What historical event caused the British Empire to go from the most powerful force on the planet to... well...

What historical event caused the British Empire to go from the most powerful force on the planet to... well, what they are now?

It's not just the state either, it's the people and the culture. It doesn't seem right.

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>most powerful force on the planet
they never were, if they would, they wouldnt have fallen

Amerinigger revolution.

They chimped out because they had to pay a little tiny bit of taxes.

They chimped out when Germany started to become competitive and the Berlin-Baghdad Railroad would how generated a large disadvantage for the Island people. So they jumped on the first opportunity of war against Germany - twice.

>commie education

The empire fell because you niggers went broke from your incest wars

Both World Wars caused it. And it wasn't just the British Empire that met its demise from them, but every single empire of Europe. Basically, two generations of men were just wiped from existence. These men were the toughest and the best of these nations. I don't who you are; that's enough to kill off any nation. Not to mention, the massive amount of resources it took to fight these wars was incredible. So as you see, after the world wars, the European empires began giving independence to their colonies, not because they wanted to give them their freedoms and self-governance, but because they could no longer sustain the colonies like they once could.

WW I & II. II, especially. They lost most of the holdings in Asia, and the US took over in the lead economically, industrially, and militarily. Both wars gutted the country in all ways - loss of able bodied men, depleted supplies and crops, depleted raw resources, the Japanese took most of their Asian holdings, and after the wars, yhe League of Nations and later the UN pushed British holdings, like India, to become independant countries. They started the century THE military and economic powerhouse of the world, and by mid-century, it was all gone.

We were and still are being hoodwinked by kikes.

Must have been great to be a wealthy british tourist during the empire era. You could do a safari through Africa without fear of being killed.

>can't afford to project their forces to their colonies with the massive infrastructure damage, debt to America under the lend-lease program, and dwindling population
>massive anti-colonial push in the West (except for Israel) following the war
It's not terribly complicated



Why aren't there any brits in here defending themselves?

I don't care how late it is

You know what's even more surprising? Portugal. Tiny country gets a global empire and now they're awful compared to west Europe standards.

When the Rothschild's took over.


We did it. We were actually part of their country, not just the empire. Once they couldn't hold their country together, the empire's days were numbered.

they still (((control everything))) behind the scenes

Couldn't give a fuck about Britain. Hope the entire country collapses and gets taken over by pakis. I have no desire to defend Britain.

What would Nige say if he saw you postin this lad?

I think he would be saddened but he would understand that Britain is a lost cause even with Brexit. Why do you think he goes over to the US and is looking for a position within Trumps government?

The American Revolution sparked resistance against all colonial powers, military losses, suffragette movement was different in Britain than in the US, and the rise of US economy and military in WWI.

Have you seen the state of the current political climate nowadays? Even if we still had the empire it would just be turned into a modern alternative commonwealth style union with freedom of movement and other bullshit.

We may be too cucked by our size to have any power nowadays but we've had our colonial fun and Britain is definitely among if not the most significant country of the past few hundred years. I'm very proud of this country even if we're like 87 percent white now and culturally dying like everyone else.

1815, when the kikes took control of English currency. Then Ww2 killed and shamed the best of the Europeans in generally.


The saddest movie I've ever watched

>culturally dying
Dead you mean.

They chimped out because Britain was steadily banning slavery in all its colonies during the late 1700s, and then wrote in their history books later that it was over a 3% tax on tea because that sounded better.

Oliver Cromwell.

Its true.

Demographic growth elsewhere, large aided by British agricultural advances.

We made the African population.

Anyone who was worth two pence left for the new world and all the opportunity it held.

Monarchy cucks, pakis, pajeets, and niggers were the only ones left.

(((Great Britain)))

To answer your question OP - the Empire collapsed because colonialism succeeded in raising their colonies' standard of living where their populations were able to explode in number and become uncontrollable. What didn't revolt was able to just declare independence after two world wars, and Eisenhower's declaration that European colonialism was over.

>59% and counting.

Also this. Feudal lords decided clearances for sheep were better then the men who carved out their empire for them.

