Sup Forums, as a Russian, I'm sick of you saying that Putin is based, that he is a kebab remover, saviour of white race and next Hitler. Actually, Putin is one of the biggest cucks in world politics, the one that makes Merkel look like Farage.
1. You probably think that Russia is all-white and all-Christian country. That's not true, we have loads of shitskins and muslims here, they are simply not Arabs, but central Asians, Tatars and people from Caucasus(especially Chechens).
2. Chechens are nation of Muslim shitskins that tried to seceed from Russia in 90s and actually did it, and also they commited a fucking genocide of Russians living there. Russian army unseccesfully tried to subjugate them in 95, then succeeded in doing this in early 0s. However, after our victory, Chechnya became a de facto independent territory, ruled by one of local warlords, Akhmat Kadyrov(and, after his assassination, his son Ramzan). And Ramzan(he is on Op picture) is a man who could've easily fuck Putin's wife and daughter on live TV and get only praise from Putin. He boasted that he killed his first Russian when he was 16, yet he was awarded with Hero of Russia medal - the highest honor among Russian awards. His Chechnya brings zero roubles to state budget, yet it gets billions and billions of funding every year. There are numerous cases when journalists, bloggers and politicians who criticized him, got assassinated, like Russian ex-vice premier, Boris Nemtsov. Fuck, he even built the lagest mosque in Europe using Russian taxpayers' money. Say what you will about Merkel, but even she does not allow shitskins to form state-within-a-state, where laws do not apply and where they look down on Germans as slaves.
Putin is THE cuck
3. Putin once said: "Everyone, who says "Russia for Russians" is either a moron or a provocateur". Nuff said.
4. There is a 282 article of Russian penal code, it's called "Ignition of hatred between nations and blah-blah-blah". It is used to bust any Russian who dares to say anything pro-white and criticize national policies of government. You'll never see a Dagestanian busted on this article for calling to murder Russians, only Russian got persecuted for trying to protect their nation.
5. While Europe has multiculturalism, we have roughly the same shit, only it's called "multinationality", and narrative of state-run media says that Russian are multinational people and we must accept everyone, even if they want to displace and massacre us, and if you dare to speak against them you are **LITERALLY HITLER.**
Yes, they associate anything that is pro-white with Nazism, just like Western leftists.
>people say Putin is a nationalist
always makes me laugh. He is more cucked than even monkey Obama. HEY LOOK GUYS KRYM NASH but don't pay attention to the fact that Putin devours cock of Chechen terrorists who murder Russians instead of unleashing genocide they deserve on them.
>1. You probably think that Russia is all-white and all-Christian country. That's not true, we have loads of shitskins and muslims here, they are simply not Arabs, but central Asians, Tatars and people from Caucasus(especially Chechens).
Literally conquered peoples from the days of the tsars onward
>2. Chechens are nation of Muslim shitskins that tried to seceed from Russia in 90s and actually did it, and also they commited a fucking genocide of Russians living there. Russian army unseccesfully tried to subjugate them in 95, then succeeded in doing this in early 0s. However, after our victory, Chechnya became a de facto independent territory, ruled by one of local warlords, Akhmat Kadyrov(and, after his assassination, his son Ramzan). And Ramzan(he is on Op picture) is a man who could've easily fuck Putin's wife and daughter on live TV and get only praise from Putin. He boasted that he killed his first Russian when he was 16, yet he was awarded with Hero of Russia medal - the highest honor among Russian awards. His Chechnya brings zero roubles to state budget, yet it gets billions and billions of funding every year. There are numerous cases when journalists, bloggers and politicians who criticized him, got assassinated, like Russian ex-vice premier, Boris Nemtsov. Fuck, he even built the lagest mosque in Europe using Russian taxpayers' money. Say what you will about Merkel, but even she does not allow shitskins to form state-within-a-state, where laws do not apply and where they look down on Germans as slaves.
Kadyrov is Putin's bitch.
>de facto independent territory
You really think that? Because of a handful of tribals? Get real your country's military isn't THAT bad...
>3. Putin once said: "Everyone, who says "Russia for Russians" is either a moron or a provocateur". Nuff said.
