
Why do Asian nations still use primitive bamboo sticks even when the White Man introduced more hygienic form of kitchen ware (metal forks, knives etc.)?

>Oh but they are efficient way to eat your food Finnmongol-San

I am getting tired of this. They are absolutely shit-tier food items in terms of inserting food from a plate to your mouth. One could host eating competition where competitors were allowed to choose their utensils and no one, not even the Chinese, would pick out the chopsticks.

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kung-fu skills, only way

>more hygienic

I don't see how forks/spoons/knives are more hygienic than chopsticks.


>have tons of useless bamboo forest
>make tons of sticks that you can throw away after each use
>bamboo forest has grown back tomorrow

>they're so inefficient and hard to use
if you're a moron with flippers for hands

>have shovels and rakes and ptchforks for millenia
>never figure out to make tiny versions for food
so much for high asian IQ

Boohoo, someone's butthurt he can't use chopsticks. I guess your fingering skills must be just as shit tier.

I find them easy to use but not as efficient as a knife and fork.

Wood is porous.

Metal isn't.

Bacteria simply washes off metal.

Wood harbors it.

There's a reason rich people use silver utensils, and everyone else at least uses stainless steel.

Most medical and food service equipment is stainless steel too.

And no, not because it's "stainless", do some research.

people throw away the disposable kind
the reusable kind is made with plastic or metal

You can't allow asians knives and forks at the dinner table because they are all so good at martial arts you could be killed in an instant

At this point it's more cultural reasons than anything.

Actually, I have the theory: Back in the days, they couldn't trust each other, so sitting together with knifes and forks, which were a lot thinner, more needle-like, was a bad idea. So they sticked with their wooden sticks. Tough shit if you manage to kill someone with it, but it's less likely.

>No efficient

You assume the point of eating food is to ingest it as quickly as possible. Part of the point of chopsticks is to take a little at time, to enjoy the food. Efficient has different cultural meanings.

amd youre a slanted eyed kike

But as said, wooden chopsticks are for one-time use.

Chopsticks offer more dexterity when cooking and basically elongate the fingers, if you know what you're doing. Much more graceful than a fork or spoon.

None that I've ever seen. Lacquered wood mostly.

>go to chinese restaraunt for a quick fix of shit food
>friends use chopsticks
>use regular tableware since I'm not a savage

>not using a spoon and fork to eat
Fuck off with your knife and fork.

The rest of the world just uses their dicks instead of their fingers.

>flips eat steak with spoons

How? I am legit curious.

>t. kissless virgin cuck who can't get the sushi into his mouth
It's okay dude you probably wouldn't like it anyway

>Using cutlery
Why would I want to use chopsticks, knives, or forks like some unadvanced human? It's too slow and inefficient!

Yea, because you can't just put small amounts of food onto a fork...

And that's fucking rich coming from a Gook. You uncivilised cunts literally hold the bowl up to your mouth and shovel it down like a fucking pig

Your Chink neighbours are the exact same

Stick the fork in the meat and cut with the side of the spoon. The meat is soft anyway.

Why can't we embrace difference in food etiquette other than insulting each other?

This is Sup Forums only the white way is correct.

It's something called culture, you globalist faggot.

>I don't see how forks/spoons/knives are more hygienic than chopsticks.

You realize they use the same sticks to take food from the shared bowls/platters?

stop crying if u don't want to use chopsticks, u don't have to. there's plenty of people who use forks here instead of chopsticks. stop crying about little things and do something productive instead, u fucking cuck.

Eat with hands. You're gonna wash them anyways.

If no one has mentioned this yet, it goes back at least to Confucius. According to his school of thought, using knives and forks to eat would foster violent tendencies so eating with harmless little sticks is just another way to develop virtue.

Also fewer dinner table stabbings for sure.

This can help improve the immune system.

Found the poo in da loo

>The meat is soft anyway.

Then you overcook your steaks like a pleb.

Not for long. Ban assault sticks!

Competition drives progress.

>eating hard meat
Do you like erect dicks too?

Checked and I used to feel the same way.

But then you look around and you barely ever see any fatasses here.

Maybe there is something to not being able to fill your face as efficiently as possible in the long run.

>You realize they use the same sticks to take food from the shared bowls/platters?

They have serving chopsticks.

Do you know what else could improve your immune system? Swimming in shit once a week to expose yourself to a greater range of microbes.

Do you know what's a shit idea? Swimming in shit once a week.

>They have serving chopsticks.

Never sen those in any Chinese restaurant.
And I've been to plenty, and high end ones.

kys Taiwan

>You're literally the jews of Asia

True. But, I'm sure you share food with your friends and family from time to time. Do you refuse to share food because you might get sick?

I mean, if someone is sick, then they use serving chopsticks.

>more hygienic
technically it was found that wood and bamboo have low level resistances to specific bad bacteria. it why wood cutting boards are preferred by some. mean while plastic ones seem to be incubators.

many metals are actually surfaces that specific bad bacteria thrive on and hot water wont kill them. its why every place that serves food in america has to use chlorine tablets in the dish washing area or they get shut down

>I'm fucking retarded and cant use chopsticks so someone made fun of me

ok mehmet

Ask for them? Not rocket science to go 'Hey, put serving chopsticks in everything!'

