Why are all intellectuals Jewish?
Why are all intellectuals Jewish?
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Superior genes
Not true. What about mexican intellectuals?
Jews have very high IQs for the most part
Their religious rights instill an appreciation for reading. It's literally a requirement for becoming a man.
Any other answer is objectively wrong.
Because Jews are promoting each other.
Because the people in power tell us this. Who are the people in power?
Because you only have to talk bullshit and never produce something of value. Perfect jewish job.
Higher IQ due to mostly banking jobs and other jobs that benefit from IQ
a lot of them are actually Polish
Because their entire religion is based around scholarship, critique and debate.
To be a Muslim, you have to put your head to a carpet five times a day, fast during Ramadan, go to Mecca once in your life and give to charity.
To be Catholic you have to be baptized, receive the sacraments and go to Church every weekend.
To be a Jew, you have to study the law. You have to study the Talmud and Mishnah, which is literally the recordings of debates between rabbis and other kikes for thousands of years on the meaning of the law. Since the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed, the Jews have no place to actually worship and make prayers to God. So instead they worship by reading, studying and debating. When you go to school in Yeshiva, you go to a debate school where everyone is building arguments and doing intellectual battle over an obscure passage in Leviticus.
This why you can't debate a Jew. They will always win the debate because they are trained since birth to do it. It's why the only way to really deal with the Jewish problem is pic related.
ayyyyyyy lmao
Because you live in a bubble and fail to notice many intellectuals for their misaligned views and opinions with you or the english speaking media you consume.
Two main reasons:
1) Jewish culture encourages intellectualism, and the average IQ of Ashkenazi, non-nigger Jews is high.
2) Nepotism. Jews control academia and use it to reward their own and exclude those they dislike.
>Trained to be superior thinkers
>we gotta kill the kikes hurr
Whites are to Jews what niggers are to whites.
Ah, dude it's a conspiracy. Jews are smarter because of the jewish conspiracy, not because of their genes.
The blacks are dumb though because of their inferior genes, that's why I call myself a race realist.
-Sup Forums
Here i fixed it for u.
Speaking about sociology, only Piterim Sorokin is a good one. Based and russian. All others sociologists (mostly jewish) are phonies.
the point isn't that jews aren't smarter, the point is that they're hostile to white nations and can't be included in them
same shit here
they're extraordinarily neurotic and nepotistic which makes coexistence impossible
multiculturalism doesn't work, fucktards
>sit back and whine about gubment oppression
>goyim like Snowden and Assange do the actual substantive action
Eheheh... silly goyim