We are talking about history and the cause of the fall of Britain Ahmed.

Your dipshit ancestors brought the niggers here and now we are turning into (((You)))

>Your dipshit ancestors brought the niggers here
Try again lad.

What is the British/Arab slave trade?

Eta mauvais macro, kot to sorti

WW1 and 2.

The sheer number of white men that died in those fucking wars.

Two extremely expensive world wars and a political establishment that lost its nerve

Best soldiers died in World Wars

The Asanti (the capital, Kumasi, is in modern Ghana) had a long tradition of domestic slavery. But gold was the main commodity for selling. With the arrival of Europeans the slaves displaced gold as the main commodity for trade.

As late as 1895 the British Colonial Office was not concerned by this.

"It would be a mistake to frighten the King of Kumasi and the Ashantis generally on the question of slavery. We cannot sweep away their customs and institutions all at once. Domestic slavery should not be troubled at present."


They (the City) decided to outsource the more visible aspects of their nation-building activities to DC. London and more specifically SIS is the spider at the center of the web.

Why don't you do some research on the Jewish involvement and come back to me.

Never denied the Jews had a part. (Stormfag detected)

But to ignore Britain's part and get butthurt when it is brought up betrays your ignorance.

hurr durr I haven't done any research and if someone talks about how the Jews were heavily involved Im just going to call them a stormfag.

Free trade

You literally have not provided any sources.

I would refer you to this: >implying you aren't a stormfag

Napoleon, WW1, WW2

be leaf still have to follow monarchy kys fucking nigger

>I can't type into a search engine the Jewish involvement in slavery

Have this one for starters.


The suez crisis. They were told by the UN, USA, Egypt, Soviet Union, etc to fuck off they didn't listen and lost the canal to Egypt, one of their previous imperialized country. Did I mention they had help from France and Israel.

AGAIN, I never denied the Jews were involved in the slave trade.

All of Europe was along with the the Middle East.

>j00z created the slave trade
>j00z caused WWI
>j00z caused WWII
>im not a stormfag

Stop deflecting and let the UK take their fair share of the blame.

This. It's a Paki-infested, White male-hating, nanny/police state that hates its young native populace. Hoping to move out to Austria where my mother's family lives eventually, wouldn't raise children in this shithole.

Topkek on your "source"

>Professor Tony Martin
>Black Nationalist
>Teaches at a Wymen's college


Most of the empires started to die around the same time, French, Dutch, Holy Roman, Mughal, Spanish, Ottoman etc etc, Britain was the largest and last to fully develop so it's only natural it was the last to die, Empires dying in the 19th and 20th centuries wasn't exclusive to the British Empire.

Empires are bloated, highly expensive, complex, hard to manage and outdated

All great Empires eventually fall

this is why the colonies fell.

I'm off to Germany. Going to try to get a German passport by lineage. My grandmother was born in Germany and is half German so I may be entitled to a passport. If I can't get a passport I'll do it the normal but longer way. Fuck this country. I want no part of it.

People yearn for self governance, once an educated class arises and there exists other examples - even historical ones - to aspire to.

The only way to stop this from happening is to control the information available for public consumption and to make a violent example (warranted or otherwise) every so often to keep people ignorant and feeling they've got too much to risk upsetting the established order.

Thankfully the Anglos, while not saints by any stretch of the imagination, aren't as cruel as the Spaniards.

disingenuous cunt. You need me to spoon feed you.


>hurr durr I cant prove it wrong

the same thing that happens to all empires...

Muslim agitation in India and Egypt, the only two places they controlled that weren't worthless wastelands or port cities.

Atlantic Charter.

world war 1

Boer wars, world war 1, world war 2, unprofitable colonies, independence movements in said colonies.

Because the only reason Portugal was able to put that empire together was because they didn't have competition quite yet. Once competitors showed up, the Portuguese couldn't.

1913: fed reserve is signed
1914: fund WWI
1919: Germany in debt
1929: world economy collapses
1933: fund Hitler
1945: win all the money and claim you're the new leaders, no more empires.


