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You forgot to say "POL BTFO"

oh no, someone get the bug spray we have a rouge insect here

>Alt-Right Ball Is Turning Into A Disaster

This has been true for a good number of months, ever since CTR co-opted it to become a catch all term for Nazism

Which is why we've moved to the new right, center, and alt left desu

That doesn't even need to be said. Sup Forums is eternally BTFO

Fuck off faggot
and "alt-right" can fuck off too

>these various people who we designate the "alt-right" who have always been fighting and insulting each other are fighting and insulting each other. But we're going to pretend it's something new and they're a real organisation having a civil war, believe me!

If Donald Trump was so loved by Jews how come they overwhelmingly supported Clinton in greater numbers than even the blacks did? How come Donald Trump had received by far less Jewish money than Romney or Bush did, or even the other republican candidates in the race? Here's the reality, for as long as you've got globalist liberal moneybags like Soros bankrolling pro-Palestinian state protests in Israel and anti-white protests in the West the problem is very clearly not Israel itself but the diaspora Jews who aren't interested in the preservation of even their own ethnostate but rather the money they can make off a global common market and open borders. The few Zionist Jew supremacists that have any political clout are neither here nor there. They aren't where the money is coming from nor are they the figureheads of academia, nor do they own the media. There's a reason why Israeli posters on this board express a distaste for diaspora Jews, they're as bad for Israel as they are for us. Allowing Muslims to control more countries and grow in number is perhaps the WORST thing that could happen to Israel yet diaspora Jews push for demographic shifts which allow this to take place.

Shutup Sink Yogurt, you god damn Kurdish watermelon salesman!


>new right, center, and alt left

Alt-right is cancer
Brietbart and infowars can Fuck right off


armenian genocide.


Lay off the paint chips nigger.

it's literally not a problem, i'll just research the Armenian genocide.


thanks, cenk.

I bet 1/3 of their views comes from fucking Sup Forums being angry at them.

>Sup Forums being angry at them
Nigger why are you even here? Where did you come from? Go back to that sodomite filled board.

But I like it here.

>diaspora Jews

Did somebody say International Hyenas?



Don't insult the humble water filter merchant. Let him be crazy. Only the purest of tards stir up trouble and expect to be the victor.


But I'm pro police., I don't like minorities and I want angela merkel to get sodomized by angry bears.

t. CTR

>Nazi's bad
>young turks good
>genocide is okay in some cases
sounds fine to me.

>hello, fellow friends

Richard Spencer cucked the movement pretty hard.

>30 seconds in
>Calls the Deploraball a "white supremacist get together"
>Even though the main guy got kicked out just for mentioning that Jews run media
>Can't even figure out how to say "Deplora-Ball" and pretends it's clunky just because he's retarded


im glad the alt right are a bunch of faggots anyway
they cry over censorship but are salty as a motherfucker if you say something bad about trump or whites
texbook definition of meme freedom of speach

a bunch of stupid faggots who started following the election when they saw pepe on the news

we all know trump was far of a better choice than hillary but support him blindly is just retarted

plus they are as cringy as leftist talking about memes irl


You have to admit alt right "lead" figures are nothing but a bunch of delusional fagshits

Alex was just on today denouncing israel

kek the thumbnail picture says the whole story

>lead figures
The movement never had any leaders. The smart ones stayed quite. We haven't laid enough ground work to advocate for nationalism without having your career destroyed.

Why are they even called the Young Turks, was the Hitler Youth name taken already?

Fucking lol that was actually pretty funny. First because these e celebs are such faggots, second because Cenk is so fucking stupid he'll never understand what is actually happening.

My account got featured there


These stupid fucking e-celebs trying to ride the wave of the "alt-right" are fucking disgusting. They just books speaking events at colleges and throw around edgy Sup Forums memes to literally autistic SJWs when they protest.

It's a fucking joke. The only people I really like in this "alt-right" bubble are Sam Hyde and Richard Spencer. Because they actually seem like normal real people, not weird business-focused nutcases trying to market a brand like Milo, Gavin, Southern, and all of those other faggots.

we defend turkey


Fuck off Cenk.

Thats a good start.

Why not DeploraBall?