Notice anything?
DC Police flyer for a local actress/yoga instructor found dead the day after Christmas
>victim's race
>suspect's race
>j-j-j-just look in the picture below would you????
when will they learn?
She got blacked.
i wouldn't help anyone who drove a libcuck car like that
>Victim is a white female
>Suspect is a 5'9 male
Like clockwork.
>Brown Eyes
Not white. Don't care.
>reject negative energy, everybody is good inside, refugees welcome
Her pic looks like a stock picture
kek. she probably drove into SE and thought everything was just like her elitist NW bubble
In Germany kids set a homeless man on fire.Yes, all of them fucking fugees
Is that Ice Cube?
>white woman
>white car
>5'9 man
>>Notice anything?
>Times New Roman.
>Image aspect ratio.
had a friend who had all these old photographs of his family. he wanted really hi-res scans of them for safe-keeping, so he scanned them all at like 1200 dpi.
he saved them as jpg
>faggot car
>yoga studio
I'm sure she wants more diversity. Fuck her desu. Burn the coal, pay the toll.
Buddhist countries don't want islam or Africans either.
They hate them.
Ghandi hated them and knew they were subhuman.
The Dalai Llama hates them and knows they were subhuman.
>Abraham Lincoln wanted them to go back to Africa
>every pope until the current one knew they were lesser
There's a long list of enlightened minds and strong rulers that knew better.
If our founding fathers could see we would be so stupid, they'd have banned Islam and free Africans (mandatory deportation).
They could never have fathomed we'd let it get this far.
Neither could anyone of European heritage, just 100 years ago.
Never feel sorry for a shitlib who gets killed by a nigger. They should be the only ones who should die for their actions.
>white cucks will ignore this
>like they do every time
Lololol good goys
Is that a Hillary sticker?
Nigga's ruining his street cred rolling around in that fagmobile.
women are dumb. especially white women, they have no situational awareness. Completely unaware of any danger unless it stares them in the face. In most cases if they were situational aware then they wouldn't have died.
This gets the synapses firing irregularly.
manlets of any race are incapable of containing their impotent rage
I notice that it's funny to imagine the nig driving around in the stolen cuckmobile
>Burger living in Burgertown
Can't see desu. Looks like it's the symbol but gray/white? and black.
This is fake
good grief, less libtards the better
Everyone sing shit like "she deserved it, her own fault" are fucking enormous faggots. The niggers are waging a war on you, murdering your sons and daughters, wives and brothers, and every time you act like it should be fucking celebrated.
Seriously, you forfeit your right to exist being such tremendous fags. You're an embarrassment.
>white 46 year old woman
>white 2 doors toyota scion
>just look at the the picture goyim
You can't help idiots user. This woman chose to live in one of the most dangerous cities and paid the price for doing so. Like many others that have paid the price.
>Just another hippy liberal sacrificed to the blood god. Kek demanded it. Kek received it.
That's a Sup Forums clover winterfag
>one of the most dangerous cities
>Washington DC, your fucking CAPITAL
fuck you man. You're a disgrace for just shrugging the black on white crime off because living in a specific city makes you deserve murder by a racial stranger. You're such a fucking waste of air. Consider suicide.
I think the reason for this is that that's not a picture of the victim, it's a stock photo just meant to match her general appearance. That's why they describe her and shit and then with Dindu they say to check out the picture cause they got a good pic of him and it's better than describing his general appearance.
Don't be a hypocrite Sweden, you know full well shit like this also happens to your country, if you're still here typing away on a CP trading board then you're in no position to criticize others.
I live in Germantown, actually.
I know full well it happens here too, but when it happens here there is OUTRAGE. It makes me pissed off as fuck. I have personally intervened when a woman was harassed by shitskins. These tremendous faggots and lowlifes celebrate the rape murder of one of their own simply because she dared to exist and live in arguably the most powerful city in the world. If you disagree with me, maybe you're a faggot cuck like they are too.
These cucks would probably just walk on by and look down into the ground scurrying past the scene if they see a kang harassing or beating a white woman as to not upset the feelings of the nigger. Fucking fags.
When I was in the US my bus bypassed your town on it's way to DC.
The world is so small.
Still: consider moving to King Of Prussia, PA
Why do you guys just assume she's a coal burner? Because she's getting kidnapped and raped, she's a coal burner...? We don't know that. A nigger just kidnapped a white girl. He's going to rape and kill her. That could be one of your mothers, and instead of being the one place on the net that should be up in arms when a nigger is getting ready to rape an innocent white girl you cucks cheer. Why is THAT so consistent? White girl from ANY country gets abducted, raped, killed, or mutilated and you cucks cheer. This is the true reason our women go to shit skins. You morons are so against white knighting you don't protect women we're SUPPOSED to protect.
Tl;dr you faggots need to stop letting white women get raped if you don't want white genocide.
>mfw some pinko commie piece of shit driving that exact car got out of her car at a stop light to verbally assault me and tell me what an asshole I am for driving my car.
>I have personally intervened
sure you did
Anyways, don't project your shit on their situation. They might also be having an OUTRAGE as well but that doesn't go into the newspaper doesn't it, as evident by what we're hearing from Sweden.
>if you disagree you're a cuck!
great way to defend your opinion
Looks way more like black Willem Dafoe.
That's a different Germantown. I know because I leave net DC. The DC Germantown is all suburbs and strip malls.
Not to mention nowhere near any Washington county
Pretty sure if I "protected" this libcunt she would berate me for being a white male oppressor and picking on the nigger that tried to rape and murder her.
>Missing woman: white female
>Suspect: male
This must be white privilege and trumps fault. Buy my book goy!
White people are also now trained from birth to think it's racist to avoid blacks and that black violence is a myth.
1. Middle-aged white actress found dead of suicide in her own home.
2. Same middle-aged white actress also abducted by a black man.
>tfw op is fake and gay
Brown hair, brown eyes.
Jimmy status- unrustled
>yoga instructor
They all deserve to die.
>B-but user my eyes were green... S-save me white man
>46-year-old woman
Open-and-shut case: Probably died of natural causes.
I doubt there'd be an outrage at all because there hasn't been before when shit like this has been in the media. And based on these supposedly redpilled guys reaction to it, who all act like castrated numales, there isn't reason to think that's going to change.
Point in question.
They even describe the car color
Who cares, her opinion is invalid. You have to protect her anyway. Once you've killed the nigger, inseminate her.
This. Sven is right. Women easily change alliance when alpha makes are present. Dead male libcucks are good. Dead white women is bad in long run.
Every fucking time
Maybe in the last seconds of her life she realized her mistake.
Bucks County here