Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=indian toilet locator app&rlz=1C1CHBF_enMY724MY724&oq=indian toilet locator app&aqs=chrome..69i57.3564j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8



>tomorrow's news
Indian toilet locator app least downloaded app in the history of apps.

More useless than a gender neutral bathroom app for the kingdom of saudi arabia

>Google teams up with India to make toilet finder app.
Thats cute, google thinks everybody in India owns a smart phone like westerners, thats adorable.

>download app
>there's a button i can press that locates the nearest shaman to remove the toilet witch


There's more smart phone owners than people with access to toilets. Dead serious.

What are they going to call it? CrApp?

Remember the toilet witch! You never know when she will strike!

>Here's an app to find the shitter.
>Shitter location, 300 miles away.

How about Google develop a device to squat and shit into something thats hygienic, like a bag, and shit dumpsters, so people can shit into a bag, zip it, throw it in the dumpster.

Dog shit bins exist for that reason, so why not.
Poo in the bin.

why bother?

google maps already shows where the streets are..

Woah, this has potential




The problem with that is you are assuming that Indians can be housebroken like dogs.

>poo in my id

Go away evil dogger.

>Those who cant pass the poo in the loo test are forced to wear space underwear and if they dont they go to poo jail like a poo education camp where they are force fed things to give them the shits and teach them to go to the loo.



>There will be a guard in a tower smoking and shooting Indians at random.
>The pooulacaust.

Do you have any idea how ludicrously cheap smartphones are in India?

Go away evil dogger


Meanwhile, Pajeet creates a designated shitting street locator app with much more success.

What flag is this?

>99% of refugees coming to Germany have a better smartphone (250€+) than me

we make apps now dumb bitch motherfucker. super poower by 2020

sri lanka

Decent India.



Finally India may join first world.
Not done yet.

ty ty

>artist's rendering of future app

can someone explain to me why they don't use the toilet.. like why?

Because they are animals

They don't build infrastructure in India as I understand it. There simply aren't enough toilets for everyone.

It's called LÜber

>yfw an indian creates a loo witch finder app for his fellow indians to avoid encounters with loo witches

If only that were the reason


very underrated

This combined with caste system = half a billion people without access to even basic infrastructure

Who needs an app when you have a whole street to shit on?

I just noticed something, what happened to all the India posters? I haven't seen their flag in weeks.

Kek that's gold


This is great, now they wont kill each other by pooping in lakes and causing people 20 meters away from them to die from infection after drinking that same water.

just uncommon actually :^)

I wish this was fake

google.com/search?q=indian toilet locator app&rlz=1C1CHBF_enMY724MY724&oq=indian toilet locator app&aqs=chrome..69i57.3564j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

well said user

So, Google Street View?

>Don't know where the nearest toilet is.
>But know full well were the nearest sprint store is.
These priorities seem wrong somehow...

>inb4 this will red pill the pajeets about the jews forcing them to use the sitting jew




Why don't they just make more toilets?




>tfw you're exposed to be killed for 5 bucks everyday in your shitty country and nobody bats an eye and you can't apply for asylum
kek i hate this country

When the toilet witch strikes, you can't say kek didn't warn you.

They all died of anal diseases

Coming back to check my trips


Literally how is it the rest of the worlds problems that poos dont loo? I mean fuck it's not like were withholding the sacred, secret art of shitting in a toilet from them


>620 million people don't have loos
>22 million girls don't have female specific loos
It's always important to remember that every single problem can be made into a gender issue.

did they take the idea from seinfeld?

put me into the screencap

If digits India will NEVER EVER learn to poo into loo and will NEVER EVER be a super power.

Screencap plz

>toilet locater app
Implying it won't be used as a toilet avoider app


This needs a you.

poo in loo, island Pajeet


suck a benis :^D


>That Id

yes, yes

You know what's funny? You actually think this is a good idea.

You live in a country with ubiquitous indoor plumbing, mostly working sewage and drainage infrastructure, mostly managed and developed water supply infrastructure. But your solution to the state of sanitary hygiene in India is "some i-doggie-bag device. Have Google make it".

In a way, it's shockingly similar to Google's own approach. "An App for it".

Genuinely the like of you, and Google, and many in the Indian government think that cheap plastic digital technology will somehow magically solve major social, systemic or major structural issues.

Working indoor sanitation cannot be provided by apps and gimmicks. Working, ubiquitous, basic, 20th century level public sanitation requires, vision, planning, management, direction, policy changes, taxation, dedication, and above all leadership. It requires the earnest will and collective effort and determination of tens of thousands of skilled specialists and labourers over decades, and the support of the people standing square behind it throughout that time. Sewers, aqueducts, processing plants, utilities, building codes, laws and regulations, none of these can be whipped up in a weekend of code or a product designers retreat. They take the time and effort of a generation, not a summer of code or holiday think-in.

You imagine that the problems of the world can be "solved", by "smart people". Just by thinking! But they cannot. We already have the solutions, we just need to make the effort. But effort, even bureaucratic or managerial, is beneath your "creative class" or Google's. The best you'll come up with is a toilet reminder app, or some mass produced i-pooper-scooper, both assaults on human dignity. Better to return to chamber pots and night-soilmen than have a nation treated like incontinent toddlers by lazy SF pseudointellectuals.

An irrigation ditch dug by Indian labourers will last longer than the "good ideas" of 21st century "talent".

Has Kek gone too far?

>Anonymous (ID: YENywtFn) 12/28/16(Wed)04:47:11 No.104638760 ▶
Most popular Indian ISP ("Airtel") got banned on Sup Forums for some reason

Delet this rn we are NOT india


and nothing of value was lost


>Buy Toilet locator app
>It's just a map of the world with a big red circle around India

oh i am laughing

Excellent post