He's right about this though. Russia gets lots of immigrants and has locals that aren't ethnic Russian. Going "Russia for Russians" at this point would be impossible.
that's what I've been saying all the time, but they look at my flag and every american putinboo immidiately replies with ''muh cuck'' and ''germanistan xd''
btw are there any nationalists left in russia or are they all in prison by now? I remember that putin locked them all up a couple years ago
> turned a chechen separatist into a muh russia LARPer
Yeah, Putin's based
> Kadyrov is Putin's bitch.
It's the other way around, actually.
Nice proxy
> turned
He bought him. Chechnya gets more money than other regions combined, and it's not even big. Putin pays him giant amounts of money to keep him loyal.
>4. There is a 282 article of Russian penal code, it's called "Ignition of hatred between nations and blah-blah-blah". It is used to bust any Russian who dares to say anything pro-white and criticize national policies of government. You'll never see a Dagestanian busted on this article for calling to murder Russians, only Russian got persecuted for trying to protect their nation.
Yeah Canadian hate speech law is retarded too, what can you do?
>5. While Europe has multiculturalism, we have roughly the same shit, only it's called "multinationality", and narrative of state-run media says that Russian are multinational people and we must accept everyone, even if they want to displace and massacre us, and if you dare to speak against them you are **LITERALLY HITLER.**
Well you need those Muslim and Monogoloid workers desu senpai.
kek, so original, you go Rossiya
But Kadyrov has a handful of tribals/mercenaries, Putin has the Russian army and air force... I just don't buy it.
Kadyrov is not 'putin's bitch' you fucking retarded leaf lmao
Kadyrov has people killed in broad daylight in Moscow, tells his people that they should kill any Russian police they see in Grozny.
He wears silly hats only because it amuses him. He is given huge portion of Russian budget for pretending he is a dog when reality is Russians are dogs. Fertility rates show Russia will become a Muslim majority nation before even Swedecuckistan. 99% of 'Russia's rising fertility rate' is Chechens and various other churkas invading Russia's few decent cities.
no leader has 100% approval ratings. why should we care what one of his detractors has to say? could have someone talking shit about trump but it would matter just as little to me
I've been trying to redpill poltards on Putin for the last few years, didn't achived much. They still think "muh based Putin, muh based Russia"
Someone is going to Gulag tomorrow
> Kadyrov is Putin's bitch.
If he were one, he would beg for apologize before Russians at national TV after any "incident" where peson who criticized him got killed and then go to mine Uranium for Mother Russia.
> Going "Russia for Russians" at this point would be impossible.
In ethnic sense - yes, but refusing to assimilate them and merge with general populace of Russiaa is a complete stupidity.
> Yeah, Putin's based
Said "LARPer" once forced a blogger who said shit about him to publically apologize. Hell, he sent goons to beat the hell out of MMA champion's daughter after he dared to protest that he made a boxing match between 12-years old boys.
Иди нaхyй
I'm also amazed by that.
> Well you need those Muslim and Monogoloid workers desu senpai.
And so does Sweden, yeah?
>butthurt white moscovite that fears chechen master race
I bet that fucking pussy looks down and prays for god we will not notice him.
Look buddy, you're an imbecile.
To even think that some underage dipshit, is gonna sit here and debate Putin's actions is just hilarious.
Who the fuck do you think you are?
Putin built a mosque so he is much worse than Merkel?
Retard, Putin built a RUSSIAN mosque, instead of letting Saudi clerics run rampant inside the country with their oil money, and you're here shitting yourself for absolutely no reason.
From what I've heard about it, it's the most architecturally beautiful mosque in Europe. Know how this type of shit affects muslims? You probably don't, because as I've already said, you're an imbecile.
I didn't bother reading too much of all that drivel you posted, but the keywords "Nemtsov" and "muh muslim" problems just instantly tipped me off to you being an unemployed faggot liberal.
Consider killing yourself.
It is either genocide or using a loyal Chechen to keep other ones in line.
Russia couldn't, and still can't, easily brush off the damage that a genocide will bring to our reputation. Crimea? Nobody really cares. Syria? A bit less of nobody caring, US is discontent. A full-on genocide? Can't ignore that.
And stop fantasizing about a strong, powerful brown man dominating your ass, only reason things are as they are is because Kadyrovs knew who to work with. And they're loyal, too.
