
Are a bunch of Zionist, Trump worshipping holocaust believers ie. Turbo normies.

Not even going to ask to prove me wrong. I'm not.

Other urls found in this thread:


i want to lick that girl's asshole

>i dont believe in the holocaust

I want her to leg lock me while i cum inside and squeeze me out like toothpaste

fat. would not plow

>come here and get redpilled
>realise everyone here and their leaders are fucking degenerates and jews too
>got no where else to go




WTF I love Skype now

i'll prove you wrong if you give me sauce on her

Dayumm, das some fine thiccnezz

Yes. But at least they're not lefties. I prefer these retards to bigger retards.

this kills the dick


>stick it in missionary
>for a big girl the pussy is tighter than an asshole
>just as you are about to cum she squeezes you with her thunder thighs preventing you from pulling out
>you bust the biggest nut you ever blew resulting in insemination

did you copy this from NY times? You fucking thief. Get your own narrative you skank dumb faggot aussie waste of sperm

Whatever happened to all the Holocaust denial threads? Those were entertaining.

I always wondered what tree trunks in pumps looked like,


Sauce: Lillias Right

dem tits... holy shit, id suffocate myself to death in dem and those thighs


I know they fail last week, but how much longer until holohoax denial laws are demanded in unison by both illliberals and cuckservatives?

They drowned in a sea of redditors


Already happened in the UK. The pale goyim are getting too uppity.

>eat like a pig
>get $3,537 per month from internet fedoras for taking licentious photos
why wasn't I born a woman, literally life on easy mode

No, you're not. For once, you shitposting motherfucker, you're completely right. Nu/cancer/ is the worst thing to ever happen to this site. I swear to god, half the time I'm in the catalog I have to look up to make sure I'm not on /r9k/ by accident. This happens literally almost every day at this point.

lol i know i believe in the cult religious superstition holocaust that is purely emotional as well.

>Butthurt Trumpfag mad that less than 50% of Sup Forums are now Trump worship threads.

Read again burger

What? Trumpfags are cancer.

I supported trump but only like 55% to 45% (the 45% was for anybody but Hilary). I'm waiting patiently for God Lord Emperor to deliver even 5% of his promises.

Also don't care about Jews. I know enough Jews to know the difference between Lay Jews, Zionists, and Khazarians. We'll soon see if "El Boco Dorado" is chummy with all three or just the first.


And you sir are a faggot

>you sir are a faggot
>proceeds to post anime

Sup Forums is now 90% from countries that have mandatory prison sentences for denying the caust.




i want her to squeeze the cum out of the tip of my penis between her thick muscular toes

lillias right

oh fuck, you triggered the plebbitors

>faggot liberals and libertarians are buttmad and jealous that their shitty candidates lost

Go lather up and get fucked in the ass by a nigger you faggot

LOL this coming from a dumb fuck who has Merkel as a president. Your shit is all fucked up son. Maybe commit suicide?

Sure you did.

Stupid old racist twats vote to destroy their own health insurance because racism:


Butthurt coal slaves vote for trump because dem damn libruls hates us! Proceed to lose healthcare and pensions:


Tired of winning yet?

lol so salty, sorry your life is shit. Not my problem

>I'm not salty! YOU ARE!! WE WON WE WON!!
Lol. I'm enjoying this, personally. No salt, all sweet. I think this is why you trumpniggers have been so salty since the election, even though you "won". I think even you realized what that meant. There was never a win for you in any of this.

Forgot pic.

go donate more to Bernies campaign you stupid fuck. No one cares. your opinion is useless

I didn't support a jew, you dumb kike.

That's edema right?

You do support Jews. You support Obamacare. That says it all

/nupol/ is like the nu-altright (SM and PJW).. They believe in politics more than people. they believe in civic nationalism.

>There was never a win for you in any of this.
Trump is still the better choice than Hillary, there's not much denying this. I just hate the redditors who believe they could become alpha by sucking the gas from his bloated old ass.

I bet that girl could crush a volkswagon in those thunder thighs.

That makes no sense. You're grasping hard.

>Trump is still the better choice than Hillary
I agree. There was only a small chance she would destroy the world. The chances are much greater with an idiot like trump.

wew. chew soap lad

Definitely the biggest girl I would fuck

I want to destroy her

I want to destroy you. With a hammer.

>civic nationalism
A meme pushed by globalists who were taken by suprise at the recent rise in popular nationalism and wish to continue their multiculti experiment, turning us into a brown mess of rootless consumers with no identity other than those sold to us.


its funny how they think childish name calling and buzzwords is an argument

thiggg :DDDDDD

Sauce on specific video?

>not joining the winning team

Oh goy