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learn your roots LEAFROACH
Fuck off roach. Azeri are just turkified Persians/Caucasian mix.
sure ahhahahha
>muh everyone in the middle east that I don't dislike is actually Turkish
fuck off retard, I don't even have any middle eastern decent and you people still annoy me
You have more Persian blood pumping through you than Turkic buddy ;)
are you sure?
Fucking CRINGY lad. Maybe you don't have persian blood after all.
My second favourite kind of datamining thread.
this is how average persian looks like, post yourself if you are so brave you monkey =)
Did I strike a cord? haha If I start posting pictures of ugly turk's I'd be here all day. Now fuck off from this thread if you have nothing to contribute and let this thread die so I can go masturbate to black milf's.
i repeat post yourself you subhuman inbreed filth
You started it i'm ending it ;)
Post some selfie with timestamp instead of hiding your face roach.
Stop being such a huge fag pls
Lad, regardless of your appearance Turks are literal homosexual subhumans.
My leaf friend could be an actual nigger and still be better than you just based on the fact that you're a roach.
is this allowed?
no it's not
Rate it
get on my level
>convicts in family tree
Why am I not surprised?
What site
Australia was once a prison colony, duh.
hi Nero
Who are you
you have the template?
What website?
Nah man I just copied over an already used one
Witness me.
Dunno anything on father's side, parents divorced a couple years after I was born and didn't keep in contact. Got back to Swiss and Swedish ancestry on my mother's side in the 1700s though.
this is proof that Bulgarians are just assimilated Turks
Take the test on because it's more accurate and then download your raw DNA data and upload it onto for a more accurate analysis
How the fuck did you dodge the genocide?
Most white african, some hungarian.
>ancestors are shitskin
>you're white
uh that's not how it works
They only killed muslims, not all ethnic turks.
Turks were just moved north away from the border, so they don't join any invading force.
No, I am a snowman, fuck you.
1/16 Polish
1/8 Ukrainian
13/16 Russian
100% slav and proud
We are all descended from the master race of Asians.
Why is nobody posting the funny ones
Nope! I don't black blood. My african ancestors were white. My Portuguese ancestors who went to Angola got deported for participating in the regicide of 1908 who later married other white women living there.
close to a million Portuguese live in Africa before decolonization.
Where in Angola? Loanda?
My mother's side ended up in Lourenço Marques. Then the leftist traitors in the army threw away victory in Africa and we had to leave.
Pure French 15+ generations
Parisian 3 generations
and just to clarify, despite the flag, I know that Lourenço Marques is in Moçambique
Kurdish bro what's up?
My paternal grandfather's side was from Malanje while my paternal grandmother's side was from Luanda, yes. And my father was born and raised in Luanda. Lourenço Marques had one of the largest Portuguese populations, I would guess second to Luanda.
In my honest opinion, the war was a lost cause. We were fighting against the trends of history. It was a matter of time before they became independent, really.
janissary rapebaby
>We were fighting against the trends of history. It was a matter of time before they became independent, really.
nope, just needed to deport negroes.
>This coming from a POO
Hey, we might be related
Where would you suggest deporting them to? Also, the war was very unpopular. I don't know about Lourenço Marques but In Luanda, the war was even unpopular among many Portuguese living there. My father tells me stories about how he and his friends would throw stones at the mainland Portuguese soldiers.
>Where would you suggest deporting them to?
To Asia.
wew lad your ancestry is depressing.
>My father tells me stories about how he and his friends would throw stones at the mainland Portuguese soldiers.
bud why?
Persian might be more or less white albeit unlikely, I'll give you that.
>not pure German for 18 generations
You can all go to inferior boards, you scum.
menim qardaşim you are of türk :DDDDDDDD
>1/8 Укpoп
Russian. No such thing as Ukraine.
Eh, it's all good. Some folks claim ancestry from nobles, others from serfs. I'm part of the latter. I'm proud of my ancestry, and that's what matters.
highly unlikely
They only way you can be this documented is if you are royal and then I guarantee you are not pure anything
>attending church for 18 generations
Americans are kidnapped slaves from europe anyways.
How did Maria and Giuseppe get over there?
pure is the key word
Going back 18 generations is not hard
tracing each line back is
What do you faggots think?
half jap quarter welsh quarter english
mostly an american
my white side is blonde. still just mostly american
Lots of Sicilians moved to where I live (Newcastle) which was an old industrial/mining shithole town in the late 19th century/early 20th century. I don't know much about them besides their surname was Antonucci.
>man works
>gets recorded in church
>gets married by locality because no cars or trains
>for 18 generations
not hard if not a fucking negro or other abomination.
>wop and a mac
Might as well go look for them
I'll check it out, I'm not 100% sure what region of Sicily they were from though.
that's basically me, but I became a burger instead of a leaf
>mfw light red hair, green eyes, and I'm whiter than the angloshits around me
Kill yourself.
azeri's are typically more white than the modern arab mixed persian
the armenian/azeri persians are the white ones
Can you read?
>Matrilineal side of the family is Russian religious fanatics that fled to the far East of the country to avoid the reforms of the Russian Orthodox church
>Patrilineal side is Germans who moved east after World War I and mixed with the Russians
I'm doing a genetic test right now, I hope I'm pure because my mother's side is from the islands that are near the Russian - Japanese territory dispute over the Kurils so some nip might have snuck into my otherwise pure Slav/Germanic heritage. I'm also not sure how pure my German side is and I hope I'm not mixed with any French or the eternal Anglo.
Also there's a long standing fear in my family that my German side is mixed with Jews. God forbid I'm a yid, although I'd be more able to live with that than with being a nigger.
your kids can be a leaf, but you're not. nice try.
t. ottoman rapebaby
Hey there hapa brother how you doing.
It's good you're fine with that.