True Aryan Thread

>mfw i am a true aryan

Why do you think you can be one of us?

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Wrong poo poo boy
Northern Indians are aryan those who were untainted by you Dravidian scum, they have usually have light eyes and light skin.

>muslim slayers

close enough to being white tbqh

REEEE i've trademarked the word you fags stop using it.

Lol brown Indians are a various amount of white - australoid mix. Pic related is pure Aryan that still reside in the himalayas

Remember we should always be united. No "reeeee" would solve any problem.

China is next in line to be a superpower. Then its Russia vs India in the next 50 years.

Mate, China's entire economy depended on US importing there product will never make them a superpower.

You can join Scandi if you want~
Estonia fuck off

so if i have blue eyes and blonde hair, can i poo in loo or no?



Show me Indian Aryan goddess please matey

Hello fellow true Aryan.


This is false. Aryan≠white. Those Kalasha are probably just descendants of Alexander just like the Nuristani people of Afghanistan. Stop spreading fake news.

Ukrainians are the original Aryans, m8. The Aryan race originated in what is now central Ukraine, and archaeology has proven this with the discovery of carved swastikas and pottery with swastikas found in said region. They also BTFO Jews.

fuck off

So what do (((they))) get from all of this? How does Ukraine as the Aryan homeland play into (((their))) agenda? If anything, it destroys it.

See how you think that it destroys (((their))) (((agenda)))? That's exactly what (((they))) want you to think, that (((their))) (((agenda))) is destroyed so you think your job here is done and you stop digging and uncovering (((their))) true (((agenda))).

Congrats, (((you))) played straight into (((their))) hands. Idiot.

Believe me the Chinese will but it wouldn't last. Russia and India wouldn't take this sitting down.
