How does one raise a respectable, obedient daughter in this day and age?
How does one raise a respectable, obedient daughter in this day and age?
Anal rape
live amish
You should stretch her before going in balls deep.
>be a presence in her life
>teach her to think critically
>teach her morals
and you still have no guarantees but at least you can say you did your part.
Beat her.
Don't be afraid to administer physical dsicipline
People are no different to animals - they need to understand your place in the hierachy relative to theirs
If you think about it respect is just crystalised fear
>never let her go to school
>never let her watch TV
>never let her use the Internet
>never let her interact with kids her age who go to school, use the Internet, or watch TV
>never let her listen to pop music of any kind
>never take her to the move theater
>never let her interact with feminists
In other words, you can't
cum in her eye
God she looks like a naughty little slut. She knows she wants a cock buried deep in her tight little ass as her little kitty gets wet. I bet she already knows she loves to taste of cum
Teach her how to kiss
You raise her to be aware of Jewish trickery. You must always ask questions to her, when you're watching tv, going to the movies, seeing billboards. Ask her why they do things the way they do, and why they would do them. Make her question the world around her.
Beating her won't do anything, there's simply no way to raise a respectable daughter in today's world, besides going full amish.
Beating her would only make her be a degenerate without you knowing it.
It's impossible if you live in the west.
t. have two sister
Explain to her that the world built around her is all an elaborate ruse to get you to lose your morals/lose your shekels.
You raise children today the same way you raised them in the past. You impart morals and ethics and then let them make their own decisions. When they make the wrong decision you correct them with a belt or the back of your hand.
I'd cum in her pussy desu
Grab her by the pussy
White daughters grow up to use daddys money in college while they fuck black men. There's literally no point in having children anymore. Why would you raise a daughter when she's being influenced by the media to love bbc?
spend time with your kids, obviously.
Also, dint be too conservative. Just be fun, yet moral parents.
And, don't get triggered by niggers, and don't vocally hate on them, otherwise your daughter might see it as a way to trigger you to get attention. She'll also think that you see niggers as strong competition. Instead, laugh at niggers for pretty much being thick. Women don't like hooking up with men of lower value of them.
Also, make sure your sons are popular or a least controversial at their schools. Make sure they're into some sports and combat arts, and make sure they have good grades.
Increasing the number of nice/feminine non-degenerate women, and alpha males helps society as a whole.
Make sure you have a wife who has time on her hands to raise the kids. Keep away from career womyn whores.
t.father of 5
Buy her something she really loves them pay a nigger to steal it out of her hands right in front of you. You then "save the day", getting it back for her. This will ingrain in the child's mind white men are heroes, and around blacks never relax.
I just hacked your kids for you. You're welcome
Ultimate redpill==
Our children will become everything we hate, thanks to the state.
Give them a pragmatic view of the world
Well, if we were to imitate what the past did, then the best solution seems to be finding a good moral husband for her as soon as possible
Homeschooling in a small white town of like minded people.
>Walk into your daughter's room
>See this
Wut do?
> impossible
Sports. Volleyball or field hockey or something. A competitive teamsport. Will teach her a lot of things for her future and shape her as a person.
>will fuck anyone
i put that claim to the test
Don't give her daddy issues and teach her the importance of willpower, self control and discipline in order to achieve your goals.
You know, the same way you try to raise anyone to not be a shitheel.
Well. She will know her place after some Nigger beats her up.
You need fists to back up your arguments and she should know that she doesn't have them.
Try to convince her that being a whore is not worth it. Make sure she notices she's different from her slut peers and that she's much better off, that will make her confident in being decent. How do you do it? Talk with her, point to degeneracy, give her a stable home. Other than that you can't do much. The outside world and the elites are hostile to decency and want to make your daughter a whore, alone as an individual you're pretty much defenceless
Having a daughter with a woman who is willing to stay at home and put in the time needed is key. (Also, having redpilled wife helps). My 3yo is surprisingly respectful. She helps my wife around the house, loves to help cook. My wife stayed at home the first 2 1/2 years. Even now, she only works on the weekends as a "hobby". And she always moniters screen time.
Just make sure YOU make enough to support them so the wife doesn't HAVE to go find a full time job.
Fuck her yourself so she doesn't become a slut.
Never let her wear clothes at home.
Make she sure she understands that she is your property.
Teach her that selling yourself for a little pleasure is the worst deal a woman can get for herself. A perfect woman can control the strongest man in the world and she should remember to value herself higher than a slutty whore.
Hey dude in which island do you live?
Its not that hard. raise them with good values, dont baby them or try to keep them in a safe space. Talk to them like adults once they start developing strong critical thinking.
