Alright, which one of you thought this was a good idea?
Alright, which one of you thought this was a good idea?
>He planned to turn an industrial-grade X-ray machine into a remote-controlled death-ray gun which would be detonated in an area with lots of Muslims
>Everyone near the truck would receive a lethal dose of radiation and die within two weeks of the attack
This is just brillant. Yet another proof of the white man's genius.
A true american hero
I wonder how he got caught? Did he post here?
>be British
>get radiated
what do you think ?
Fuck whyd they arrest him.
I'd much rather read the aftermath of this 'tragedy' that everyone is silently cheering over
This is a shame. Could have taken care of the business the govt has failed to do
It's in the article.
>Investigators began tracking Crawford in 2012 after he approached two local Jewish groups with a proposal for destroying Israel's enemies.
>Prosecutors said Crawford also sought support for the device in 2013 from a Ku Klux Klan grand wizard in North Carolina who was an FBI informant.
Outed by jews, what a surprise.
Fuck, that's actually pretty fucking hardcore.
Wonder how he got caught though?
He probably talked about it online, or with liberal friends or some shit.
this is fucking brilliant - the same destructive range of an explosion, almost no physical damage to property
Fake News.
Low energy even, how retarded do you have to be to believe this?
If he was a muslim stock piling weapons and acknowledged that is was to kill whites he probably would be off the hook with so much as a listing on a terrorist watch list and go on doing this multiple times.
>mobile death-ray gun designed to blast Muslims with a lethal dose of radiation
Another engineer to jail, good job America, you are wondering now about your jobs.
Well either outed by jews or the ku klax klan grand jew.
Glendon "Blast to the past" Crawford
Glendon "Hiroshima for every taqiyya" Crawford
Glendon "A healthy dose of radiation for each Muslim nation" Crawford
Glendon "Zip zippidy zap, gone with Muslim crap" Crawford
Glendon "Death Star beam for Omar Mateem" Crawford
They're gonna let him finish it right?
absolutely brilliant madman
>zip zippidy zap gone with the muslim crap
i think thats a awesome idea. you could use a old xray machine and bounce it in a chamber to build it to lethal levels. it would be sort of like using a capacitor when you dont have enough raw electrical current to do something
i mean you could use microwaves but short wavelength light forms are more devastating but long wavelength forms pass through material easier
Glendon "With the wave of my finger and flick of my dick one zap from me will kill you quick" Crawford
I remember hearing about this guy back when he got arrested. He probably wouldn't have gotten caught if he didn't try to involve other people.
>caught because he trusted a Jew
How can a smart man be such a moron?
Had this guy been black or muslim his sentence would be lighter or a rapefugee and he would only be scolded and then gifted clothes or some expensive shit.
>inb4 this guy "mysteriously dissapears" and gets hired by the American or british government.
It was part of his plan
>Grand Wizard of the KKK is a federal agent
as expected
literally 9 out of 10 white "extremist" groups are just Federal agents playing dress up. they parade around and perpetuate the myth of "white terrorists". I wish we could dispose of these pigs and stooges
How did Saudi Arabia take control of the FBI anyway?
Would've been worse if Clinton were to be president
>He planned to turn an industrial-grade X-ray machine into a remote-controlled death-ray gun which would be detonated in an area with lots of Muslims
>X-ray machine
The media is THIS retarded.