Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
Good question. I have an intact penis, sex is great, and every woman I have been with loves it..
Kikes and moslems cut their dicks..normal people do not
>kuala lumpur
Who gives a fuck about that shithole.
'sho... do you expect me to talk?'
Men are disposable
Eggs are "rare"
>they slice it for free
I was there for about five days earlier in the year. I checked Facebook for events or groups or whatever and it turns out it's the place where the Islamic world go to p in each others' butts...
He still has half, don't be greedy.
I pray to kek that was Mike who just lost his dick, please kek let my digits be true
>Half sliced penis due to laser
Damn, was the doctor using a fucking Death Star?
>muslim gets his dick chopped in half
why are you complaining?
Why do we allow trannys to do this to themselves?
I thought American women thought uncut dicks look weird.
That is why every American always says online.
>Women know things about dicks.
Women know less about men then vice versa.
Male circumcision is a beneficial cosmetic surgery similar to fixing a cleft lip on a baby.
It's better to for a male to be circumcised. Circumcised penises look better aesthetically, they are easier to clean, and they result in less medical problems such as urinary tract infections or STIs.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with male circumcision because it improves the anatomy, just like fixing a cleft lip. Men need foreskin about as much as fish need a bicycle.
Cut Americans say this, and women who haven't had uncut cock parrot it.
My current gf I'm her first uncut, now she loves how easily and fluid the handjobs feel, the smoothness, and my cock fills her more since when I pull out, the foreskin puts pressure on the rim of the cock tip and causes it to get thicker. So it blows her mind.
I pity all the people with mutilated jewdick.
You will never know how sensitive glans can really be and how good it feels when girl pushes her tongue under foreskin.
Foreskin has 20 000 nerve-endings while clit has only 8000. Foreskin keeps dick moist, smooth and super sensitive. There's no reason to cut it off simply because bible tells you so.
Cutfags should sue somebody for destroying sex life as it should be.
Women prefer smooth and moist dick instead of dry and calloused jewdick. Can't blame them.
Meh. At least one dude lost his penis altogether in America with one of those surgical robots. Went in for appendix surgery lol
>There's no reason to cut it off simply because bible tells you so.
Actually Jesus got rid of the old traditions, Christians really aren't supposed to follow them.
Degenerate leaf with a mutilated dick detected
All american males get their dicks mutilated to show loyalty for their jew masters and with selective service they sign up to die for their kike masters.
Infant genital mutilation is seriously fucked up. How can americans think themselves as first world country while they mutilate infant dicks?
Fucking disgusting.
Are you goyim really this stupid? You cannot enter paradise if you are uncircumcised, we are doing you a service. Don't have a schvitz over a tiny error here and there
I think uncut clitorises look weird. Should women have their clitorises cut just after birth just for me? Seriously fuck every single women that continues this bullshit. Let them get their ears pierced and body parts chopped off when they're 18 if they want.
holy shit
Normal penis here.
No idea why someone would mutilate himself, specially the penis.