Hey user, it's me...

Hey user, it's me. Just checking in to remind you of your duty to reproduce with an aryan goddess like myself to preserve the white race. Have you started?

Other urls found in this thread:



I don't want a son with the iq of a retarded viking savage that eats shit

I want a nice pretty greek woman. Not know filthy nordic WHORE

>greek woman

How about a Lithuanian goddess?

REPEAT after me

There is nothing better than a big pale butt in tight jeans

Gross as fuck

British, French, Italian or YOU are GAY

to be honest even if i'm blonde i've never liked blonde women, i'd rather have a raven haired italian

OK I'll just go find a woman like that and impregnate her....

Oh wait in the real world she only dates billionaires and male models, oops.

>gf hates the idea of getting pregnant
>has an impregnation fetish almost as hardcore as mine

What the fuck is even up with women?

Your daily reminder: If she's not a virgin, don't get married.

You fix our problems through political action. Start shifting the Overton Window, "more white kids" isn't a viable solution.

Get involved with the politics in your country. Contact representatives (Calling works better in America than online interaction).

Ignoring the issue of immigration, marrying some ex-cock carousel whore just because "she now hates niggers like me," and having her shit out 5 white kids when you're not financially stable isn't a solution.

Who is this godess?

A small firm butt on my dick.

And small round titties in my face.

Only degenerates like girls with big asses and big tits. Literally nigger tier.

Kek just man the fuck up like I did when I first dicked my QT3point1four traditional christian conservative gf with right leaning views and who is racist AS FUCK. It's not hard

She was British too so cute as a button

This. I'm pure eternal anglo neanderthal snownigger and I'd never procreate with anyone whose heritage was north of Lyon. Iberian and Mediterranean girls are the master race of the female species.

That's natural. Nothing wrong about it. Plus the Mediterranean are more superior anyhow.

>those fingernails

Fuck off, that shit is awful

And black men with big cocks like myself.

No thanks

start a sterile movement to get themselves sterilized.

Once Feminists see that it will kill their ideology and will get themselves pregnant in protest of Sterile movement.


Aryan babies being born in mass

Nice user

and they tend to be more conservative

never said that there's anything wrong with it of course

>just like that

That bitch looks inbred

Too bad you have the face of a dog.

You get used to it when you watch them stroking your deck desu

>things that never happened


Too bad you smell like shit

I have the face of your father when he forgot to pull out.

Everyone in my family has brown hair and my eyes are hazel, wouldn't that result in there being less Aryan goddesses?

Besides, I find brunettes/redheads more attractive anyways. Blonde chicks have invisible eyebrows

Stop describing the events of your birth jamal.

A toilet.

>this ugly son of a bitch is fucking SUPER SHORT TROLLS and basically you're fucking SLAVIC


But I'm not fully white. And I don't even like Nords.

Poo in loo keepin' it real

Get her pregnant, you fucking retard.

I will be in around 5 years. That's when me and my fiancée plan to start.
Why do you bother making threads like this? If someone isn't going to have kids, this thread won't convince them to.

I tried last year
I hesitated and autismod it and a few months later she got engaged and is now happily married at 23
Not even joking this will haunt me for a while

Here I can help


Would you rather be the nicest toilet in the world or Have the nicest toilet in the world


>Low IQ

Clarify please, user.

Working on it, over and out.

just cum in her lol


>more superior
Probably not a superior iq

Ww1 and 2 were such fuckin mistakes

>thinking I'm white
Now I get to taint the white race with my taco genes like my juwish bosses order me too

Yes I have started reproducing with Aryan females.

Question: Does it matter that I'm black?

You seem bitter. Projecting much?

Remember the chart showing the less sexual partners a woman had, the less likely she was to get divorced?
Yeah. She's had one. Me.


I don't know Tyrese / Elijah / Jamal...

“Examining the Birth Trends, Family Structure, Economic Standing, Paternal Relationships, and Emotional Stability of Biracial Children with African American Fathers,” Tiffany Calloway


1. At the time of your child's birth were you and the father married
Caucasian: 97% NO
Asian: 85% NO
Hispanic: 95% NO

2. Did you and the father of your child eventually marry?
Caucasian: 80% NO
Asian: 92% NO
Hispanic: 99% NO
>give the milk away for free, why buy the cow?

