So, I kept hearing about these "based Israeli Jews", that these were supposedly the "good" Jews. I honestly had my doubts, but now I have to agree - they're pretty damn based:


Other urls found in this thread:'s_Central_Role_FJ.html,7340,L-3778884,00.html

there are a lot of pro jew threads right now I wonder (((who))) is behind them

nice collection by they way, definite keepers

those black hats are creepy

You're supposed to hate jews above all else, Ahmed.

We know the Talmudic Jews and atheistic Jews are the bad ones OP.

Literally illuminati tier.

Good Jews only follow Torah and stay behind their walls and shoot brown people.

Bad Jews promote communism and Marxism.

You think I'm JIDF?

>Good Jews only follow Torah and stay behind their walls and shoot brown people.
The Torah is explicitly antizionism.
Zionist Jews have arguably done more real damage to America than Communist Jews.

Hell we're supporting Isis and Al queada for Israeli regional interest as admitted by Hillary herself

And let's not forget 9/11 and JFK's_Central_Role_FJ.html

peace, love, and tolerance have failed

let's just start WWIII already

But Talmudic Judaism is by far the largest segment. If American bible-thumpers knew about the Talmud I'm sure they wouldn't be so pro-Israel.

>Gittin 56b, 57a: Jesus' punishment in afterlife was boiling in excrement

muh blessed people

>The Torah is explicitly antizionism.


Vile, disgusting, introverted, zealous, sly, loudmouthed ratty. That's all I'm getting from these videos. It makes me hate them more, and I'm not even Christian.



Orthodox Jews aren't human and I'll stand behind this statement no matter what the subject is.

Just a literal JIDF meme
They're still oven dodging kikes

Those are Orthodox Jews.
It's like choosing Mormons or Amish as the representations of Christianity.
Also the drunk guy was drunk

That pic is oddly erotic

No I was commenting on how your thread is the only Jew thread that is talking about how shitty Jews are

Aren't the mormons and amish kind and modest?
Also no, you are absolutely 100% wrong, this is the real Judaism, anything more moderate is simply a dilution of Judaism.

google it

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,”

"Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat,"

"With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,”

>Zionist Jews have arguably done more real damage to America than Communist Jews.
Maybe in the short term but communism has spawned poisons like cultural marxism that will hurt your societies for longer, and in a much more severe way than any war or financial sacrifice ever could. just saying that's all, not even making excuses for us Zionists.

>Good jews
this shit must stop

You getting them Shekels OP. You fighting fo Israel now boy.

Get it kike. Get it.

Did you even watch the clips? They're not very flattering, although I always enjoy seeing (((Christians))) getting BTFO by kikes.

>2 shekels have been deposited into your account

Good goy.

Shabbat shalom! Funny thing is that you anti-semites are still going to be bred out of existence

Are they like the Niggers of Israel ? Sitting around all day getting their benefits and breeding like rats ?

Who are the "good" Israelis then? Do most Israelis despise the Orthodox Jews?

Thanks, your honesty is much appreciated!

holy fuck I`m scared. My girlfriend is jewish and asked me to meet her family next year..


christianity requires you accept jesus as your lord and savior. jews wont do it its why they are still jews

idiots post WW2 decided to be nice to the jews but you believe this will be the second coming of the messiah they believe this will be the first

from a theological standpoint its may as well be completely different religions with nothing in common. christians follow a false prophet in the jews eyes and jews reject gods son in the christians eyes


Sorry, sie hatte keinen Judenstern an als ich sie kennen gelernt habe

Ben Shapiro is orthodox jew and is pretty based desu.

Yes, they also riot a lot. When I served in a Magav unit near Jerusalem five years ago there were times during the year where you would be kicking the shit out of haredim more often than arabs.

Idk, secular ones I'm assuming, because most people I've met are pretty much ok except for those cunts, and arabs/niggers. I know many Israelis who despise the Dosim because they steal our tax money and leech without shame.

How do I know who is a good Jew and who is a bad Jew?



we're all bad jews honestly
but israeli ones are even worse to arabs than to whites, for what it's worth

>you anti-semites

>bred out of existence

You realize you shekel stackers will be long dead before that ever happens to us.

Its only a matter of time people start openly criticizing jews for their bullshit again.

You are like women we need to back hand every 70 years or so.

And the seculars are the ones who will obviously respect Christmas out of some degree of liberalism or decency, while the Orthodox genuinely hate Jesus Christ with passion.

