who is the real enemy?
Who is the real enemy?
They're both basically the same people.
We should upgrade the showers.
Le jews is a meme and muslims are pouring in millions to europe.
>is it sand niggers or sand niggers
>implying there is a difference
There's nothing objectively bad about Jews. They share our judeo-christian values and deserve our protection for being good allies historically persecuted unfairly at all times. It's just the Jewspiracies meme, but that's already fading away from Sup Forums.
>They share our judeo-christian values
Jews worship Satan
Never has the "why not both" meme been more appropriate than in this case.
Good at nothing except killing each other and everyone else
The greatest inventors, scientists, leaders, visionaries, etc etc have all been Jewish. They are the master race
It's clear Muslims are our enemies
>They share our judeo-christian values
Not really, the jews killed Jesus Christ by bribing the Roman Emperor. This is literally in jewish scripture.
everyone who ever says that jews are good should get out of Sup Forums
found the jew
Jews. They're the really dangerous ones.
Muslims are inferior. All they can do is blow themselves up.
Mainly jews. Why do some like to make everything in life an "either-or" position only? There really is NO such as good-guys and bad-guys outside the movies believe it or not.
Open borders aka capitalism.
(((Abrahamic religions)))
Why do jews like to claim that all european inventors were jewish? It's literally WE WUZ KANGS tier.
jews are slaves muslims are not. how can you be an enemy of someone elses property? it's bullshit to think they're enemies of one another
muslims first
jews - after
the truth is that muslims are a direct, bloodthirsty threat. they want to kill/assimilate/rape
jews are more on a subtle level. they do assimilate too, but not by killing, but by exploiting. they are less vicious then slimos, but smart as fuck (smarter than whites or chinks, for that matter)
ideally, they should kill each other
and niggers? niggers gonna nig. that's it. sterilizing them for good will be easy after the main threat's gone
Nice try schlomo
Jews are way more dangerous as they are intelligent. Muslims are so stupid that they don´t realize that conquering Europe would mean the end of benefits, they cry if they don´t leech welfare.
If they are entering for millions is thanks to our traitors.
You've got it backwards, it has to be Jews first. Muslims, leftism, feminism, faggotry all these things are symptoms of the Jewish cancer. There is no point in dealing with the symptoms without removing the cancer first.
Well there is one situation where you ignore the cancer and focus on the symptoms- when the illness is terminal and it's too late to cure. I don't think we are there yet, but we are way too close to it.
The best way to weed out the blue pilled faggots. The biggest threat to whites are Jews. It's only Jews who have the power in the west which they use to push massive muslim immigration. I believe more and more they are wicked people. Don't get me wrong because Muslims are backward people who need eradicated or left in the desert.
how thr fuck is that even the qeastion?
Of course Jews are
They are one in the same and if you are arguing which is worse you have already lost and are playing the jews game.
They do not share our values they do not integrate and objectively degrade any society that lets them in. They have not been persecuted unfairly they earned it.
white ppl
Muslims are like crabs, annoying and slightly painful. Jews are cancer, you won't even recognize your sick until it is to late.
kek confirms
no contest
this is the only constant truth on Sup Forums
>the truth is that muslims are a direct, bloodthirsty threat. they want to kill/assimilate/rape
Jews know how Muslims are yet are at the forefront of pro-Muslim refugee immigration. Jews lie with good intentions for their interest but they want non Jewish whites crippled. If they succeed I know they will go after Asians next and use birthrates as justification for immigration to Japan.
Around semite trash never relax
I can only say it so often. The Jews are behind Islam. The jews created Islam. Islam has been eatablished to undermine cristianity. Muslims are crypto jews. Cut, non-pork eating, Rabbi worshiping extremists.
>Le jews is a meme
Well, no, Jews actually exist
Kill the muslims and they'll keep coming
Kill the jews and you close the source
Jews, they say 'Islam is the problem' meanwhile they flood Europe with them so (((they))) can reform politics more right-wing, and squeezy little by little.
Order out of chaos.
G8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
Normal jews are ok, but Zionists should be gassed. I still hate muslims more
You need to open your eyes
Muslims would be isolated from us if it wasn't for Jews
>There's nothing objectively bad about Jews
One group is the enemy, the other is an instrument used by the enemy to destroy you.
It's like a druggie poking you with a HIV infested needle. Who is the real enemy?
Well, the druggie, but at that very moment you have a potential HIV infection to deal with!
Wow reading this thread really makes me lose hope in pol. The election ruined this site and it probably wont recover.
Wow reading *the news* really makes me lose hope in *Germany*. *Angola Merkel* ruined this *country* and it probably wont recover.
Regular average "real" Jews - okay
"Jews" as in the slime that control the earth - complete shit, need to be eradicated
Muslims are more complicated. There are okay ones and batshit crazy ones. They need reform at least.
because they actually were
>7.62x54r and what is clearly a 7.62x39 AK
>Jews are bad because they say their holy book say their religion is the only correct one!
t. Shlomo