Why are you such a bigot ?
She's a GIRL ! Deal with it !
Why are you such a bigot ?
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it didnt say mommy or pappy first, no, its first words were "i am a girl"
sounds logical
Did they just call human genitalia a deformity?
Anyone have that sweating man has two buttons to choose from, one of them saying "Kids under 18/16 can't consent to sex because they're not adults/can't actually think for themselves" and the other going "5 year olds can undergo hormone therapy to become transgender"?
Yes, but no worries - soon doctors will be allowed to remove the genitalia of all children at birth so they can grow up without bias!
Kid was probably brainwashed. Kids don't actually think about this shit unless someone's pouring the shit straight into their brain.
So first they circumcise boys, then put them on drugs for adhd and now they are even giving them horomones?
"Based" America
As sad as I think it is, I don' t think it' s too far fetched to imagine SJW shitting out children just to "play" with their "gender" expection.
the vein tells otherwise
No that is a child and teaching it about sexuality and the implications that go with it is legally grooming
and thus the greys are born
>Oti has male DNA. It's that simple.
fixed that for nat geo
that's already happened
Shitty parents live through their children, it's a well known phenomenon in paegantry the idea that it can apply here is a very easy logic step to make.
> Just like a child can be born with webbed fingers and toes or born any other physical deformity, a person can be born with both male/female genetalia!
Why do Leftist Degenerates always use illnesses, deformities and mutations as an argument to accept abnormal behavior/birth defects as a normal thing that should be praised?
because we stopped killing the ones that were born with a defect. :(
This cause is so 20th Century, O.P. Get with the times--the latest causes are necrophilia and bestiality!
>too intelligent to fall for false phenotype traces
In spite of androgynous face my brain still says he is a he.
People should be allowed to identify with how they feel. He certainly looks like a girl, and fuck off Sup Forums for wanting to dictate her own identity. I'm glad people nowadays don't have to pretend to be something they're not.
you joke now but these are the first steps to pedofilia being acceptable. children under 18 need to be off limits for everything
This really made me think
I always felt since i was born that i need and can fly so i must cut my legs and take bird hormones.
Yes, hello, where can I contact this masculine child so that he can have sex with my wife?
just wait a few days and they'll be dead
Not an argument. Still funny though.
yes, he is a little girl
but not in the sense you think
Just give mr Shekelstein a call
>Groomed by parents into believing you are the opposite gender than you actually are
>Whored out to the media
>The entire nation has shared in your humiliation before the age of ten
>Suddenly puberty hits
This kid is going to end up severely fucked in the head and probably going to commit suicide before the age of 20.
This whole trend is going to be one of those things the entire country looks back on in 15 years and collectively goes "how could anyone think thats a good idea". Feel bad for the kid, just more evidence the leftists are a danger to themselves and others.
>That 1000-yard-stare
Poor boy
>probably going to commit suicide before the age of 20
let's hope so
but the thing is, we'll never know
because it will be shushed up
He/she's sex was determined on a molecular level. Who are you or even her/him to argue against this?
Chromosomes don't change thier minds, or determine what they are based on feelings and current events.
This is a silly emotional response
The fact is the progeny of the poor can be made into a useful resource with child labour
Wrong, fucking idiot.
More like the opposite, if her parents were to suppress her emotions and not let her choose her identity, there would be psychological issues when she grows up. Why does she have to abide by your white patriarchal normative cisgender labeling? fuck off.
>She's one of these binary genders
Not even they can keep up with their memes.
>let's hope so
Let's hope not. He's just a kid, and innocent in all this. I hope he can recover.
>and then he grows up and was never heard of again because trannies are ugly and he probably already killed himself
>that's already happened
They should check out the new issue of nat geo. Full if parents who do just that
Me too. I've eaten chicken wings all my life. Still no luck though.
>human genitalia
No. Only penises, penis is the evil of the world.
wtf now I love abortion
>Doing Oti's hair
>is a reminder
>he is a father of a daughter
So we're back to gender essentialism for trivial shit such as "girl = long hair"?
