Obama's staff thought he was autistic and it looks like he's proving it himself.
Obama's staff thought he was autistic and it looks like he's proving it himself.
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He even refuses to wear the Santa Hat at this festive time.
Incoming ISIS attack in France confirmed.
Its time for the coup de gras
Aw the poor kike. He's gonna love when we start shipping his parasite race back.
"If you continue to promote this resolution from our point of view it will be a declaration of war" - Bibi to New Zealand.
Who does this autistic sperg think he is?
>. He's gonna love when we start shipping his parasite race back.
That's what they want, all the kikes together and happy in their expanded state of Israel so they can finally get their messiah
lol when did Krugman say this? He's not a particularly threatening guy
Better they Jew each other then Jew us. Let the Muslims take care of them.
netanyahu is secular
what he wants is more secular jews
Israel has a growing population from births, but it's only the really orthodox who have 5 kids, and these people are less productive and academically educated
Do you know why people call him Bibi? Because it's short for Beazelbub. His dad used to call him his litttle devil!
Wait, do you guys not want all the Jews in France to leave?
The problem of Israel is that Zionism goes against the teachings of the Torah and Orthodox jews are the only ones with a positive birthrate.
"Coup de grâce"
>liberals do some shit
>the target of their shit responds
>lol what a baby! Stop with the victim complex!
Every fucking time, I don't even like Netanyahu and I think the Jews should stop building fucking settlements, but you liberals need to realize that when you start fights with people they are going to respond and acting all indignant about the fact that people won't swallow your shit and call it ice cream will only piss them off more.
Only if they're headed to Madagascar.
You're not fooling anyone Mr Cohen and liking Israel isn't a prerequisite for being right wing. I know it is in your country but not anywhere else
He's based, stop siding with the lefties and Muslims.
Hasn't Isreal been pretty much constantly trying to get all the worldwide Jewish communities to come there for as long as its existed?
Leader of the free world. The real president of the US.
Americans are pathetic KEKOLDS who bow down to Israel even when it makes threats against you.
pas pour un américain qui a certainement plus de gras que de grâce
Its literally just a statement of condemnation but they're throwing a tantrum over it. You'd think they'd just ignore it but no.
Yes but I doubt most people want to live in a shitty desert. They were offering Persian Jews in Iran like 30k to move to Israel but they still wouldn't go.
Based Jews finally going to cut to the chase and eradicate the white goyim
How's those (((anti-semitic))) laws going for you?
He could die instead of Hillary, I wouldn't mind.
As well as yours
>yfw the English royals literally sold their country to the Rothschild because they couldn't beat Napoléon without the help of the whole of Europe and then they try to act though on Sup Forums
Good, then we'll have a legitimate reason to turn their little patch of desert to glass
he is being fairly moderate considering the damage obama can still do to him in the next twenty days
>pas pour un américain qui a certainement plus de gras que de grâce
Those damn amerilards
Fucking devil he is!
>Britcuck thinks he has free speech
It's hilarious
>yfw Obama nukes Israel as the ultimate parting shot once all the jews move back there
Keep whining Schlomo. I hope Obama fucks Israel with his BBC just before that cuck Trump gets in
>Sup Forums finding common ground with Obama thread
>yfw France literally sold its monarchy and country to the Amerilards for nothing
Careful Nigel, that anti-semitic rhetoric could get you arrested :^)
you like palestinian dick in your ass?
because that is what you are asking for, palestinian dick in your ass
Tell us more about freedom. Especially the freedom to chose whether or not to get circumcised.
You're such good goys, it's amazing.
This, that's the whole plan of white genocide is for, get rid of the gentiles while simultaneously coercing Jews through terror and oppression to make ali ya to embolden the support for the Israeli state. Kind of surprised he gives a damn about the UN resolution at all, pretty sure he'd figure a way to gas the Palestinians no matter what.
Maybe we should call the ADL up and tell them you haven't sucked Israeli dick in 15 minutes per requirement for Americucks?
How does that sound?
>yfw bitch ass redcoats got thrashed and are still salty hundreds of years later
Poor poor Schlomo. Instead of complaining just like Benji boy maybe you should focus on restoring your foreskin
>building settlements on Palestinian land will somehow not result in Palestinians fleeing for Europe
Kill all semites
You're the one with the 58% white population, the only salt is the salt smeared around your wife's fanny flaps from Jamal's dried out spunk stains.
