is incredible you larper Scandinavian freak. Your non existent chemistry degree fails to account for neuroplasticity and the ability of the brain to alter itself all the way through to death.

kitty is a gift from god

Your correct but not about low doseages nor the damaging brain affects after one dose, if you could provide a citiable medical study that would be good like germany asked for

All of the cocaine that is above 90% purity in Hollywood is grown in the California valley.

>They are already on this side of the wall.

>ctrl+F "heart"

You'll cowards don't even care about your health.

Naw nigga I a Philly nigga

What about upregulating by micro dosing

If it were legal, it'd be made here.

This so much.

First few times I did cocaina I was certain I was gonna die in my sleep, albeit my inability to sleep due to my heart pounding away.

>Using illegal, dirty and short supply cocaine
>Not puryfing widely available and clean ritalin
I tought you guys knew your drugs.

this is an empirical question that can only be resolved with empirical studies.

referring to a abstract general principle like
>muh homeostasis
isn't nearly enough to establish permanent, and measurable effects isn't enough for complex systems.

Naw nigga


I got bricks for 11k

>Not understanding how cocaine is made.

Ok bud, I'm sure we will have rain forests full of that shit.

esp. when the general principle you refer to actually implies a gradual return to normal after stopping ingesting cocaine.

>What is a greenhouse?


Tbh you should sling bricks from coast to coast

CIA ponzee scheme just like heroine.

BTW why is Ollie North a regular fox news consultant?

I like it. I have had some very insightful moments when Im on it. It actually helped me see some things from a healthy perspective.

Its really not a thing for every day or even once a month though. Only do a little. Enjoy it, move on

Then show some proof you idiot. I studied this before,and cocaine is not really neurotoxic. Adderall is much more neurotoxic in comparision. The realy concern if coke is that it is highly toxic to the heart, and the toxicity is about 20 times higher when combined with alcohol.

You're literally over blowing it. It xauses a week long change in mental state that is conducive to further drug use as it temporarily retards the formation of new memories.

If you're really a chemist you're a fucking shit one.

>Thinking a greenhouse will output more than entire plantations in Colombia.

I don't know about its pleasurable effects, but I do know it beats the shit out of your heart.

Tachycardia plus sustained vasoconstriction plus long term equals heart failure. See Ms.Fisher and Mr.Micheals.

that´s the point it will never return to normal, it will come closer to normal, and never hit it. the second time you do it will come close to where the first time use k=y and so on.

Recommend a coffee