Hey pol why don't you watch Steven Crowder.?

Hey pol why don't you watch Steven Crowder.?

he's p fucking full of ideological garbage making him retarded

too extreme for me. he lost me when he went off for four hours about the "filthy rat-faced kike vermin" too vitriolic and toxic for my tastes

If you're not in the mug club you're a piss drinking faggot

Boring anti-SJW youtuber which is just stale at this point. His videos aren't even funny.

boring and extremely blue pilled establishment conservative, who thinks he's funny.

"Oh Crowder that's too mean, that's too nasty."
Yea, well, it has to be kinda nasty. How else are we gonna cleanse these vermin from our lands? I mean, come on, you think you can just go up to kike and say "Oh, uh, Mr. Schlomo Shekelberg, could you please stop being a parasite?" No. You have to round them up and shove them into the ovens. So you see this kind of persistent carnage is why Prouder with Crowder is the Caesar of this movement and why you're just a pawn in his schemes

Faggot cuckservative with very serious case of megalomania

Also thinks he lifts and did an episode with mark rippetoe and got triggers and butt hurt about being weak so said he could choke out ripps whole gym

Also his wife probably has a deformed pussy but he never shuts up about her butt face anyways

Literally just another faggot shekel grabber riding the "alt right" wave created by trump and /pol, he's cernovich tier

For me I tuned out when he pulled out those blue prints for Auschwitz 2.0, I get the need for increased capacity ovens, and the self cleaning gas chambers were a neat idea, but the canon that just fires Jews into space seemed a little extreme, and don't even get me started Lamp Shade factory, that shit was horrific

An American Paul Joseph Watson who thinks he's funny.

SJW's aren't the problem, falling birth rates among European, stubbornly high birth rates among non-whites, mass migration, consumerism, and yes, capitalism, is the problem.

This asshole is more of a curse than a gift.

+10 points because you are german

Cuckservatives are traitors who deserve to be deported to Israel for their greater allegiance

He's pretty funny to me m8

The mug itself looks really nice honestly.

He's been doing YouTube since 2009 tho, how do you avoid getting stale after that long?

He obviously treats his producers like shit

>Capitalism is the problem

Why would you post that

She's pretty good looking. Here are more screenshots.

I watched a few of his videos that were funny, then in ~Oct he started doubting Trump and saying he doesnt like the "lesser of two evils" thing.
Trump isnt an evil, so I stopped watching since then.

even in more flattering images, she's still a disgusting kike

Please stop

I liked watching him get waterboarded

i do

Idk guys like him, Yiannopoulos, Watson, and Mccinnes helped the red-pull go down fastest. Once I found Sup Forums I already had a pretty good understanding of politics. Made things easier to accept, so Idk I think guys like this are good for normie-wrangling. It's not like there's real good content on YouTube anyhow, especially in regards to politics, so they're good for normie-tier arguments when you've got loads of time and nothing to do.

Somehow the rat like face is attractive in a dorky way. She looks like one of those girls you'd have really demeaning sex with desu, even if you hate her politics

Because he is a fucking leaf.

He's Canadian and therefore a faggot.

He's a literal closeted gay.

He's just an uppity traditionalist christfag who's humor is to point at people being retarded and go "WOW aren't they retarded? Have I told you about my marriage?".

Way too extreme, needs to tone it down a notch.

Youtube views are arbitrary.

Its like producing a song with the shittiest quality and complain its not radio ready then your ass blasted when its trendering universly.

Economically speaking, companies benefit quite a lot from millions of migrants pouring into the first world. It's because of capitalism that this is possible.

Yeah, I know at times it can help some people, but I browse through the comments of some of these controlled opposition assholes and I see things like "these fascists are just right-wing SJW's" all the fucking time.

He's a cuckservative trying to ride the "alt-right" gravy train. Stop fucking shilling him here. He's anti-trump and anti-wall and is basically a less funny cuckservative Trevor Noah.

When they bring their low IQ because white countries incentivize poor fuckers through welfare, you actually have a net loss. IQ and success are directly coorelated, and IQ is also genetic. In the past immigration may have benefited countries like the US, but it was entirely white people and some Asians, and they also were all skilled labor from the best of backgrounds, or at least moreso than say Pedro or Ahmed. They're really not good for pseudo-socialist nations like basically all the European countries and the US are.

EVERYONE on Sup Forums watches him, but no one admits it and I don't understand why. Why the stigma? Was it cuz he didn't like Trump at the start? He warmed up to him later.

Why Sup Forums? He is fucking awesome.

Crowder is a wonderful figure for the right. He's eloquent and I'll bet he would convince a lot of people if they heard him debate a lefty

Is this what Jewish women really look like? What is this body type? Skinny-fat? She looks saggy, but you can still see bones, wtf.

Annnnd then crowder starts bringing up socialism & communism, words he literally does not know the meaning of, and loses everything.

Idk I feel like he's not enough for the turbo-autists of Sup Forums myself included I guess. He's good for controlling normies (anyone over 30 or an IQ under 115) as they can't really formulate good arguments or learn politics through reading. It's just nice having some 95% normie-tier comedy and 5% good political banter flowing through the headphones when you're doing something boring or just relaxing

Having OCD and being mildly anorexic I'm positive that she looks like that due to having a high fat content, but she is thinned out in the specific areas (face, upper chest, stomach flat enough) to where it's obvious she either hasn't eating very much in the past day or two, or she is eating a very low carb content in the same set of time.

Tl;dr she's got some fat stores but hasn't eaten very much in the past two days

I put his show on my second monitor while I work/play/browse on the primary. Works perfectly and he is not on often enough to get annoying.

Yeah, he's ruining the image of the alt right with that kind of hate speech desu.

Are you shaking that he got your definition wrong? are you literally shaking?

Anybody else get the impression he's a closeted gay? Even if it wasn't for the constant homoerotic jokes I still get the impression he's hiding something about himself

>falling white birthrates are the problem!
>Sup Forums told me
There are alot of reasons for the fall of west. Its not just falling birthrates of whites. If white people starting out birthing other races we'd still have an epidemic of self hating whites. Do some original thinking kiddo.

I'm okay with anti-Semitism, but when he talked about keeping Jewish children alive and held in place with their eyelids pulled back so they could watch their families being skinned one by one with machines, I pretty much checked out.