>Trump Final 2016 Rally in Mobile AL 12/17/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Orlando FL 12/16/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Hershey PA 12/15/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in West Allis, WI 12/13/16
>Trump @ Army vs Navy Game 12/10/16
>Trump Rally in Grand Rapids MI 12/9/16
>Trump Rally in Baton Rouge LA 12/9/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Des Moines IA 12/8/16
>Trump Rally in Fayetteville, NC 12/6/16
>Thanksgiving Message from President Elect Trump 11/23/16
>Trump Objectified 11/18/16
>Kanye hangs with Trump 12/13/16
>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Just The Two Of Us
>The Truth about Trump Protesters
>Election 2016
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguation of Fire
>In the Hall of the Trumpen President
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
>AD: Trump's Argument for America
>American Hero
>The Lion
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Kek is love.
Is this (pic related) Sup Forums right now?
Is he, dare I say it, our guy?
Dont worry the Force is stronger than 2016!
sometimes the liberals post-election seem worse and more rage-inducing than before
but then I remember they have virtually no say in this country anymore beyond throwing fits and rioting
Racist bigots.
So what is your estimate for the number of seats PVV gets?
Well it's almost over.
What will come in 2017, /ptg/?
That's the secret
Meme magic is the force
Nope, just some meme faggot I never heard of before a few weeks ago.
How soon after Carries heart attack was this drawn?
Ben Carson's a real MAN!
Habit from using arrows for links, it's easier to copy/paste if there's a space
If you're gonna try to start a flame war over punctuation you're gonna have a bad time
More like "Kek strikes again"
(((Rebels))) BTFO
CIA asset
Lots of people here keep saying this. I didn't know who he was either but listening to some of his talks, before and after the sieg heil, he isn't a total idiot. I don't mind hearing what he has to say.
>inb4 t. richard spencer
Gaining at least 10, Max
How many of you people have been normies earlier in your lives?
>It's a shill episode
2016 should be electrocuting the shit out of her Palpatine style. 2016 was going full UNLIMITED POWER and killing celebs left and right. To imply he'd be prostrating himself in front of his latest victim is just silly considering his kill count.
he's been branded and it would be stupid to associate yourself with him if you want to keep a movement going.
Same concept with people in other compromising situations like Chris Christie, Newt Gingrich, etc. You drop them no matter how loyal because guilt by association can be deadly
>this wild year will soon end
>it's only taking celb lives now
2016, please kill the Mountain Jews that have financed every war since the Napoleonic, and all of their friends.
That was made when people thought she would survive
if star wars takes place a long time ago how come people have british accents in it
>it's easier to copy/paste if there's a space
>If you're gonna try to start a flame war
>flame war
I faked it for a year but Trump happened and I revealed my power level in Bernieland and now I only have a couple friends
Where is that fine cat from?
Huh? I don't remember that scene
She already did that to herself, I believe she had electroshock therapy.
you must take the best of the normie and NEET worlds
that's hilarious
Before I almost died and my life went to shit, I was about to graduate from Georgetown and had a /fit/ qt gf. I lost everything. You lads are the only reason I haven't an hero'd
Eh, depends. I've never actually been a normie by normal standards, but I am by /r9k/ standards. Matter of perspective, I'd say.
You do realize the internet is older than Sup Forums, right?
Delet this
Did she tell Pence that she was gay?
I was afraid no one would
I used to try to blend in but I was always too autistic.
Hyeb better not kill the Donald. Hope he ends up suffocating himself of depression before he even tries.
I was never one of them.
I'm glad, I would have never met any of you, my true friends.
I spent a lot of time on /tg/, but nowadays after the election I come here to stay up to date on the news and to learn more about how twisted Killary and her friends are.
It's nice to finally get a first lady that was born a woman.
According to liberals, the white working class is just a "dog whistle".
I guess 35. 44 if Kek is really on our side.
whats up with the word "asshat"
I thought so too, now I am waiting for a drawfag to fix it. or someone to redo it as the ultimate power scene like someone else said
Only watch the last 40 mins or so, the rest is shit.
Also soundtrack:
I've never been a complete normie, but I wasn't really redpilled till January of this year, when I started coming here.
Wait! I don't want a flame war with you!
you're wearing your ass as a hat
You've got your head up your ass
Ending to Rogue One.
I shave my balls because it feels great jacking off
I'm going to miss the current year.
I shave mine too, but for other reasons. Also a little icy hot on the balls hurts at first, but oh so refreshing afterwards
Apparently she had it done regularly, though I don't think the voltage was high enough judging from her tweets.
Finally someone with common sense
Will next year be just as bloodthirsty?
Sadly, next year won't have too many happenings, Trump will bring a more peaceful america, a fearful ISIS, a partnership with Russia, a knockitoff to North Korea.
It's a time to enjoy ourselves, and let the world on the capable hands of the golden King.
Hey bros who are we supporting and who are we boycotting in 2017? Finalizing my personal finance plan and budget for '17 and it needs more MAGA
He's just a pinata the left bashes to make themselves feel better. He steals our memes and our energy for his selfish purpose. And he fucks Asians, while calling for an Ethno State.
Fuck Off.
Probably every pol user has seen past the 'behave, swallow curriculum without critical thinking, buy and fuck' mentality from a young age. Must be to belnog here.
That's a pretty good year in review
Gotta drop a (you) so you are not left hanging here
Support Marine LePen, Frauke Petry and Geert Wilders.
I just wish that the stills werent
What comes to mind when you see this image?
Why's pol so pro fisher ?
Keep on rolling, Stroke-Chan.
Hussain Obama had more than 26 muslim brotherhood degenerates working in the white house.
Hillary and her pussy lover huma ;
why not draw the countries as they actually appear rather than use retarded squares
Nice try fbi
Star Wars is shit
Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan
Thanks bean but I'm talking about companies here. Who to patronize and who to boycott?
the shills were deeply affected by her passing, so they are forcing the rest of us to suffer
why? I didn't get it
>they said Trump would kill the GOP
>he actually became their savior
I never realized there were so many countries in the EU scared of Putin
This, and if you have time, learn Swedish. SD might be slowly becoming cuckservative af, but /are Jimmi/ is still based, and Sweden is on the brink with elections only in 2018.
It's about time the cucked Vikings got a taste of New World meme warfare.
>Half the people here voted for Obama
LMAO, fags
Isn't he still in Florida?
Oh right.
2017 will be the year of news my dude, the victory of Trump and Brexit has sown the seeds of doubt in the minds of people, they know there's a discrepancy between what news sites show and reality: I myself plan on helping Drudgereport, Breitbart and to a lesser extent Infowars,any other common media outlet, even Fox News is unreliable, it's time we support again those radio podcasts like Michael Savage and Sean Hannity. And shit like Pictoline, Playground and Facebook based news sites need to fucking die.
Same here. And there is no going back to the normie world. That door closed in my mid-teens.
This has been my life theme until 2016
Then Trump and this movement gave me hope back again
Stay safe, Trump.