What is this fat faggot up to now Sup Forums?

What is this fat faggot up to now Sup Forums?

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michael moore will die of a heart attack before the new year.

Stage 5: acceptance

trying to start a movement to impeach trump

him and gay star trek man need fuck off already

3030 checked

I'll take a guess and say, have a big lunch?


>people every day asking me "Mike Mike, WHAT CAN WE DO?"

my ass, the only thing people ask you to do is leave their food establishments because you're scaring the other customers you gluttonous fuckbeast

The dubz don't lie. Anyone make a list of all the "gets" for celebrity deaths? So far I have Hill Dawg, this guy and Carrie Fisher (who of course just passed). It's really creepy.

Suicide tomorrow?

You know he is a former coke head. KEK take him next.

maybe another pro Trump movie

the past year i swear it looks like he is going thru a gender transition but hasn't announced it and those female hormones increase heart attack risk so... we just have to wait a little bit. even if he isn't taking the hormone pills and shots, SOMETHING is going on with Michael Moore's testicles. It should be obvious to anyone. Are they even there anymore? Prolonged use of chastity cage? Maybe he castrated himself because the patriarchy.

>Self detonates for Islam fucking screen cap.

I'm guessing his solution will have something to do with giving him money.

He is a man of the world. He is a man of God. He is a man of God. He is a man of God.

It's really a good thing trump won lads, I was not aware how deep sjw delusion was until now

They really think they were at the end of some struggle that we were entering some utopia of multi-culti

I'm beginning to think we will need mass executions, these people are incomprehensibly broken

It will be a proposal for a mass suicide during the inauguration in the DC Mall to protest Trump.

Trips calls his time and cause of death.

New years eve "falling" on a toilet plunger

if consecutive numbers Fatty Michael Moore is going to assume room temperature tomorrow.

It annoys me good people are dying and this fat tub of shit is still alive.



there are people that doubted the leftist insanity, but are not doubting anymore after they've seen how the left has reacted after trump won.



If digits, suicide

It was a one in a million shot doc!

now that Daddy has been official elected, isn't what Jabba Moore doing treason?

If he actually died tomorrow, I'd know the Death Note is real.

he's gonna ask for money

he was soliciting suggestions from his twitter followers about potential next moves to stop President Trump so I imagine some bullshit around that might resurface but beyond an impotent protest they're done...

>What's this fat faggot up to now Sup Forums?
I'd say about 400 pounds give or take a few.

Not talking about Trump
Not talking about Pence

About what? Voting didn't help you. Try taking personal responsibility for your problems and make efforts to improve your life.

Kill yourself is the only answer


kek wills it

big dubbies for a big guy

>At his inauguration speech, we will all go there and yell really loud!
>If that doesn't work, yell louder..it's ok if you start crying
>I'm really sure Trump will drop being President right there and Hillary will run up the steps to be the next President!
>Please make sure to donate to my "Yell at Trump from afar" plan. My movies haven't been doing too well lately.

I'll laugh if he wants to pull a Jill Stein and organize something that requires crowdfunding. All these retards will throw their money and this fat one and get scammed a 3rd time.

based mike helped yugely
never forget

Hamburger eating contest.

What if he just kills himself tomorrow?


Trumpus bashus reflecto on thus

>What is this fat faggot up to now Sup Forums?
>Letting hair grow long
>Laser hair-removal
>Going braless
Michael Moore is transitioning to Michelle Moore. That will be the answer he reveals tomorrow; fight the patriarchy by withholding our wombs!
Screencap this post.

enjoy 8 years of Trump

Who cares?

Confirmation bias as fuck

It's going to be a rough adolescence for the left

It's a nice little speech, it's the reason why most people voted for him. But there were a few more factors that played a small part.

A lot of the left's attacks consisted of saying he's a "racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, sexist, etc."

After Trump's election, Michael Moore still stooped to that level, listing off those words that no one on the right gave a shit about and are only seemingly effective in a liberal echo chamber. He's completely missing that PC bullshit side of this election.

I personally don't think Trump is PC in his own little way, overreacting to swear words and getting triggered by people saying "Happy Holidays" when half of them are just saying it to include New Years too. But people are sick and tired of those SJW buzzwords from the left.

Those hormones decrease the risk of MI.

But they increase the risk of clotting therefore making PE and stroke all the more likely.


I've noticed a lot of people, especially in retail, are foregoing happy holidays and just saying Merry Christmas now without any hesitation. People are tired of all of it.

>Everyone at the stores and in my area felt more cheerful and said Merry Christmas to me without any irony or fear.

yeah, pretty much. I know it's anecdotal, but family and friends in other states have been saying the same thing.

so fucking close. reroll

close enough,

I thought Michael Moore liked Trump, why did he suddenly start gunning for him nonstop?

add beyonce to the list

He's trying to start a revolution, but fails to realize we already had it.

On November 8th.

(It just takes a whole LOT more wind to BTFO Micheal Myers, what with all the extra weight).

>one man
>in a world of hatred and oppression
>only a dim voice in the darkness
>he begins to speak out against the evil caste that causes this pain
>the fair peoples madam was fell by the the hand of The Wicked Witch of the Whiteman and his minnions
>our hero Michael retreated to the shadows and began to rally his troops and plot a new strategy

Will our hero be able to defeat the evil overlord? Tune in next time!
Also buy my book.

I'm guessing he was responsible for the package in Trump Tower.

Is it tomorrow yet Sup Forums?

suicide probably. i mean he hates white men. he is a white man. its just the next logical step

Hopefully he kills himself by accident.

>asking someone whose going to die from not having enough brains to stop eating so much and actually move his ass once in a while, anything

nice LARPing Michael

now do us and yourself a favor and go kys

Michael Moore needs to be killed

250 mg/dL, give or take.

When you click on the thumbnail to enlarge it it looks like he's wearing the holiday hat.

not only should he stop LARPing, he should also stop LARDing

I wish Heston would have just shot him for invading his property. This fucking fat dirtbag is nothing but a shitstain on America.

You got a guy a seizsure from tweeting a flashy gif. Can't you give Michael Whore a heart attack by tweeting him hotdogs?

Somehow I feel like whatever his plan is he will somehow profit from it.

Even though it totally isn't about him or anything. But it is just a weird coincidence that the way to stop trump or whatever he will suggest will help him make money.

Such a weird thing.
Happens every time.