You all got played

You all got played

he gun make politics fun again

is all good bruh

That picture is really unsettling. The negative contrast to the red background is difficult to look at.

No we didn't. We wanted the Chaos Candidate and that's who we got.

Nah we always wanted the jews to win

>tfw psycho hillary's world war 3 would have been an objectively better scenario than more of the same semitic thralldom

He has said he won't fight for regime change in the Middle East, will side with Russia in defeating ISIS and will put America First.

The latest happenings with UN and Israel and Trump defending Israel may cause more issues and more wars imo.

Reminder that this is what the narrative will be for at least the next 2 years until the midterms. Russian hacking didn't work and the electoral college coup didn't work so now they are pushing the "he lied and is actually a Democrat/nazi/whatever" narrative.

will canadian shitposters ever get fun like the australians did? or do they have no talent?

>The latest happenings with UN and Israel and Trump defending Israel may cause more issues and more wars imo.

>t. CIA

Oh, no!

Can I still vote for Hillary? Is there still time?

If anything, Sup Forums cares about happenings more than anything. Just look at the board history. Anytime there is a happening, it means the biggest shitposting and most memes.

Having Trump win the presidency ensures the best memes, and most shitposting. Plus, buttblasted normies.


> more wars in the middle east
> bad

Let Israel murder every single pislamist. It will also exacerbate the "poor refugees" crisis and perhaps finally push actual Europeans over the edge into civil war.


jew. you don't know that government isn't a populartiy contest. and that we pay taxes that don't support world wide popularity of America. I don't fucking trust americana public to elect a president even with the electoral college. my god damn fucking monetary investment in this country is worth more than dull popularity.

I did it for the lulz.

Even if they murder 90% of them they will still end up sending millions to EU.

So enjoy 100.000 more shitskin migrants as quota

I still think it's too soon to tell just yet considering he's not even in office just yet. The big question is if Trump will be another cuck for Israel. And speaking of jews, since the left got gay marriage will the jews on the right push pedophilla next through the right? As sick as that is, it will be sadly comical to see all the cuckservatives shill for legal pedophilla in the future.

That's exactly the point. This situation cannot just simmer down because governments will try to push other "issues" and the we'll be simply left with the shit we already have.

Not only that, but Europe obviously need to deport subhumans retroactively, ie, deport entire families of trash that have moved here in the last 50 years.

And there's no better way to rile up the population, than getting fresh chimps who weren't yet told how to behave for free money.

>Muhh Butthurt

implying the Jews could even lose at this stage