Based! They're just defending """"""""their"""""""" land goyim, ((((((((((((((god))))))))))))) gave it to (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((them))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) afterall.

orthodox jews typically live in closed communities, Ie 100 Shaarim, so other israelis don't actually see them unless you venture there, heavens know why
if you're a christfag and enter their neigborhoods they'll might throw stones at you not unlike sand niggers

just google images of Ramat Aviv and compare it to this image and you'll see why we don't like them much

same goes for pro-racemixing threads
are we being ''raided'' again?

Except cultural marxism was invented by kikes.

and practiced with fervor by igors.

For fuck's sake, these vile impotent rats.
Cockroaches, all of them. You can't be more of a living, breathing cliché than these weak ass fucks. They only survive because stronger men protect them.

Israel need to get rid of these leeches. Would be a big step out of the middle ages

>Not knowing that cultural marxism is horribly wrong from Leninism/Stalinism perspective and was literally invented to PREVENT revolution from happening
Wew lad.

Is this shit real?

How does that contradict my point you illiterate pizda? I said that the communist kikes were far worse than today's imperialist kikes. Fucking learn to read

Schlomo - why do you dress like you are still living in Poland in 1890's in the coldest winter on record?

You are living in a desert climate. You don't need to dress like a penguin anymore.

Furthermore did you see those inbred creatures? I guarantee you none of those Penguins are doctors, engineers or scientists.

So while you mock us we look at the demographics for you. Israel will be flooded with homegrown muslims and penguins with their low IQ and retard ways.

Your country is going to vanish. Nothing you can do will stop it.

so you admit that I'm a jew that doesn't even know cultural marxism is?

A. no orthodox jew is allowed to post here
B. none of those literal pieces of garbage works at all, they are mostly on welfare, and mostly lack even common core knowledge, so they are far from doctors or anything like that.

You make it look like it was some kind of a natural event ("spawned") when in fact a small group of kikes invented it.

You actually think this is a pro-Israeli thread, don't you? Even after watching the clips? Some people here on Sup Forums are really fucking retarded.

ok. fair enough. Those are your version of the "drink poison and play with snakes" retards that everyone says are "Christian"

You need to put them down or force them to step in the 21st century, all of them.
They are a burden to your country. And you didn't even had to get culturally enriched by opening the gates like EU.

Ffs they're like homegrown nigger

why arent orthodox jews allowed to post here?

You're Israeli Jew so probably.

what is it about you fags and your politicians that make you so hostile to Israel
I mean I could get why americans don't like us but what the fuck is your issue?

you're the ones importing sand niggers and dindus while israelis barely even have any direct contact with you
so what gives

Again that was not my point, my point was that the damages of Communism outweigh the damages of Zionism, nothing I said was about who's responsibility is it.
No, they are our version of what you imagine as a stereotypical kike, with a little bit of nigger mentality thrown into the mix.
Yes, we do.
Not allowed any internet or tech generally, not to mention they most probably don't know english(or basic math - as I said, not even basic education outside of their rabbis interpretation of the torah).

the fuck sort of question is that
most ultraorthodox jew sects aren't allowed to even get on the internet at all, dumbass
and the few that do are loudly and violently ostracized off their communities if someone finds out they've been anywhere near sites that contain images of women, nevermind actual porn

I have a feeling you might enjoy this scene from Bruno....

>l-le based Jew meme
>Jewish Hypocrisy - Flooding Europe with Immigrants
>Talmudic Jews: 'Non Jews Are Beasts to Serve Us as Slaves'
>What Jews really think about you
>Israeli Minister "We always use the anti-Semitism trick or bring up the Holocaust"

>Putin: Soviet Government Was Mostly Jewish 80-85%

>Winston Churchill exposes forces behind Communism

so if I don't, what the fuck do I have to do with the kikes that did invent it?

Isn't Ivanka Trump an orthodox jew like her husband? They use internet and technology.

Israeli Spies: 'Mega Was Not an Agent; Mega Was the Boss'

Israeli Spying on U.S. at 'Alarming Level'

Lavon Affair
>The Lavon Affair: How to Make Jews Look Good and Muslims Look Bad

Netanyahu Says 9/11 Terror Attacks Good for Israel

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

U.S. Furious at Israel Equipment Transfer to China

U.S. Secrets 'Used to Buy Freedom for Soviet Jews'

Zionist Spies Against America

wish i were a slim, attractive qt3.14 who could go walking thru their orthodox israeli hugbox in a string bikini and high heels

did you see her wearing a headscarf to cover her hair? or her husband having a massive beard and dos clothes?

they're orthodox in the sense of "standard" jew, not ultraorthodox haredis like the ones in the OP

Bretty funny tbqh
Ah yes, American "jews"
Guess what's the fastest way for a regular joe to get minority points? Wear a kippa once a week at best
Anything that is more moderate than orthodoxy is simply post modern judaism, just as if a Christian were to not believe in hell or a Muslim would have not believed in conversion. Just a way to keep your ancestral identity without the hassle of responsibility.
I don't really know what the Christian equivalence is, but I know it'd be popular in the most rich and elitistic, and leftist areas.

