You alt-right rapists are fucking dead. Watch your backs

You alt-right rapists are fucking dead. Watch your backs.

Other urls found in this thread:

>try shit
>get stuffed with lead

when will they learn that balkanigger is not to be fucked with?

*teleports behind you*
Für Gott, Heer und Vaterland!

I didn't think my eyes could roll that hard.

>he needs a gun to defend himself from pudgy teenage girls

Lol is this transvestite supposed to look intimidating? I'd shove that shitty knife right into its ass.

He have trauma after Croats with knifehands teleported behind him


(Microtech Troodon otf)

bash the fash

>Assaulting a black man
This is a fucking hate crime. I... I'm literally shaking right now. It's 2016. Fucking Nazi fucks.

I'm fine with beating up some feminists. Worthless cunts.



Gurl, you're holding your knife in the wrong direction...

knife and some edgy clothing from the gap doesn't stop some big somali nig from grabbing the knife off her and raping her

>even with guns they still look pathetic

Equal rights and also equal lefts.

>well fuck you up
>takes out little switchblade

what is this britain?

maximum cuck


It's called gender equality you bigot


MTV always sucked.

But they used to play music videos. How come this stopped being profitable? Was it jewtube that forced MTV into doing stupid sitcoms?

*rip open her blouse and pants*
Take my Aryan seed!
*she cums 5 times before I ejaculate*
*cum dripping out*
*she shivers and passes out*

nah it all started when that show 'the real world' got huge. then they made a separate music channel which eventually just became a channel for reruns of sitcoms from the first one.

> I'm cold
> will she be my gf now
> my feet hurt
> wish I was on 8ch right now

>He doesn't take pleasure in putting down lame dogs

I am still completely shocked they still manage to look like weak fags with such beautiful rifles.

with a forklift?

They beat up a black guy!
Two privileged, white college girls have fantasies about lynching a black man because of course the black guy must be a rapist, right?

I think this is an social injustice others must be informed about, what do you guys think?

One on right has mag in backwards.

Despite being weak beta fags, theyve killed way more people than we are responsible for here. We'd have to mass shoot a bernie rally up then every starbucks in town for any rwds to catch up to their score.



what's the point of the mask if you have bright green fucking hair

I'd fuck her if she let me go to town on her asshole

you neo-lefitst communists are raped, get pregnant with whit babies.


>covers face
>ya gotta hid my identity 'cuz no one will remember the shoulder length green hair

>yfw one of the actors went to your school

>with a forklift?

Jesus who is this qt, reminds me of the girl from Westworld

Whats the point of the face mask when it has long green hair?

lol who is this qt nazi? I wish to know for totally non masturbatory purposes.

>Rifles set to 1.5 scale
As a 5'7" Manlet not a damn one of them look like they're over 5'3" except for Porkins back there pretending to not stare at the grrls ass.

It's the bill of rights not the bill of needs.

>stabbing a black guy
Wow, surprised they went that far

>muh consent
>we had fun last night but I was super wasted and decided it was a bad idea the next day so it was rape

when will MTV go bankrupt ?


I fucking dare you to watch them all.

Watch them all!

Top kek
Look at the glasses one feet.

Fucking footlet

what's this from?

This show's actually alright for mindless entertainment, I got the feeling from watching that it was as much about making fun of SJWs as it was showing them in a 'cool' or 'heroic' light

Plus Bryan Cranston's daughter is cute in a weird way

really activates my almonds

>mfw living in a state that doesn't allow carrying OTF knives

GBH (2012)


can confirm it's so outwardly unrealistic that it makes for good entertainment

12k down votes
353 up votes


nice knife she got there. hope she can use it properly in the kitchen

that nigger from mtv decoded blocked me

You can't put an AR mag in backwards you nogunz, it doesn't even seat
Pick one, it's the ugliest of the AKs that aren't bullpup'd
>garbage tier AR with fucking gas block sights
Can these faggots afford anything nice? Fuck.

>Stabbing someone in the thigh to teach them a lesson

Woops i got the femoral artery, guess this is the last lesson youll ever learn: it doesnt matter if youre drunk, it matters f shes drunk.

Some of you pieces of shit are allright. Dont wake up tomorrow.

>I got the feeling from watching that it was as much about making fun of SJWs as it was showing them in a 'cool' or 'heroic' light
You got the wrong feeling

>trump most pro lgbtqpoiuoi president in history
>america just told us you don't matter

reminds me of this.


>knock knees
>aposematic hair

anyone who tries to hook up with girls like this deserves to get knifed in the femoral artery

why're they hurting a black man, are they racist or something?

>How to spot a mehmet 101

what am i supposed to see here?

This week in hipsterville

its all about fashion for them.


Viceland is doing a show on le alt right lads.

You motherfuckers realize this woman has a mexican boyfriend and that she hates racists, don't you?

Not even a joke. If someone has the pic post it.

>You alt-right rapists are fucking dead.
we all gotta go sometime

>nah it all started when that show 'the real world' got huge.

I wonder why a show that trains you how to live wrong got big?

His feet turned in like a toddler.

Mexicans can be white

It's a brown one.

I don't give a fuck but seeing alt-retards treating her like a goddess when she HATES racists is ironic af.

I might be stupid, but is MTV some sort of disinformation/marxist propaganda channel?

top kek

does this girls actually exist?

*unsheathes katana*
Heh, did you really think I'd let some whore take my wizard powers?
*teleports behind her*
*slices her into a billion pieces*
Looks like this roast... is served.
*tips fedora*
*teleports into the sunset.

>owned by Viacom Media Networks
>subsidiary of Viacom
>owned by Sumner Murray Redstone (born Sumner Murray Rothstein)

We will burn the heart out of the rightists

I cant be the only one hoping it would skip to an actually Katyusha

Is this the fabled cuck team?

There's no rape culture on campuses. There is a Feminazi maiming culture, though.

If the 1:4 male on female rape numbers were true, police would be everywhere. Truth is it's something like 1:13,000 anyone being raped. That's male on female and female on male rape. Yes, women rape men just as often.

Feminazi's like these two on campuses would be arrested, expelled, and charged. Most older feminists don't want the negative exposure to what it really is. Plus, universities and colleges would lose a lot of money with either a real rape culture or feminist assault culture in the open.

if this girl is in any way threatening to you, you should revise your training regimen
>tumblrina attacks you with a knife
>gently disarm xer
>you now own a microtech

Your Hakenkreuz is the wrong direction.

you can't just assume that person's gender, shitlord

If you're not sure what MTV once was, denmarkbro, it stands for Music Television, or should I say STOOD. Back in the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s the channel really was about all the hip popular music of the time. Now the channel is obviously this horrendously politicized leftist propaganda mouthpiece. Sad!

American degeneracy at its finest, how 2017 will be the year when this mistake will be erased.

Well, I'm just so happy I'm not going to one of those liberal indoctrination facilities.

I love military self defense figures
90% of them are solid and actually work then the remaining 10% are fucking goofy as hell

mall ninjas, man