These people can't even keep it straight in their own minds.
There's no such thing as gender.
That's why I must dress up as a stereotypical girl, wear flowery dresses, have long hair, use pink things, talk with an affected high pitch voice.
But don't you dare say a penis means you're a man, that's bigoted and will land you in jail in Canada.
Just keep repeating "this is consistent, this makes sense" to yourself.
Mentally fucking ill. Not just the trans ones, but their supporters.
Just wondering, if more men are becoming women, what will be the point of actual women beyond reproduction?
Both the sick pedophile parents and the kid need to be put down
If he start hormone replacement therapy before puberty he actually will turn into girl with penis.
Well, at least his body will have a feminine shape.
>implying he'd prefer trannies
Underrated post
>my impossible daydream of "loli traps" are becoming reality in my lifetime
It's just like my malaysian crayon art.
I should be upset by this modern degeneracy, but I can't. The jews are doing god's work.
And even if they do say they're a girl, you don't believe them. Because they're kids. Kids think they're power rangers and shit.
First world faggotry vs 3rd world reality
You're trolling I hope?
you still can't do one, tho
without breaking lots of laws that is
Are you trying to tell the Brazilian they can't be a bird?!?!?! You don't feel them identifying as something they were not born as is not an argument?!?! Day of the rake snow Mexican, day of the rake....
we are arguing about genders of 9 years old kids while the nigglet is glad he has a penis becuase he can fuck women with that.
We are fucked guys, we better kill all the liberals soon
>"i'm the pink power ranger because i'm a girl!"
There are people who have massive personality disorders and are absolutely convinced that the're Elvis.
Using the exact same logic those people would be the King of Rock and Roll, I'm not going to respect an idea that relies entirely upon the first person perspective to stand up to scrutiny.
>Father of a daughter
Daughters don't have cocks.
I bet that kid will be a qt teen trap if he gets on HRT early. What a world man.
Now all of a sudden being the green or white ranger isn't so appealing..
Very well said user!
The "consent" explanation for why fucking kids is wrong is retarded. The reason its wrong is that they get traumatized by it and have daddy issues for the rest of their lives. Why do we need some bullshit theoretical argument?
you dumb fuck, it says that she said "i am a girl" before "i feel like a girl" not that those were her literal first words.
which makes sense because it's what she naturally feels like so she has no reason to say she "feels" like anything but simply is.
she's pretty too. and has no testosterone in her at this age so she will most likely stay pretty with hormone therapy.
>This whole trend is going to be one of those things the entire country looks back on in 15 years and collectively goes "how could anyone think thats a good idea".
Nobody thinks it's a good idea, everyone has just been intimidated into staying quiet.
Because it's the only comparable act in nature they can use as an analogy.
Which is funny in it's own right, they're basically saying we accept people with physical deformities so why aren't we enabling those with mental deformities to live the same way, which I find hilarious because they're not bitching and moaning about our constant search for cures to shit like spinal muscular atrophy, blindness, deafness and a whole myriad of other physical disabilities.
Honestly if it was a case of folk hit 18 or became legally respoinsible for their own actions and decided to go for a sex change then whatever you've used your own sense of agency and decided you want to get fucked all day as opposed to doing the fucking but doing this to kids is just straight up wrong.
How can one be soooo fucking ignorant?
Tell that to one's hormones, as they need to shove hormones up their ass to get a weird ass voice and look androgynous as fuck.
That is true, early HRT traps are usually the only worthwhile ones.
You cannot be cereal.
The human body is like a fucking microchip, you fuck around with your hormones at your peril.
Sure maybe he gets on therapy young, looks neat, but oh wait his brain is wired like a guy's and he feels a deep sense of self loathing and OH FUCK CANCER because his body is just not designed to process the hormones you're shooting into him.
This shit is no better than self-mutilation.
Every day we drift further from God's light.
>i don't know shit about science
right, cancer.
>Kids under 18/16 can't consent to sex because they're not adults/can't actually think for themselves
Leftists don't think this.
What's this "assigned" shit? Does it have a dick? Yeah? Fucking MALE.