I love eating with chopsticks. I use them for shit though. Whenever I go to an asian restaurant I use them. As a Czech, it really endears you to the chinks serving the food. They see it as you showing your interest in their culture (which they usually keep to themselves, there is no forced integration). After going back to the restaurant a few times you notice the amount of food they serve increase by a large margin and the quality of service is much better. Chinks are good like that.

using chopsticks is easy af tbqh famalam

>my race is so retarded we couldnt invent the fork and eat by moving rice grain by grain with two sticks

It actually couldn't, you'd destroy yourself swimming in shit once a week. The critical development periods to work your immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory axis is btw something like 6 and 8months then again later between like 1.5 and 2 years

No but I also use a fork and live in the same place as my family and I see my friends frequently so there'll be transfer of microbes without worrying about my type of eating utensil.

It takes 24 hours for a persons microbiome to overtake a new location i.e moving to a new house, I can guarantee you your eating utensils aren't worth dick in this argument because after sitting with anyone for more than 30 minutes your face will be swarming with other people bacteria.

>why do asian nations have their own culture

Fuck off you globalist kike filth

Leafs posting when they don't know shit.

>not realizing the rice Asians eat is pretty sticky, thus easy to eat with chopsticks
is it painful being this retarded?

real binnish men dont enjoy human contact, socializing when eating is a very cuck thing to do

ever tried to pick sushi with a fork, baboon?

Did you not realise you could slide the fork under the sushi?

Or just learn how to use chopsticks you uncultured swine.

I can and do use both, I'm smart enough to realise though that forks are superior in every single respect.

>>You're literally the jews of Asia
that would be south korea actually

Wow you are officially the dumbest nigger in the room.

different idea of food
food eaten with chopsticks is not designed to be cut up, but served to you ready to eat

Forks don't do the following-
-prevent Alzheimer's/Dementia
-improve dexterity
-help with managing weight
-you can pick up noodles without looking like an idiot
The easy way isn't always the best way.

They have to go out of their way to make it sticky with rice vinegar.

*tips conical hat


no we dont

l2 eat rice with chopsticks, you either pat it down and pick it up in clumps or you use the sticks like a paddle for fast eating

needs 101 utensils to do separate things, wasteful, clunky

chopsticks are an elegant tool that can fill almost any role and pick up anything

This is literally the worst bait I've ever seen, you couldn't even catch flies with this shit.

What is soup, what is bolognese, or what is hot fatty meat that would burn your hand, plus you have to get the stuff out of that pots and pans, somehow anyways while still very hot to have it fresh. Plus why make your hand dirty, you would have to stand up to go and clean it than, instead of just putting the tray away and getting up when you have to go to the bathroom anyways.

Your rice is no stickier than western rice. The only reason rice would be perceived as stickier to a westerner is if it was the rice vinegar'd stuff they use for sushi rolls.


What can a chopstick pick up that a fork cant?


Both of you are retarded, a spoon is obviously superior.

Post yourself eating ramen with a knife and fork please

Nah, its much simpler: Japan has very scarce iron deposits, so they couldn't waste it on food utensils.
Fork became popular in Europe only in 18th century, when breakthroughs in chemistry and metallurgy significantly lowered price of steel.

because there government disarmed them of there knifes

part of it is helped by the wok. in older times, when it was over a fire/fire stove and not gas, having the food chopped smaller made it easier and quicker to cook. it is almost like intelligent design that the most comfortable size to pick up with chopsticks is also a good size to eat in one bite, and also a good size to cook through without burning on the outside.

it is pretty impressive to see 2 year old chinese kids eating with chopsticks while they have few other motor skills and body controls

Vinegar isn't what makes rice sticky, it just gives it flavored.

Various types of Asian rice, especially short grain white rice is indeed sticky.

Onigiri doesn't have rice vinegar but sticks together all the same. Riddle me that.

>I must only cook that shitty, sticky rice that i can mold into balls so I can pick it with my chop sticks
>I must sit down and eat at the pace of a retard because my chop sticks don't have the capacity a spoon or fork would have
>I have to pay more attention to not dropping my food than to my surroundings so my enemys can sneak up on me and stab me in the back

There is a reason you Asian subhumans lost your grorious empires despite the fact that you had superior technology and tactics than any white boi

... just use the fork?

>he uses forks and shit
Fucking heretic

Shut the fuck up Chan-Wook!
You are just jaelous because you can't hold your energy drinks with chop sticks while playing Starcraft for 72 hours.
You gooks have the table manners of African tribes when it comes to eating at a restaurant. Whenever I see Koreans eat they almost dip their nose into the plate while shoveling the food in with their sticks.

I can confirm, I use my dick to operate my chopsticks or fork

>muh culturr

They're more modular than metal utensils.

Vietnamese use spoons instead of knives and I don't know why cos none of them answer me they just laugh

Forks and knives are infinitely superior

Chopsticks are Stone Age shit

Also, in many asian cultures you share your dishes, unlike the west where usually everybody orders their own meal. Reaching over to a plate that is not in front of you is quite easy with chop sticks but doesn't really work with forks or spoons.


Only fucking retards keep their fork in their left hand and their knife in their right and then don't switch for the entire meal

>tfw chinks laugh at you for asking stupid question

In the USA we eat with guns

Or you know
Disposable cheap chopsticks > disposable cheap fork

keeps them from shovelling sugar shit into their bodies and becoming obese

Okay Wang lee