3. Number of children the participant has
Caucasian: 1 50%, 2-4 49%
Asian: 1 86%, 2-4 14%
Hispanic: 1 15%, 2-4 80%
>asians learn their lesson, whites + hispanics can't keep their legs shut

4. For women with multiple children, do the children have the same father?
Caucasian: 82% NO
Asian: 75% NO
Hispanic: 81% NO
>wow, look at these worthless fucking whores

5. Annual earnings
Caucasian: 15% unemployed 75% once you go black, you're a single mom

9. Does your child have a good relationship with their father?
Caucasian: 94% NO
Asian: 89% NO
Hispanic: 98% NO
>black "men" = horrible neglectful fathers, probably abusive too

Does it?

I'm a hapa whose voice sounds very similar to Elliot Rodger

is this thread for me? I just turned 22 recently btw

my offspring won't be too diluted right?

As a divorcee, this is retardedly accurate. I had to sue for the right to see my kids after that whore left with them and nobody would tell me where they were. I'm also hearing new rumours about myself every couple months, and they always come from her.

Haha oh really? Is that what she told you?

I would like to root for you, but the odds are not in your favor.

Yep. They're a plague and a disease. I'm sorry to hear that bro, my dad went through the same shit with me and my siblings.

I learned from his sacrifice needless to say.

>have you started?
No and I never will because I'm infertile from testicular cancer

1/2 german 1/4 french 1/4 irish son. His mommy is blonde hair blue eyed

You've just weeded out the stupid ones for us

The Scandinavian countries objectively have higher average IQs and wealthier, more stable societies in general.

I literally have no idea what your argument is supposed to be.

my little white dick won't please you. You deserve better than me.

You need a nice BBC :)

Right, so way back when, the Greeks were more technologically advanced than the nomads of northern Europe. So what? That doesn't change the fact that todays Greeks aren't as intelligent as today's Scandinavians.

Look, I'm not making any cultural arguments. Greece certainly has a richer history, and Rome was pretty great as well. My point is that modern day Scandinavians have some pretty good genes, and that's irrelevant to the organized governments that existed 3000 years ago.

I mean, she bled when I first fucked her. And I've yet to find anything suspicious on her phone or laptop.
It's 50/50. I'll take the chance. Gotta get the pre-nup and post nup.

It was the same with my dad, too. Not as bad as in my case, but we were separated from him for a couple weeks with no warning. What a world we live in where I'm the villain for wanting to be in my kids' lives.

Man the fuck up and just do what I did

>da da da dicked my QT3point1four traditional christian conservative gf with right leaning views and who is racist AS FAUCK

i believe in you bro,

And peace be with you

Oh my goodness.

You are strange.

Good luck user

go back to Sup Forums
stick with your 2d waifus

I'm sorry to hear that straya


>Fucking white girls
>An achievement

Sorry user, well...at least you survived it? Yay?

haven't started. need to find a woman that I think would make a good mother.

I'm banging someone new (and younger), anyway. Got split custody of the kids so I'm not paying child support, either. Fuck her, she can have her single life. I loved her, but after what she pulled, I'm not sorry we split. The love is gone and so's the respect.
The worst is long since over. Just have to hope she doesn't fuck the kids up with how soft she is on them, to try and be the "cool parent".

3 blonde hair blue eyed boys planning on at least one more dues vult

Top fucking kek

I'm from a home with divorced parents, stayed with mom. Was pretty cucked for about 6-7 years got over it. Even if they do they'll grow out of it

Do you think you'll ever love again

Hail victory

>Club Dog Sex

Right? Haha.

>White women top tier?



I love you Pajeet

I lived with my dad and my brother lived with our mom. She ruined him for a long time because she would basically let him do what he wanted. He never got grounded, he got special meals made for him if he didn't like what she and her boyfriend were having. He was given everything he wanted. I was largely left alone because of my dad's work schedule. I would go to school, come home, do any chores that needed to be done, make my own dinner, do my homework, and then I had the rest of the night alone. Eventually he got sent to live with our dad too because he was "getting to be too unruly", and he got straightened out pretty quick.
Maybe. Definitely won't trust the same way I did, though.

they make pills fo you low T

Yup. Sounds accurate

Survival rates for testicular cancer are like 90+%

It's not really something that kills you unless you don't know you have it.

It just fucks your shit up

piercings are degenerate signs of mental instability and low selfesteem

Modern Greeks are mostly a mix of arab, african and slavic. Nordics have more genes in common with ancient Greeks than modern Greeks do.

That is truly awful.


When i was a kid i used to think i was hearing it wrong and couldnt believe she was from Lithuania. Because literally nothing she did was remotely lithuanian.

I want a redheaded one-quarter asian three-quarters white qt.
Do they manufacture those anywhere? Please respond.

we wuz philozophers n shiet


thank you op

too much racemixing garbage on my Sup Forums today

White women in Murica seem to have zero interest in preserving the race. So...