Also what the fine German here said. Reads just like fiction. That's weird.
I can't wait for this flaming trainwreck of a time to come to a nice dead stop.
now how does it know how a girl feels like? how does it know the feeling it has isnt that of being a boy? is it maybe because the parents gave it wrong ideas of what being a boy/girl means? how come such a young kid is already obsessed with what gender it is when it probably doesnt even know what the differences are, probably not even know what a gender in general is
The legend of Kaang is looking good
Children shouldn't go through hormone therapy, they are not developed like adults are. Based on logic alone, if the risk factors of mental illness for adults are bad why would children be any better? Kids should be kids, go outside any play not worry about their "gender identity"
>Denying that as a health risk
>Not realizing that there's a bunch of fucking unknowns because we're dealing with different chromosomes with a whole different set of instructions
Even if I am wrong, which some prelim research I've seen suggests I'm not, you are taking a MASSIVE risk with little Johnny just because he told you he liked Sleeping Beauty.
We aren't even aware of the whole gamut of health issues surrounding this shit, and the known ones to begin with are horrific.
I can only recommend this kind of therapy if you are an adult, and it is found that you have a legitimate conscientious problem with the way you look.
>gets on Sup Forums and goes to Sup Forums
>tells user to be more tolerant and less ignorant
be honest please, how do people like you end up here and why do you keep coming back?
>you are one of those people who pulls their own shit out of the toilet to speak condescendingly to it before eating it.
Laws are for sheeps.
Who wouldn't fuck that pinkhaired girl boypussy if they could?
Biology is the master and psychology is the slave, not vice versa. The sooner people can understand this in a general, popular sense, the better.
Ding ding ding.
The kid is experiencing qualia and has no idea what it means and is being told by his parents HEY MAYBE YOU'RE A GIRL!
It's all horseshit, everyone attempting to interpret what another feels and fumbling for meaning given the lack of perspective.
So you actually support modifying a child's hormones and endocrine system to permanently alter their physicality, looks, personality, and make them infertile?
Would you also support surgically attaching a horn to their head if they said they are a unicorn? That would be less harsh and crazy than the above.
Cool mental disorder. See you in 5 years when you commit suicide.
Is it born with a uterus?
No? Not a girl!
I identify as a trans-jew. So can the elders please let me in on their plans.
I hate to say this, but that's kind of hot desu
You are dealing with chromosomes with genetic information, enormous amounts of it, which all plays a role in how we operate and live, most of which we don't know what the hell it does and you think "Yeah lets just inject a bunch of hormones that are not in this natural cycle" as if there isn't a massive system of receptors for hormones, productions, genetic blueprints designed for a totally different set of chemicals and processes as if that isn't like shooting arch duke franz ferdinand in biological terms.
You have a massive interdependent system here and you don't expect that shit to fall apart like Chinese whispers?
Don't kids who undergo hormone therapy have a high suicide rate because once they hit puberty they realise they don't want to be the opposite gender? Do these parents honestly believe children are capable of making a decision like that? Once they finish puberty they'll be fucked as they realise they're actually not the opposite gender but stuck as it now because they've grown a pair of tits and their balls have shrunk up inside them.
Only a sick, jewified culture would allow this kind of degeneracy to run rampant
Kill yourself.
good lord, Leaf. not sure if you're trolling but your capacity of logical thinking is very poor and you're unable to take in consideration that kids are kids and they don't have a slightly clue of what they're doing.
no wonder why Canada is so cucked.
Transgender mania is a sign of cultural collapse
Neural reconstruction through surgery would be a better option to fix the structural defect
But it won't ever get off the ground now traps are a protected class
That's some heavy dope right there marine.
>if they could
i almost want one of those magazines for my very own
Listen you fucking leaf, looks like a girl doesn't mean he is a girl. He's a mental patient and/or some puppet for his SJW parents to manipulate to fit their narrative. The kids a dude, always has been always will be.
The counterargument there (and I'm not saying I agree with it) is that many things are more effective/permanent the younger they're done, and this is especially true before puberty.