Comfiest shit my man. See the elk in Canada, The 'roos in 'srtraya, the best bits of africa AND India goddamn.

Feminism, reduced birth rates (less soldiers for the empire), and softening of policies due to women vote
Lack of manpower and funds after two great wars
Rise of rivals Germany, USA and USSR.

I can myself clearly remember standing on Portsmouth shore on the sultry August day in 1960 when the Royal Navy's last battleship, HMS Vanguard, was towed to the breaker's yard. The great 44,000-ton sea monster had been a relic when she was completed in 1946, too late for the war in which she was meant to fight. She had been built for a world that no longer existed, and had spent the last few years of her life as a hulk unable to move under her own power. Yet within her beautiful lines and enormous guns (dating from 1916 and rarely if ever fired) she was one of the most impressive and evocative sights of her times. It was typical of those times that, as she was dragged to her last resting place, she should have run aground on a mudbank. Nothing, it seemed, could go right for us any more.

But seriously, read Abolition of Britain and you'll understand the lack of patriotism in Native Brits.

this. both world wars were started because modernization meant we didnt have to do all our trade with shitty boats and the only thing great britian had going for it was its navy. Great britian was the original military industrial complex and they lost their shit when they realized they would literally lose their shit.

This. Ignoring all the rise of Germany stuff pretty ww1 it was the actual alliance system that dragged everybody into ww1 once franz Ferdinand was killed.

Britain could have stayed out of the war as our only alliance was with fucking Belgium. Risk the empire for Belgium? Are you fucking kidding me?

Our elite were itching to go to war with the Germans, they got too greedy. Being no1 wasn't enough.

Same in ww2 except this time being the class ridden shit hole British society is they chimped out over the Germans becoming powerful again and the people of Germany actually having a better living standard than the average Brit.

Germans were getting social housing, jobs, holidays and cars in the not too distant future.
Average Brit that came back after ww1 had none of this. In fact lots of them either went homeless or were packed off as slave labour to the mines.

The problem with britain is it's political leadership has nothing in common with it's working class. In fact it actively loathes it, creating animosity between them. Instead of cultivating it's human resources it engages in cultural war against it.

I always thought it strange that communism never took off here. I really couldn't imagine a more suitable place for it in Europe, outside of Russia, where it rose for the same reasons.

This is something that I have to keep telling people from other countries, but especially Americans, that the British empire never had a single benefit for the common Brit.

In fact in a lot of ways it seems people were glad to be rid of it.

Screencap for anyone else that found this valuable.

The weakening of british power and influence post ww2

Do you think Britain would benefit from a senate system like Australia and America rather than the house of unelected Lords clusterfuck ?

Why was there such a divide between the working and upper classes in Britain? What are things like at present?

The cost of occupying those territories outweighed the benefits.

Also the only reason places like Hong Kong and Singapore exist is due to the benefits of being part of the British Empire.

Fortunately WW3 is coming soon so we can restart this process.

The traditional Lords system had its benefits. Being unpolitical, and educated to a far higher degree than the average politician, meant we often had a traditionalist buffer against mindless progressivism. If anyone was to bring up Magna Carta to halt an authoritarian advance, it would be the Lords.

But with that dissolved it doesn't really apply any more.

Though they never really cared to stop anything that would affect the common man as long as they were left alone. See how cheap pistols are banned, but expensive hunting shotguns and rifles aren't.

Hong Kong and Singapore show that culture is separate from race. They went, in a single generation, from your average robotic Asian people, to freedom-loving believers in democracy and Common Law.

>what where the world wars
>what was being a puppet of international bankers and expending every last drop of everything they had so they could destroy Germany because how dare they go against globalism, capitalism, communism, tolerance, multiculturalism, and diversity =)

And now the world is shit and we have to clean it up when it could have been cleaned up 70 years ago

To be fair, yours was the government that stopped Patton taking out the Bolsheviks and Moscow.

A continuation of the war would have been unfeasible, let's be honest. Especially when going against a perceived friend with whom you've been touting allegiance with for the past 4 years.