Did you see the flag? He's probably a mudshit
>cherry picking the post
Sad! At least I can teach a pug to Heil Hitler without getting reamed in the ass by the police
ADL? That completely irrelevant organization that tried to say pepe was racist? LMAO literally grasping at straws
He's not American. He's (((American))) so go easy on the rest of them, Nigel.
RemovE this
we didn't, really
I have a foreskin, project harder
Sorry, I can't hear that over the most popular newborn name being Mohammad
>Onigger conspired against Israel
>Gets UN to try and fuck them up the ass
I expect nothing less from the eternal anglo
If you're not Jewish then why are you aggressively defending them? American cuckolds man.
Napoleon was a Corsican you confused cheese-eating surrender-monkey.
literally unrelated to my post but if that makes you feel better about your German royals selling your country out to the big banking cartels because England sucks, more power to you.
british flag, sad
>Who does this autistic sperg think he is?
The left and right fist of Israel
How do you not know this?
And the vast majority of his people stand with him too
I wish I had a nation of 95 IQ rednecks who literally believed I was of God. I'd fuck you people so hard.
I'm saying you're as cucked as the rest of us fucking retard, actually more so because for some reason after reading 1984 you decided to literally implement it
No, you're an American cuckold who loves Israel.
How about brush your teeth first you fangle toothed britcuck
Oh absolutely, keep the language at a minimum, goyim.
>Sorry, I can't hear that over the most popular newborn name being Mohammad
No that's probably the loud cacophony of the call to prayer being blasted from the white house minaret's surround sound system.
You really did and then you sold your American land holdings for below market value because you were that poor. Suck it up slut, slurp it good like your ancestors did and those before them.
>the Jews should stop building fucking settlements
>Stop building settlements
>On their own land
Anyone championing Palestine in any way is a parasite who deserves a bullet
>Americans are pathetic KEKOLDS who bow down to Israel
Says the man living literally in the heart of Builderberg and the creator of Rothschild's
Go prep your bull like a good cuck, remember goy, pay your taxes for Israel!
Holy shit, what is it with nu-pol and Israel. You people are cucks
>Israel doesn't get any shekels from the cUcK
>that deflection
Ahahahahaha ok Sadiq
The few French who love based Napoleon are okay in my book and welcome to come and live here whenever they please
>A British name
German sweetheart, the Germans created them.
That's it racist, you're getting reported.
Hope you have fun getting ass raped by the Schwartze in a federal prison. Dirty fucking goyim.
>Ahahahahaha ok Sadiq
You seem upset Abdullah? Didn't you get your suicide vest for Christmas?
Beautiful (((British))) couple
Nobody is arguing for Israel, we're saying your island is full of retarded inbred kike boot licking faggots
I was about to start replying but you're really disappointing this time with your illogical and unbased comments.
Look at this whiny estrogen filled bitch. He can't tolerate criticism of his nation so he throws a hissy fit.
>not Germany
Good goy! We need more diversity! It'll, uhh, boost the GDP!
>Le 58% meme
I love it when you cucks say this
We have the largest white population on the face of the earth and unlike you that number isn't changing any time soon
But yes yes that's okay, your own 75% white island is definitely not a concern at all
How about you throw a tantrum like Benajmin? It always works!
And you got cucked by them
Did you get a new AK for Christmas Achmed?
Napoleon sold Louisiana because the English, with their Rothschild masters, plunged Europe in a state of total war.
Need I remind you that in 1802 France was stable and Europe was at peace, until the Coalition, headed by England, declared war on the French Empire ?
The way it ought to be.
Now shut the fuck up and pay our ususrous rates.
>projecting this hard
Sad! How the mighty Britannia has fallen.
You do realise Trump will literally reverse what Obama did when he gets into office right?
>Beautiful (((British))) couple
lel... Evangelicals are the same kinds of scum that love Israel. Have fun with that cuck and remember to check your privilege, don't make me report you to the FBI.
>Fucking America
You couldn't do it when we were only 13 tiny colonies
What makes you think you could do it now that we are one of the largest nations on earth and posses a military that could literally bring about the apocalypse?
Oh mon dieu non!
Please Benny don't take our jooz!
>their own land
fuck off, JIDF
Their capital is taken over,l and they voted for a mudslime mayor, the cUcK is a caliphate
>not understanding my point
Yes, Trump is a moron.
You're both on the path to multiculturalism.
You should take a look at Trudeau. Great leader.
If you really Palestinians so much you could convert to Islam you know...
So why is he autistic?
Soon posting this picture will be a hate crime.
Not an argument. Go back to the_donald