>Austrian trying to teach a Russian about his country
>boxer thing
>thugs beat up a girl
>other thugs cheer
>kadyrov goes 'what the fuck is this shit'
>thugs immideately shut up and act like they didn't cheer for the attackers
fuck off weaboo faggot
> RUSSIAN mosque, instead of letting Saudi clerics run rampant inside the country with their oil money, and you're here shitting yourself for absolutely no reason.
There is a difference between Islam of Tatars who were loyal subjects to Tzar for centuries and Chechens, who shit on Russians
I'm hoping what Trump is really signalling is that he'll allow the rest of the world to purge their scum without stepping in.
I want to see Islam purged by whatever means necessary and pushed back to only muslim majority countries and laws passed to keep them there.
why can't russia just disown chechnya?
all the chechens can fuck off back to chechnya and stay there.
no more tax-payer money funding giant mosques.
but what are you people gonna do with that giant mosque in moscow?
and do you still think ukraine should reunite with a country like russia who are getting cucked beyond belief?
putin is anti-kike genetic modified food, he is literally saving russia single handedly saving the white race with that move. be happy faggot.
> why can't russia just disown chechnya?
This. Just bomb them to Stone Age before doing it and laugh at their misfortunes.
> putin is anti-kike genetic modified food
Moron, protesting GMO is like protesting electricity.
And what are you doing here? Posting stale memes?
Except that tatars outnumber chechens.
Your cuckposting really proves nothing, because ALL "muslim problems", Russia has had in the recent years, were IMPORTED.
And not by Putin.
Seriously, consider killing yourself you turbocucks.
You have no fucking idea what would have happened to Russia if shit like Nemtsov (who by the way was stealing shit with everyone else during the 90s) got anywhere near power.
Then again, I know your type. Complete faggot, with no sets of skills who was probably hoping to run away and leech EU neetbux.
oh yeah you think so?
those countries are your territory. either grant them sovereignty, or stop whining
after you grant them sovereignty, introduce jus sanguinis (like in Japan) that only covers the citizens and ex-citizens of russia who identify themselves as ethnically russian
> because ALL "muslim problems", Russia has had in the recent years, were IMPORTED.
And instead of making them loyal, Putin gives them power over Russians, naturally making them prone to rebellions.
Chechnya is our land. Chechens are our subject.
Ukraine is our land. Russians living there are our subjects.
Yes Putin is pro-Islam
>being against GMO
Good job outing yourself as a retard.
I never trusted Putin or even liked Russia, I just don't want hostilities with them. I am fine with a neutral American-Russian stance. Not allies, just stay out of eachothers business.
You are only imbecile here. This guy actually live in Russia and know better about situation in this country that you will even be. You are just west cuck, Putin fanboy, who never was in Eastern Europe na Kaukaz and know shit about situation here. I can bet you never even meet single Chechen. You think you can pet them with building mosque? They train, prepering and waiting. They will never forget 90's and with first signals of Russia weakness Kadyrov will be first who will cut Putin head.
but ukraine isn't your land
Russia is poor shitlole with AIDS
Thats why no one of poltards migrated here
How are chechens not currently loyal? Literally the only thing they can do is blow shit up and have been EAGER to join in on the fight, in pretty much every conflict since the Georgian war, where by the way it was the Chechen Division that did most of the work.
Got any more memes you need to get BTFO, m'virgin?
Ukraine is a failed state with no independent history or ethnicity.
You are the one posting memes here 2 b h
>why can't russia just disown chechnya?
We did it in 1996, federal army left them alone. They turned into fragmented shithole with foreign imams everywhere, spreading crime ot mainland Russia and finally one of factions invaded neigbouring russian region, Dagestan. We can't fucking let go.
Oh my fucking days, who the FUCK is even talking to you, pooland?
You think that I can't go on Wolfram Alpha in 10 SECONDS and disprove half the shit pathetic unemployed trash such as yourself shitpost day in and day out?
Under Putin, Russia has vastly improved in several sectors, and if you want to deny that just because YOUR life is shit, I'll kindly ask you to remove yourself from the gene pool.
if ukrainians think they're a seperate ethnicity, then they're a seperate ethnicity.
their language and culture is different from russian.
but do you still think its ok for ukraine to re-unite with a cucked nation like russia? or do you understand where they're coming from when they are against reunification?
sooner or later you should
the trouble is that Kadyrov is a full-blown islamist. you can't teach the generation of chechens that grew up after the war and under kadyrov anything about secularism. they aren't ready for being sovereign.
as much as i dislike russia (to put it mildly), independent north caucasian republics would be much worse.
ironically, when the chechens were fighting under secularist dudayev, they were succesful in their uprising against russia. when they turned towards wahhabism and sharia - it became a hellhole.