When my daughter was 8 she knew on her own to stay away from niggers.
>the day she told me that, was proudest damn moment of my life
Watch some of molymemes videos on peaceful parenting.
Basically most modern whores have serious daddy issues, they don't really respect men generally because they've been treated badly by their father and they want to trigger their father by behaving badly.
The single most important part of their childhood is the first 5 years when they have the capability to grow mirror neurons which are a key part to establishing empathy. If you want a good child who is naturally very moral then you want to really nurture them until they're 5.
That means the mother at home for the first 5 years, no career whores, no childcare, no playschool. Breastfeeding to help bonding, that also is correlated with an IQ bump, same with lack of violence. Any kind of punishment or aggression in those young years stunts empathy growth massively and lowers IQ on average.
An absolutely massive part of this is picking the right woman, you might want to get your dick wet but when it comes to kids, be smart. Pick a traditional woman who can stay at home and raise the kids and who won't resent you for that. There's no many around at the moment but it's worth waiting for one rather than marrying a degenerate. As men we can wait a lot longer than women can.
And I know a lot of people dislike molymeme on this forum but seriously his parenting stuff is top notch and he brings on people to talk about the science of it, so go look up his peaceful parenting videos.
rape her by 7yo age until she completly seals away her sexuality. that will make her free from her lowly instincts and turn her into 1st class citizen
Look at conditioning
The fear response will eventually be associated with disobeidience on an instinctual level
Daughters are for sweet lovings not rapings.
Is that how you use the markers I bought you? YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO WORK ON YOUR ART!
Lead by example.
Meet the dads of the bar sluts sometime. It's very instructive.
There's something about safety and security that they imprint on. Something related to the "all girls are looking for their dad" philosophy of dating. It sounds more Freudian than it is - they don't want to fuck their dad as much as find the same secure feeling he (hopefully) gave.
This also explains why the daddy issues "fuck you dad" mode women seek out the exact opposite. Something went wrong during development (nature or nurture) and they run as far away from that security as they can, right into the arms of serial abuser "bad boys".
Marry her.
Its coming from an italian what do you expect
>giving her everything she needs will make her a spoiled slut
>leaving her on her own will make her the slut of the first guy who makes empty promises to fuck her
Choose the second option and continue having children until you have the son which you can invest all your money and energy into. If you can't get a son, you deserve getting your genes getting coal-burned
treat her right, let her spend the formative years of her life associating positive traits as normal in a good man
love your daughter, teach her values, respect her, dont push her away etc
A lot of hair on that girl.
>Life as the AfD would like
>pic related
Is this a bad? I don't get it.
going to add that most men are looking for someone who reminds them of their mother.
tfw no 8/10 crazy mormon who goes for high functioning autists because that's what jesus told her is gonna marry me b/c i lost my faith.
She home schooled me and my siblings till the day she died in childbirth with her 6th child.
I cant do it to my genes. I'm either going to marry my equal or cast my legacy to the void. 25 now and feel like that is inevitable.
>be a presence in her life
this basically. a lot of fathers are not involved in their daughters lives. they just let them do whatever they want. no wonder they turn out to become sluts when you leave them exposed to all the degeneracy that is thrown at them throughout their lives. all of the greatest women have great fathers, it's one of the best signs that the girl you like is legit and not some crazy cunt.
Give her a culture, family, and community.
Do not treat them like a friend, they are not.
Do not allow them to become sexually aware to early.
Make them happy with their gender role.
>Is this a bad? I don't get it.
Yes. That cover is supposed to remind you of nazi propaganda. Nazis are bad, so if you like that picture, you're bad.
No, really, that is literally it.
I'm going to cut together some comment sections talking about this with cucked germans trying to explain how you should be revolted and offended at the message so people understand,
Reinforce her morality and ideas, don't mandate she does these things, but shape her as a person so that she willingly does the right things.
Throw her in the middle of the hood. Pick her up one week later.
Tell them if they have any sex before marriage they'll burn in hell and you'll hate them
>How does one raise a respectable child in this day and age?
Culture, family, identity, tradition and a place to truly call home. Possibly religion, if you're into that.
Nobody said to not love your children. But they should know good from bad and right from wrong.
It's more pragmatic this way.
It helps if you look fit and dress impeccably, instead of being a pudgy slovenly pig. If you don't keep up appearances then don't be surprised when she looks for other role models.
Private school, preferably a Catholic private school.
Be openly racist since she is a kid.
Try to live in a 99% at least white town
Talk about your heritage with her
Just be a redpill father... The problem is when she is going with friends and school but thanks God exist Catholic school that will prevent her to become a Feminist, Gender weird shit, millenian or any kind of stupid thing nowadays