What a lovely movie.
What a lovely movie
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Let me guess, some stormweenies on the internet think that the movie has "anti white", or "white genocide" undertones because there is a black man in a film who isn't an extra on the backdrop of the film.
Booohoohooo im so oppressed
anyone see this one? arguably kino of the year
>see a bit
>theyre smoking a joint while listening to orchestral music and the black guy makes fun of it
what the fuck does kino mean and why do shitty Sup Forums memes keep bleeding onto here
>what the fuck does kino mean
you want to know how i know you're an absolute plebian of the lowest order?
I want to! It doesn't come to my city's theaters until the end of january and all of the streams online have horrible audio. Everything I hear about it is great though.
Obvious Tumblr user, won't even say "stormFAG"
>watching streams
become downloader master race with the rest of the modern world
here you go pedo
realtalk can someone redpill me on why so many white tards have black caretakers? i see it all the time where i live
>tfw comp broke and only have a chromebook atm
work release
>lazy piece of shit nigger stops being a lazy piece of shit: the movie
>Sup Forums wants me to hate it
It's 6/10, it's really not that bad. Let the cripple and his bull live in peace, for fuck's sake.
Black people have the guts for this job and they seem to take more shit without complaining.
Kino means Cinema in many languages you dumb Americunt imbecile
Because it's a job with a low barrier to entry, and not a lot of people want to do it. Like working in a nursing home
Because shitty pol means find their way to TV.
it's a pretentious way of saying film for people who want to feel like they're special
Really makes me think
>Move to britain
>become carer
>rape patients
>get 9 years in a prison that's still a better life than where you came from
>somehow don't get deported
No hands no chocolate
You're a fraud. Go
This actually was a good movie, fuck Sup Forums.
Isn't it a true story? Pretty sure it is...
Yeah, but the caretaker was white in real life
Be lying if I said I didn't kek at that scene
Haha...No, not with that composition.
It seems that a quirky character, shitty violin, and foreign language are enough to make the plebs ooh and aah.
The caretaker was from morocco. So not really that different.
I don't understand why they had to get a nig instead, though. Along with the required white lesbo.
he was north african