China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

>China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

> $60 billion in value, investment in Pakistani infrastructure and energy directly given to the government

>largest such project in modern human history

What does Sup Forums have to say about that? Is China slowly gonna take over our allies one by one?!

And Indian bros here, what do you think about this?

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lol building anything in paki tribal areas

>It's China
>Not USA

Yeah stfu. You don't know shit bout geopolitics.

China is going to be the new USA. Blame American elites for going after Russia instead of China. We've basically been giving China all of our money for over 20 years.

>muh drumpf will fix everything

Do you actually hope he will start a cold war with China SIMPLY to maintain American hegemony and no other reason? If so, that's a pretty shite reason.


pakistan is a double agent. you americans are breeding snakes in your own yard.

I don't care about countries who started 70 years ago and can end any day.

I would wholeheartedly support an open war with China. They need to be taken down a notch.

Yeah, probably realized that already. Thankfully friendship ended with pakistan. India is my best friend now

too bad they'll have to fight israel to protect their land first

Blow it up in 3 weeks thanks to jihad, oh boi


You are a disgrace to America. Get an education pls.

Good for Pakistan. I hope they're able to get things together.

nuke pakistan

That's quite mean.

>quintessential nice guy spotted
>a leaf

let china build it then we can take it over USA USA USA

>Our ally

>supporting the deaths of millions to feed your fragile ego

Phew, thank god pol doesn't run our FP.

America would benefit from it in the long run. All the jobs would return for a time and everything would go back to normal.

This, fuck the pakis.
We need to establish closer relations with india and Russia if we want to keep the Chinese in check

But people would die.

>Our Ally

Fuck off Hillary.

Ignore him based leaf, he's probably an edgy new immigrant from the_Donald.
As usual the mudslimes with there madarsa education got swindled by the yellow man

Pakistan would probably do better under China anyways.


It's literally the final step towards Pakistan becoming a vassal state of China. They sold their entire country and give damn near every rights to their energy needs to China to show the world how close they are. It doesn't get any more ignorant then that.

Chinese do not give a shit about Pakistan, the only reason they do so is because they want to contain India.

Btw, China has a history of pumping billions of dollars in return for better diplomatic relations and the majority of these projects never get finished or don't live up to the promise.

They will, but at what cost?

yeah because a 3rd world muslim shithole is such an important economic partner. not.

poo in loo

This seems important though. These trade routes are supposed to benefit them greatly.
What exactly is the cost? I'm sure most Pakistanis would be happy if most of their current government was slaughtered anyways.

Meh, 60 billion is shit. We have at least 30 aircraft that cost that much.

Isnt it time to bed, kid?

It stands to benefit China greatly. The majority of the agreement is secret including finances. It's suspected that the short term gain of this project will be completely nullified by the crippling debt brought on by the retarded taxes and interest rates.

Doesn't matter who it is.

China is quickly making enemies as they expand their international involvement and that will include Islamic radicals who don't want Chinese atheists (even worse than American Christians) corrupting their country.

More importantly, their activities in Pakistan have inflamed the suspicions of India, which is why they have drawn closer than ever to the US in recent years (this began even before Modi) and become one of our top arms importers.

From what I've heard, the road is only fully operational for 6 months each year due to the poor weather in northern Pakistan/Kashgar I don't really think it's going to make as big of a difference as the Pakistanis think.

But even so, a more developed Pakistan will be good for India. If they have more to lose there will be less sabre-rattling on their part. If people begin to invest money into Pakistan the government might pivot to crack on elements that make the region unstable/less attractive to investors.

The only bad thing about the CPEC for India is increased Chinese presence in the Indian ocean.

Bump due to extremely interesting topic.

Also, apparently Pak, China & Russia had a meeting about Afghanistan today and Afghanistan wasn't invited. Afghans are furious now and were told they'd be invited to the next one kek.

Regardless, Russia is shifting towards Sini-Pak too. India is our ONLY HOPE in Asia.