To be fair, literally every single Allied country was run by Jews and their helpers, and all of them pitched in to destroy Fascism entirely

The Allies started the war, fought it, and after around 6 years of cataclysmic hell finally managed to win it

It was the most destructive and fucked up war in all of human history and it had such horrendous effects that the the entire modern world is a giant byproduct of it, and we all know how shit everything is now

>muh stopping patton

They were never gonna let him do it, they went to war to destroy Fascism not communism

Its easier for smaller countries with smaller populations to change in a single generation. Particularly when they have nothing to offer outside of finance and businnes.

It would have been feasible for the US. They got rich off the war before the end, using some of that profit to take out the Soviets wouldn't have hurt them none.

To place the blame entirely at the feet of Britain, while convenient as the weakest of the allies, is hardly accurate.

Fighting WW2 for no good reason thereby marking ourselves (((American))) debt slaves.
WW2 was a completely unnecessary and optional war for Britain.

Generations since the 60s have been raised to despise anything British and blindly worship anything foreign.

>muh feasible

You guys don't know shit about the war

Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin all knew each other and were buddies


The soldier was sold the war on stopping the death camps. Which was why there was calls to destroy the Doviets afterwards, but you had subverted reporters like Duranty telling people they don't exist in the worker's paradise.

>were buddies

I don't think Churchill ever said a good thing about Communism or Russia before he had to fight with them. He was an aristocrat, so liking socialism is an obviously bad idea for him.

Besides, it seems strange that people blame Britain for not turning on its continental allies and betraying them in order to side with the Reich, then say that America could never turn on the Soviets because they were "buddies."

Again, blaming the easy target.

It's not "us" it was the government at the time and the people it had brainwashed
And it was never "muh camps", they didn't even come across camps until the final months of the war and even then it was literally just prison camps, but the allies manipulated things to look like they had been extermination camps to add more fuel to their "just war" narrative
Also I didn't have shit to do with it
All the allies were in on it, watch the greatest story never told

Try watching the video

>Besides, it seems strange that people blame Britain for not turning on its continental allies and betraying them in order to side with the Reich, then say that America could never turn on the Soviets because they were "buddies."

Holy shit
Capitalism is bad
Democracy is bad
Communism is bad

Fascism is good
Every single Allied country SHOULD have not fought the Axis but they DID because they were controlled by Jews and their helpers

The answer is pic related. spats

nothing went right for the british after that.

British foreign policy was always about preventing a dominant continental power it's why they fought the Spanish the French and finally the Germans. The issue they ran into with the German wars was that the world had changed Europe didn't necessarily dominate the world anymore instead of sacrificing so much to stop the Germans thereby being to weak to resist America cucking them out of their empire instead what the UK should have done was ignore the declining continent of Europe and push for greater integration with the dominions even India if it could be managed. The UK, South Africa, Canada and Australia together would rival America enough to prevent us all from becoming essentially client states, even today it's not to late for this especially with Brexit but we drift farther apart everyday.

Mandatory viewing


>watch the greatest story never told

That's just propaganda from the opposite direction that appeals to the "everything I knew was wrong!" guys that are addicted to "red pills" to the point where anything is goes against what they knew is considered truth.

>Every single Allied country SHOULD have not fought the Axis but they DID because they were controlled by Jews and their helpers

So can we stop blaming exclusively the British for it then, please? We signed an agreement with Poland just before the German invasion. What were we meant to do? Say our fingers were crossed?

Strange how people argue that Hitler respected the honour of the English, yet then expects England behave dishonourably by betraying its allies.

Well I watch a movie about a white women who fall in love with some nigerian guy and that cause the fall of the British Empire.

So I guess its all the BBC fault

Every foreign policy is about stopping other dominant powers from rising up. What kind of nation wouldn't try to maintain its position.

>ignore the declining continent of Europe
It's only a few miles away, user. There was no reason to believe that Hitler would honour his word to leave the British alone considering he broke every other word he gave.

> it's not to late for this especially with Brexit but we drift farther apart everyday.
Considering your leader doesn't even consider Canada a nation shows that, again, it's not exclusively our fault.

Again with the convenient blaming of the dying man.