Is America as cucked as it seems on the internet?

As an internet addict (degenerate, I know), I spend most of my free time on the internet, reading up or watching movies. Most of the content happens to be American.
I have to admit, it's infuriating when I counter anything about race that doesn't come from "right-wing" forums
If you watch any movie or TV show you notice how the push black people into everything. They are loud about how they are being "oppressed", while they benefit from affirmative action, welfare, grants, every possible right is given to them (same as feminists). White people are always painted as privileged and black people oppressed, when in fact it seems to me like it's the exact opposite.
There's black pride, latino pride, asian pride - which is supposed to be admired. Say the words white pride and off to prison with you.
So, my question is, are Americans in real life as apologetic and brainwashed, or is this just the jewish media attempting to control the population and failing?

America starts off as not bad, but gets exponentially worse as you get closer to a college

So I'm assuming cities are the worst offenders?

Lot of people in America still live in their own segregated neighborhoods.

Look at election map -Red is where mostly whites live. Blue is where white libs , and other ethnics live.

Even in the blue - big cities- races and ethnicities form their own neighborhoods.

Their is always a "us" vs "them" mentality.

Movies and TV shows dont represent America accurately.

People voted Trump becuase they've had it with being called racist for everything.

yes, on purpose too. The Leftists here started employing social engineering a few decades ago

it's pretty bad

It seems to me like all that "diversity" and "multiculturalism" does is spawn anger and frustration.


Not a surprise, Italy is being invaded by North Africans, arabs and eastern europeans (such as filth from my own country) as we speak.

It does, my city is known for it's rolling gun battles and my neighbors home was shot up 2 years ago.

So is it safe to assume that democrats are divorced from reality?

large cities are, for sure

large cities speak the loudest so they are greatly over-represented.

just look at the 2016 election map heat zones. If one would want to live in a large city beyond the mid-20's I'd honestly say there's some mental illness of some sort going on.

Only when there is violent crimes that crosses race.

Otherwise i think most are content to live in segregated communities with their own kind and commute to the diverse areas for work.

Niggers and non-whites really are everywhere. That's true. It's genuinely rare to see commercials on TV with nothing but whites.

Lots of non-STEM classes in college really are leftist bullshit. That's true.

There really are posters everywhere telling you to 'Embrace Diversity' and shit around schools and government buildings. That's true.

But no, most regular people do not grovel towards niggers.

yes. They are creating large problems to solve their small ones. It's a feedback loop

Hmm, so as long as you are wealthy enough to live in white areas, life is peachy?

Until the Democrats show up

depends on a lot- where you live, your upbringing, and who youre friends with. im upper middle class, white, live in south georgia and am in a fraternity at my college. all my friends are as racist as i am. however if you go to california or even other colleges in my state, youll find liberal faggots that are totally brainwashed. the (((media))) is doing a goddamned good job of brainwashing the weak and prepping the next generation for the same....god help us

the rule of thumb, whether in the cities or suburbs, is live far from the ghetto areas.

yes, occasionally the ghetto does get in their car and travel further out to commit crimes.

you don't have to be wealthy to live in safe areas.

Well, it's Georgia. With Atlanta being coon capital, no wonder you are based.

really sad too. i read about famous golfers and well known atlantians of times past and am in awe at the prestige the city used to have. now you cant go into 75% of atlanta without fearing for your safety.

>where my country gone ?

That's what happens when degeneracy is sold under the guise of progress.

I live n flint and it's a total shithole. If I drive an hour north though there are no minorities and everyone is super based.
Big cities do not represent america, rural Americans do

Huh, apparently Flint has one of the highest homicide rates in the U.S.