You may only post in this thread if your country is more than 75% white.
Not so fast Americans!!!!
You may only post in this thread if your country is more than 75% white.
Not so fast Americans!!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
What a shit thread. Delete this.
We all know the usa sucks black and jewish dick, no need to rub it in.
Canada is not white, fuck you.
Spurdo spora
>belgium, arab emirates, finland
get the fuck off my thread you shitskin niggers
>have to go as low as 75 %, top kek
Sure my "white" friend, sure
can't stop me nigger
you're all just jealous of us. without us, you all would still be stuck in the feudal ages. God made America 300 years ago to save Europe, and we've done it countless times, and you all hate the fact we're your hero
Get the fuck off Sup Forums, canacuck.
America rocks, I have always been a fan of American culture and think that people are being overcritical of your country.
Where my nord brothers at?
ahahahaha poor cucknada
you may only create a thread on Sup Forums if your country isnt run by cheese niggers (cucks)
>Visit Canada
>95% Asians
This is white to you?
Sorry I didn't include you in picture, Sven
>99% feels good mane
fuck off leaf
God damnit, that cuck from montreal or somethbing.
the sticker is in french.
>wordpress map
I'm going to have to ask you brown fellows to leave.
Try again leaf
I present to you the whitest man in The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
greetings fellow whities
it sure is a good day to be a valued member of society
eh, at least Turkey is more white than America
welcome, Turkbro
Not our fault Mexicans are lawless faggots.
Look sir, stop causing such bother. Just accept it and leave.
I got sexually assaulted by Parker Hartzler
Right back at you
>75% white
>White country
Really made me think. fucking mongrels
>Eastwood is an English surname originally derived from the Old English words east and wudu, meaning "eastwood".
Why is there no ethnicity data after 2011 for the UK? What are you trying to hide bongs?
Buenos dias
Derived from a formerly white nation
So this is basically Eastern Europe thread? Hmm, ok.
Dobar dan shitskins
[You need to be 75% white or more to see this post]
ayy lmao
quit posting on a japanese board you cantodadian
I eat rice. WHITE rice. I'll post where ever the hell freedom of speech wants me to you fucking dumbshit fale leaf.
>Americans meme about us because they are jelly
At last I truly see...
Hello :)
What's up?
I'm waiting for the day where a "White countries only thread" is for countries with at least 20% white people.
Only white people in Canada are immigrants, the British and French here mixed with the Indians. You can't claim white if you are part algonquin.
mate, at least 90% should be the threshold so Ausfailia can get in and then we're full.
fuck off with your chink shit, mate
Agree with the first half, tho I don't think so they should be send to Auschwitz.
MUH HERITAGE is an American pastime my brown friend
It is, until the Romanians notice me. After that its the usual, HUN-RO shitposting thread
Get the fuck out you literal shitskins
I'm Britians bastard child and I don't give a shit about my heritage unlike most burgers am I allowed.
swag lads
>2014 map
Well Asians have been declared honorary Aryans after all.
My state is 93% white.
My state Pennyslvania is 80% white, Most pennsylvanians don't count Philadelphia as one of us.
>99% squadup
why are his eyes so bloody he should get that checked out
America is nordic
lol you are one to talk
Just look at this pic of Stockholm
Wow that's outrageous
Is that the leader of the alt-right?
I really like your flag Iceland.
Just something about blue backgrounds and red crosses I suppose
>a Swedish guy posing in front of the American flag
Really made me think
If you include white hispanics we're like ~70% white
Bozgor gonna bozg! How's that victim complex going senpai?
Even then that doesn't meet the 75% cut off for this thread
I'm spanish... can I post here?
there are niggers, ninjas, roaches and poointheloos everywhere outside and they all have white girlfriends, whilst i have no gf
Spanish are not white.
We are Nordic, especially here in California
Your link shows 80.9% in 2011.
There's a 40% chance that you aren't white, either.
I was playing WoT, and a dude from Romania noticed my Hungarian clan name, so he ended up teamkilling me. Otherwise the usual
>world of shit
Gtfo fatso
My state is 80% white, does that count?
Everyone in my family history is white.
Everyone, if an am*rican tries to speak to you just respond with [You need to be 75% white or more to view this post]. They are not welcome here
2014 and France is les white than Bulgaria (with all its gipsies)
>we're entering 2017 so imagine the numbers now
[You need to be 75% white or more to view this post].
hahahahahah, take that burgers
English people are the funniest on the planet! Good old English humour! Hahaha, superb wit and hilarious timing, I am laughing very hard right now!
Our countries pettiness gives me a strange sense of comfort. Stay comfy friend!