Nemtsov is just angry dog and exist only because Putin need him to look more "liberal" in you west faggots eyes. Dugin, Nemtsov can be shut up in just one Putin's word. BTW which happening often.
>Praise Putin
>based kebab remover and saviour of the white race
Let these duobs show keks favor
>all of these deluded 'alt right' reddit meme kids
You are all fucking stupid, I can't believe you people fall for Putin propaganda so easy. He uses tough guy image and conquers le epic Krym to conceal the fact he is just a patsy for criminals.
Russia will be majority Muslim within the century and Putin does nothing to stop this. Yeltsin, shit as he was, treated the Chechens 100% correctly. Putin is their little whimpering dog who apologizes for his masters when they kill his people. He is like prince which submits to Mongol invaders and acts as their taxman.
seems like you guys are fucked.
have fun with that.
Good luck trying any human in Russia who believes their oaths. They are better armed, trained and supplied than ever before and are kept loyal with a shower of money. If it stops, we will have an army of highly skilled and very angry cutthroats who now infiltrated every corner of Russia.
At least he has excellent shock troops nobody would miss if they died.
Why he didnt unleash them on former ukraine, i have no idea. Prokoshenko would be shoved into a meat grinder live on tv by now.
Chechens are good fighters because they arent afraid to die, so why value their life anyway?
Put them on the front and give them a direction.
They dont drink, so i have no idea what would they use money for, except for pussy, but pussy is abundant all over russia.
They cant give anything useful to the world even if they were independent, they would just continue fighting among clans as they usually do.
But the control of Kavkaz is worth more than what chechens are 'bribed' nowadays as you say it. Far more than that.
The modern pc world is a bitch, so russians cant just get away with dropping every posion they have on chechnia. Even if you think the chechen terrorists are the most badass warriors on earth, their civilians get exterminated in half, no matter how incompetent the russian conscripts are. The chechen mom, granny, grandad and children get incinerated in the end.
Stalin knew how to deal with them, send them fuckers all to the snowy lands and erase everything they leave behind.
It guess it all comes to how humanely the russians want to deal with the chechen threat while holding on to Kavkaz.
chechens are fucking white so i dont care
Nemtsov has been talking trash about Putin, pretty much non-stop ever since 2000 until the day based Kadyrov shot that traitor in the face.
In fact, liberashka news outlets are VERY popular in Russia, which is one of the reasons you see so much cucked shitposting coming from literal human trash.
The coup was supported by a minority and was for a trade agrenement that would've, and had, fucked up Ukrainian economy beyond proper function.
At this point, 9/10 of city dwellers cannot afford state-provided hot water.
Would you be okay with California seceding, or perhaps Texas? Just entirely leaving, keeping their share of US' weaponry only to end up selling an air carrier to the Chinese, giving over the nukes to, I dunno, US or Russia and living for twenty years off selling what they got during the split?
There isn't a single ethnic Ukrainian in the government, the majority can't even speak the language, for crying out loud.
Ukraine is Russian in the way that Canada is American. The globalist jews keep messing with Russias sphere of influence
This. Yeltsin was borderline retarded but he would never allow Kadryov the power he has now.
the swedes who convert to islam because they don't want to pay jizya will also be white, so i guess you're right.
Nice proxy, Germcuck
but russia is cucked though
>Hell, he sent goons to beat the hell out of MMA champion's daughter after he dared to protest that he made a boxing match between 12-years old boys.
you don't know what the fuck you're talking about little boy
kadyrov is a loyalist version of konrad curze
Theres a finnish shill with this same thread lol
Just stop talking, retard.
The fact that you actually think Putin is gonna let someone subvert Russia under his nose, whilst he's off playing half the world like a damn fiddle, I will have to ask that you SERIOUSLY consider killing yourself, since it looks like you don't even have 2 brain cells to rub together.
Also nice how your shit thread has boiled down to conjecture about Chechnya.
Got no more shit to say? Go clean the floors and help your mother, you and I both know she dreams of having aborted you, every single day.
