>inb4 Le Plebbit

Other urls found in this thread:

No argument found

>So what? why should we care more about crime in Germany than crime in Syria

These people exists.

You're a fucking kike, stop shit posting for libtard policies that do you no good

>not using adblock

found the cuck

You know
>BTFO posts are against the board rules right?

im not reading anything wirrten by beiber

>tfw you can murder and rape all the people you want and the only people who'll be called evil are the ones who recognize what you do


Checked 00110111 00110111 00110111

>we're correct because we're correct

These people need to realize the day is soon coming when they will be put up against a wall and shot

don't forget to sage shit threads by the way we've got enough sliding as it is

>Yes even if there is crime then it's govs fault because refugees were mistreated.
>Be Ahmed Al Rapeya
>be 14 yrs forever
>get Shelter
>get Food
>No need to work
>get gibs from libs
>rape eurochick
>fap at a public swimming pool
>burn down your own shelter
>throw food away
>make hosts that actually care about their country angry
>get white-knighted by pseudo intellectual on Leddit
>keep doing the same without consequences
>return to warzone country cuz host country wasnt good enough
Def pol BTFO

Opinion Discarded
Saged and Hidden Faggot

>Look at all those words.
>So intelligent.
>Surely there is an awesome, amazing argument in there if I just read it.

They add a syllable for every inch they lack.

W-well maybe it has a point. If crime rates really don't show any change, are refugees that ba-

>Up to 90% of the sex crimes committed in Germany in 2014 do not appear in the official statistics, according to André Schulz, the head of the Association of Criminal Police.

So the only ''factual'' argument this fucking faggot brought up is pretty much nothing desu, but Sup Forums BTFO right?

poor horse

Sounds like somebody needs to learn about the effect of diversity on trust within communities.

wtf i am now a #cruzmissile

>The safety of my family is more important to me than the safety of strangers
>that makes me evil
Well then call me Adolf fucking Hitler.
Also, pic related.

Reddit is for fucking fags and you should never read anything from it. Posting anything from reddit makes you a fag. Posting anything that was originally posted at reddit makes you a super fag.

Learn the above rules.

Go away, degenerate newfag.

There's literally no arguing with these people because they take facts and claim they must be false because it offends them.
>Even if refugees committed more crimes it doesn't mean they are criminals, it means the government put them in horrible living conditions
They fucking deny facts, and at the same time supply an excuse for the same fact they denied. It's also funny because refugees have it fucking good in countries like Germany, where they take goddamn vacations to go back to their homeland that they "fled"


wtf I love rapefugees now

Check /r/girlsgonewild

Reminds me of this.

Reminder that anything on reddit will get upvoted as long as it's obscenely long even if its factually false and doesn't actually say anything beyond "my opinion is right because my morals say so"

Go away chrstian-evangelist

>So what? Why do you care? Checkmate atheists!
Riveting, hard hitting shit. This dude really won the chromosome lottery.

Then the alternative is violence.

>People who commit crimes aren't criminals if the government put them in horrible living conditions.
false choice

It makes me angry that the guy deleted his reply in response to a reply by someone with fucking Justin Bieber avatar.

>muh feels

>closed-border IDEOLOGY
Holy shit dude.


commies use so many words but at the end say nothing

>justin beieber avatar

I though you guys were meming

reddit is truly disgusting

Holy shit that makes me want to rip my eyes out. They never address the real quantifiable concerns that get posted here every single day. These progressives are monsters.

That guy is a fucking idiot, he should understand what incoherent wankery is, he has mastered it. I remain unconvinced that refugees don't add to the crime rate what an insufferable twat, his saying it doesn't make it true. Is this his way of volunteering to put up a Syrian refugee family? I hope he's practicing his ululations la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la.

stop being a fucking laf

>Refugee crime is hype not fact


>what did he mean by this?

Error: no arguments found

sage shit threads.

>low crime
The argument that they "were forced to commit crime" is a non-argument. They have agency over their actions. You choose to rape and steal, it isn't some unfortunate consequence. Poverty is not correlated with crime:
Third point (so what?): answer me this, what moral obligation is attendant upon mass immigration? Without resorting to appeals to emotion? Why import them? Every time, it is because the host nation is more altruistic than they are wise. What obligation do you have to intervene in the affairs of others? It assumes that all their shortcomings are illegitimate, and not the result of their own lack of capability, which further absolves agency. These (((people))) wish to treat the down-trodden as animals.
Also no arguments presented that are logical.

>reads right out of junior high

nobody's reading all that bullshit. keep your delusion on ribbit

ITT: Sup Forums proves itself to be the easiest board to troll


God damn I can't fucking stand rational skeptic redditor dictation.

It's so fucking holier-than-thou and smug.

>we can quibble about studies and sub analysis
>but here is my totally made up unsourced conjecture