Cube Earth

The Earth is Not Neither Flat nor a Sphere. Rather it's a Cube.

The Earth, it's not a truck, it's a series of tubes

God purposely did not make the earth square to keep the niggers off the corners.

It's a single sided single edged surface

There was a documentary about this.

The Earth may be a cube but you're a square

the earth is a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam

The Earth is a Klein bottle, you can't prove me wrong.

Till You KNOW 4 Simultaneous Days
Rotate In Same 24 Hours Of Earth
You Don't Deserve To Live On Earth

The Earth is round idiots.


Wow you are still shilling that round earth crap, as OP shows in a pic, it is clearly a cube as many of us knew.

This explains why Canada is so shit

This guy gets it

Too much minecraft for today buddy.

Its obviously round. Now if you excuse me I have to go on a road trip. I don't want to go too far though otherwise i'll fall off the side of the world.

It's an inside out sphere actually, were living on the inside

Interesting, checks out

Delete this thread or there will be consequenes

The bible time was wrong then and it
proved wrong today. This a major lie
has so much evil feed from it's wrong.
No man on Earth has no belly-button,
it proves every believer on Earth a liar.

Children will be blessed for
Killing Of Educated Adults
Who Ignore 4 Simultaneous
Days Same Earth Rotation.
Practicing Evil ONEness -
Upon Earth Of Quadrants.
Evil Adult Crime VS Youth.
Supports Lie Of Integration.
1 Educated Are Most Dumb.
Not 1 Human Except Dead 1.
Man Is Paired, 2 Half 4 Self.
1 of God Is Only 1/4 Of God.

That doesn't even make sense. Your mom gobbled multiple dicks as a teen