I heard somewhere that muslim minorities bullying ethnic russians conscripts is a big problem in the russian army, is it true OP
Nobody is worse than Alcoligula.
Don't you even dare imply Yeltsin could be good at anything but chugging vodka.
If your autistic ass isn't aware, Yeltsin allowed, freely, the generals to leech off the first war. The amount of weaponry they sold is immense. They sold out their own troops, in one case they put up a group as a 'defense' against a group of the rebels that paid for the pathway. The group was far from capable of defending themselves, not even talking about defending the pathway.
Alcoligula excelled only at killing Russia.
Never forget it.
Yeah. Ukraine is closer to Mexico.
>she does not allow shitskins to form state-within-a-state, where laws do not apply and where they look down on Germans as slaves.
Thats where you're wrong m8
Poland have much higher standard of living then Russia. But this is not the topic. The truth is that you are just faggot, west, fanboy who can't even read and speak Russian language. And when some Russia said some truth about situation with muslim in his country, who can clearly define the problem and show Putin's mistakes your fanboy mind reacts with aggresion, because yours view of the world was destroyed.
That mosque was built for 150 million dollars by a billionaire who's close to Putin. That's why Putin even attended the opening ceremony. Nothings going to happen to it.
Daily reminder:
Personal income of Russians shrank by 52.2% in January 2016 as compared to December 2015. According to the report by the state statistics body Rosstat, the monthly income in January averaged only 21365 rubles (about USD $291)
Wages in Germany increased to 3695 EUR/Month in the second quarter of 2016 from 3655 EUR/Month in the first quarter of 2016. Wages in Germany averaged 3072.94 EUR/Month from 1991 until 2016, reaching an all time high of 3695.00 EUR/Month in the second quarter of 2016 and a record low of 1832.00 EUR/Month in the fourth quarter of 1991.
The average American monthly salary was $3,769 in 2011. This was equivalent to averages of $45,230 per year, or $21.74 per hour. The group with the highest averages was management, with $8,950 per month.
>independent north caucasian republics would be much worse.
one of the reasons we slightly liberated you in 2008. Can't look weak for these subhumans. Sorry.
In 90s-early 00s? Absolutely, but as a part of jut bullying.
Nowadays? If a soldier reports bullying, his commander, his commander's commander, his commander's commander's commander and so on will be buttfucked with a broom.
Son, I bet you'd be dead in your first hour in Russia. You're just delusional and you don't know nothing about what is going on here.
>From what I've heard about it, it's the most architecturally beautiful mosque in Europe
There is no such thing as "beautiful mosque".
cucking of a random russian guy by the chechen soldiers (on their way back from ukraine)
> But Kadyrov has a handful of tribals/mercenaries, Putin has the Russian army and air force
Did it help us the last time we fought Chechnya? Hell no, it was a bloodshed, and the blood was mostly Russian.
no not really but russia is basically the slavic version of sweden.
based putin
You're still a cuck, Germancuck
Eventually, we will be forced to raid 2ch with pro-russian memes and content
Гpызyн, haven't you learned your lesson from 8.8.8?
Daily in Ukrainian news you can see the following headliner.
"Grenade went off in city of X'.
Ukraine is a shithole that clearly can't be an independent nation.
I remind you, 9/10 can't afford heated water.
And 3G isn't even a thing there.
FSB banging down your door in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.....
Nah. No need. There's a 5805-threads-and-counting long thread that's made up of mainly pro-Russians.
Rest is a mad max tier shithole, rest of /po/ at least.
You're just a forever butthurt polack, who needs some russian cuck to say bad things about Russia so you can feel good about being an EU bitch-country, whose citizens DESPITE "super top gdp" statistics, literally own the same shit as Russians.
Why do you think the main "statistic" for "measuring" countries is GDP? What about the German government raising taxes, and what about you not having any money left at the end of the month? You actually think you're doing better than Russians, because you have a different currency?
You're a pathetic little bitch.
Much like this guy, who unironically thinks his 5th grade conjectures about economics, actually matter.
Russia's crashing?
They're in the top3 worldwide for new businesses opened this year.
Muh russian rouble collapsing?
GDP at PARITY puts Russia 6th in the world.
Finish at least SOME sort of higher education, you worthless sack of trash.
