How does it feel knowing you memed a zionist kike puppet into the White House?
How does it feel knowing you memed a zionist kike puppet into the White House?
Good. The less Muslims the better.
pol was invaded by jidf last year and newfags from leddit think jews are our allies.
its over.
How does it feel to be a fag?
nice flag.
shitskins have always been the worse of the two. at least jews are good at commerce.
Well how does it feel knowing some spiders control more of your country than you?
shill gas yourself
It's fucking sickening seeing all of these US flags cream themselves over how "based" Israel is.
>muh globalist jews
>muh nationalist jews
Yeah i like Trump but he's not perfect, too many people here follow him blindly
Jews win again. When will you guys learn? Can't beat em so join em.
Implying Shillary wasn't also a zionist kike puppet
Feels good Achmed. Sup Forums has always been a Pro-Israel board.
>Sucking Jew dick everytime they can
Nothing new here... America was founded by Jews shills
t. Mohammed
Pretty good considering the alternative was a Saudi puppet.
So they've finally backed of RUSSIAN HACKERS and recycled JEWISH PUPPET
Stop being anti-semitic CTR
I'm Jewish, so it feels good man
Feels good, man!
*Fewer. Faggot.
It was before that. And before the redditfag invasion, we were invaded by Stormfront.
Sup Forums at it's core is libertarian, remember 2012? The Iowa caucuses?
i like jews and i like israel so i feel good about it
next thing you ll say usa-russia peace is a bad thing
>less muslims for Israel
>more muslims for white countries
>i like jews
I agree that supporting Israel is a better alternative than the sandniggers, but come on lad.....
go back to stomfaggotront, kid
Damn shame they didn't saw yours off, subhuman.
>Sup Forums loves jews now
wtf, I love jews now.
How does it feel knowing that old criminal cunt Hillary will die before she can ever lead the nation?
That part, I'm quite the fan of, OP.