>Romania's president sparked fresh political turmoil Tuesday after rejecting a proposal by the election-winning leftist party to name the EU country's first female and first Muslim prime minister.
>Klaus Iohannis gave no reasons for his rejection of Sevil Shhaideh, put forward by the Social Democrats (PSD), but there was speculation that it may be due to her Syrian husband's background.
Romania saved!
>Peoples' votes meant nothing
Pick one
very unprogressive of him
Raus aus der EU Zigeuner-Osmanen Mischlinge!
Wait, Romania was supposed to get a FEMALE MUSLIM PM?
Holy fucking shit, what in the name of fuck?
Very sensible. Based gypsybro doing his bit to block the Islamification of Europe
The law doesn't allow criminals to hold important positions. So the leader of the party that won nominated a puppet who was related to him.
It was all a bullshit move to force the president to reject her so they could have an excuse to impeach him.
He's German you stupid Anglo
>german president of germany welcomes refugees
>german president of romania rejects muslim pm
you can't make this shit up
If the people's votes and representatives created a system with checks and balances, then when they function as intended, it is also the people's will.
it was so close to have 4 years of laughter at romanians
Its OK, we have unlimited years of laughter at poles.
So Romania elected some SJWs and now the only thing standing in their way is the president and somehow Romania is saved
It's more like as soon as this guy leaves office you dumb gypsies will flush the rest of the country down
>born and raised in Romania
he's a Romanian of Saxon ancestry
>election-winning leftist party
when did you cuck yourself romania?
When the young people didn't give a shit about the election and PSD's zombie army did their duty for a bag of flour and a bottle of cooking oil
Most of the people who voted were from urban areas and not pensioners. True that 18-24 did not give a fuck.
> tatar muslim/syrian elected PM of Romania
Wtf is happening over there?
the main reason psd got so many vote it's because they promised that the pm will be male orthodox and the opposite party pnl supports for pm a guy with france name and soros is behind him they played us like a damn fiddle
you and your grandmother that you raped maybe
I thought Santa Klaus Iohannis was a low energy turbocuck.
Literally what's going on?
Even if she was accepted, it wouldn't matter. Romania's muslim population is possibly the lowest of any EU28 country(As a reference, lower than Poland's) and are not even close to the muslims you see in France,Germany or Sweden.
She is part of the 0.3% minority of this country: the tatar muslims, which have been settled near dobrogea for ~700 hundred years and even helped the romanians fighting against their own muslim kind: the ottomans, in the independence war. Doing so they gained King Carol I's trust and received the only mosque in this country.They are probably the most chill muslims in the EU:they don't wear things on their head, woman can actually dye their hair and i've also heard that they can actually drink alcohol.
She is viewed "negative" for the following reasons: the media and pretty much everybody in the public's eyes believe that her husband (which was a minister in Syria and is a supporter of Assad) is a red flag and also because she is actually muslim.She was proposed for the facts that she kind of has a clean record in corruption terms and also has some experience since she was a minister in the past.
People also talk about her possibly playing the woman & islam card but if she was to do that i'm pretty sure cities will be filled with riots.
>vote because muh higher wages and welfare and muh anti-westerner propaganda
>propose a muslim
It must sting to be a PSD roach.
>caring about the religion of a natursl born Romania
Are you suggesting we become Lutheran like Iohannis?
Yep. Another Merkel plant.
Intrebarea e... daca se ajunge la alegeri anticipate, cine castiga? Ca nea mustata, cu bine cunoscuta finete a PSD-istului caruia i se refuza propunerea unei slugi jenante, fix asta a sugerat.