> Гpызyн, haven't you learned your lesson from 8.8.8?
Funny thing is, the people who write such things will never go to war.
>Hurr durr fucking hohols 'n гpызyнs, let's teach them a lesson
>comrade major, I can't go to war, I'm gay also amputee and brain-damaged black person
Because you don't send military to fight against terrorists. The Russian military would have no problem wiping Chechenya off the world map in a conventional war. You need more anti terror specialized groups.
Haхyя вы в coтый paз тy жe тeлeгy пpoгoняeтe
I live in a state with a professional army that does the whole shooting pigs and lesser rodents things if needed.
Will I go to war if sudden conscription comes? Shit, like there'll be a choice.
But hey, that's a duty of mine to do it. I'll fight for my country.
Will you, Vadim?
>GDP at PARITY puts Russia 6th in the world
Even at PPP they're barely higher than us even with their 130 million people. Russia is a broke shithole. They cant even afford to fix their roads.
Tипичнaя OБP-Maнькa ж, или Eгopкa c eгo гoмoфaнтaзиями, нeoбyчaeмы жe
Eщё, кaкoгo хyя y тeбя кocмoнaвты нa фoнe зeлёнoгo кoвpa cнимaютcя? Лиcтья в кocмoc нe пocылaют?
oh my dearest northern neighbor,
you don't know how to instill fear among chechens (or us, for that matter) . you know very well that caucasus people are a different race / mentality - they don't give a flying fuck about how big your country is or how many countries you invade, they value individual strength and the ability to stand for yourself (not for your tsar), which russians lack so utterly
so, until individual russians (or anyone who wants to teach 'life lessons') themselves (and not their country) begin to radiate dignity, well-being and contentment, no lessons can be learnt from them
So this is what the US propaganda bill was about? More CIA shitposting on Sup Forums?
У нac дeлa вaжнee, нaпpимep кaк дaть нa клыкa пcинe.
I know i won't. Juden make goldz on war, goys die there. In 2014 Ukraine was our arch-enemy, in 2015 it became valuable partner who we sell oil and spell-parts for their tanks. Many patriotic fools died (from both sides), many civilians did, few juden got richer. Fuck that.
>Chechens are nation of Muslim shitskins that tried to seceed from Russia in 90s and actually did it, and also they commited a fucking genocide of Russians living there. Russian army unseccesfully tried to subjugate them in 95, then succeeded in doing this in early 0s. However, after our victory, Chechnya became a de facto independent territory, ruled by one of local warlords, Akhmat Kadyrov(and, after his assassination, his son Ramzan). And Ramzan(he is on Op picture) is a man who could've easily fuck Putin's wife and daughter on live TV and get only praise from Putin. He boasted that he killed his first Russian when he was 16, yet he was awarded with Hero of Russia medal - the highest honor among Russian awards. His Chechnya brings zero roubles to state budget, yet it gets billions and billions of funding every year. There are numerous cases when journalists, bloggers and politicians who criticized him, got assassinated, like Russian ex-vice premier, Boris Nemtsov. Fuck, he even built the lagest mosque in Europe using Russian taxpayers' money. Say what you will about Merkel, but even she does not allow shitskins to form state-within-a-state, where laws do not apply and where they look down on Germans as slaves.
Ichkeria is long gone, grow the fuck up kid.
Yes indeed... 100% agreed. GMOS are like muh electricity?
>'I don't care if you got a gun, I got the fighting spirit! I am stronk!'
>gets shot
This would've been the case if you were right.
Sadly, reality is that you've fled when the Russian army came. With the few brave ones actually fighting back.
Good for you.
On what specifically?
Heплoхo шитпocтить нayчилcя, быcтpo ты aдaптиpoвaлcя.
> a multi-culti streetshitter/chink-infested country, trying to show off a couple decades of financial stability, as good enough reason for turning into whatever the fuck they are now
For how much "corruption" Putin is allegedly doing, one of the main things he's accomplished is actually accrue gold reserves with federal oil money, which mitigated the recent rouble crash quite a bit (it could have been worse)
Now compared to that, your "leaders" and your pushover "country", just looks laughable.
I'm not even gonna go into Canadian problems, because compared to Russian problems, you have no chance of fixing them.
>80% of ethinc russian population
>hurrr durrr "russia is for russians is impossible"