>one jew thinks this anothet thinks that! oh the hypocrisy!
kek. show me at least a jew that is for jewish israel and multicultural europe, then we might have some grounds for the hypocrisy accusation.

AIPAC: The Most Powerful Lobby in America

Israel Accused of Selling U.S. Secrets to China

Israel Eavesdropped on John Kerry in Mideast Talks

Israel Gave Secret U.S. Tech to China

Israel Secretly Sells American Nuclear Weapons to China

Israel Sells Arms to China, U.S. Says

Israel Spied on Iran Nuclear Deal Talks, Planned Campaign to Reshape or Kill It

'Israel Stole U.S. Uranium to Build Nukes'

Israel Won't Stop Spying on the U.S.

Israeli Espionage 'Hushed Up' by U.S. Officials

Whats wrong with his eye? Was he beat up and put makeup to cover it up?

Sweden saved thousands of Jews during WW2 and in return, they ruined our beautiful country. There are plenty of reasons for Swedes to hate Jews (especially for National Socialist Swedes).

Do all their kids have down syndrome?

They says she converted properly and practices all the festivals and keeps the kosher food diet along with observing the sabbath. Is she still not considered Jewish by Jews now? What a bunch of cunts.


>that image

does it matter, you dummas?by the time it will happen( if?), you will also be dead.Alo genetics is monstrously complicated.There are very few chances that the white race will disappear any soon.

They all do, deep-down.

I.A.E.A. Rejects Arab Nuclear Resolution on Israel

I.A.E.A. Urges Israel to Allow Nuclear Inspection,7340,L-3778884,00.html

Israel Rejects U.N. Call for Nuclear Transparency

Israel's Samson Option: the Real Nuclear Threat

Israeli Historian – "Most European Capitals are Targets for Our Air Force"

Op-ed Calls on Israel to Nuke Germany, Iran

Pam Geller Says, If Iran Attacks, Israel Should Nuke Europe

Samson Option: Israel's Plan to Prevent Mass Destruction Attacks

At least, when the world is overrun by leftists, Israel will be the next in line.

Admitted Spy Shows Up for Oscars - and Wins

Boston Bombing will Boost U.S. Support for Israel, Says Netanyahu Aide

Congressional Staffer Offers Israeli Classified Material

Declassified FBI and CIA Docs Confirm Israel Stole U.S. Uranium to Build Nukes in 1950's

Eighty-Five Year Old Israeli Spy Spared Prison for Sending Israel Secrets

FBI Says Israel a Major Player in Industrial Espionage

Hollywood Producer Arnon Milchan Says He Spied for Israel

'Hollywood Producer was an Israeli Nuclear Agent'

If Israel Sold Patriot Secrets...

What About Israel's Nuclear Weapons?

why are you eurocucks so fucking retarded??

get the SD running things already
get rid of all fucking communists, liberals, antifags, diversitards, and above fucking all sand niggers
christ, you think Israel gives a shit about jewish SJW cucks or jews that leave Israel and move to Europe? we hate them more than arabs

you wouldn't hear a fucking word of complaint from literally 90% of israeli jews here if you gassed every single trouble maker in your nation, starting with your fucking faggot government

I didn't say anything about you but you're obviously both kikes just on different power levels.


Because she's Jewish by way different standards, and those standards are for well off euros with some Jewish roots or a Jewish husband. No sane women will choose the real laws of Judaism on herself as they are very close to Islam, so a westernized version was created - which means that she in face does barely a fraction of the infinite amount of arbitrary rules imposed by Judaism.


The girls are fucking amazing. Seriously. Chicks in bikinis with guns. They would destroy fat liberals.

Do you do more than her? Do you observe the sabbath and eat a strict kosher diet? Does she do more than lets say half of the Israelis? And you ask why people are antisemitic.

No. Do you think I am a religious Jews judging by my posts? I personally think that they deserve a real painful and a real systematic death.
And no, a lot of Israelis are secular.

Jews want a one world government where they can enslave the entire world, with Greater Israel being the epicenter for Jews. This was the purpose of creating Communism and the Soviet Union (Marx, Trotsky, Lenin, etc. were all Jewish)

>if she has coca cola in her hand then she'll make you into a black Christian

>People are antisemitic because some Jews don't follow their traditional religion
Tell me more retard

I was talking about Ivanka specifically from my first post to you. You implied she wasn't a real Jew. You misread things not me.

whatever cuck, we're still going to exist and multiply.

Leave your wallet at home.
