Why is there no PIGSKIN MEMES for the superior whites?
Shitskin this, shitskin that...But no PIGSKIN...(((why?)))
PIGSKIN=White people skin
Why is there no PIGSKIN MEMES for the superior whites?
Shitskin this, shitskin that...But no PIGSKIN...(((why?)))
PIGSKIN=White people skin
would fuck
"Pigskin" is already used for handeggs and pigs aren't always the same color
*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
*sips tea*
>it's another Sam Hyde episode
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>not all jews
>random nigger porn
>what did he mean by this
*sips tea*
The point of an insult is if it has an impact. Example, shit is smelly waste material. So saying someone's skin looks like shit is hurtful.
A pig is just an animal. Blacks resemble apes, whites don't really resemble pigs all that much, so the comparison is pretty weak and has little impact on whites.
All of this said, blacks are emotionally weak with inferiority complexes. Even calling them nonsense words like nigger and coon hurts them. I'm assuming latinos and others are more insulted by being put in the same group as subhuman nogs.
Whitefag detected
because it wouldn't demoralize us in the least, so it is completely ineffective.
Looks pretty familiar to me
LOL the delusion is big
He kinda looks like a pig descendant
Keep trying, lil' buddy. You'll get there.
This guy too!
(((I think we are on to something)))
Brb creating a pig to whiteman evolution timeline
*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
*sips tea*
>it's another Sam Hyde episode
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>not all jews
>random nigger porn
>what did he mean by this
*sips tea*
Pigskin is what they call a football
Shit thread.
Sage. Hide. Move on.
you blind?
Nice try white guy lmao
Footballs are brown hahaha (((pathetic)))
Here are some white fellas hanging out
Hoooge resemblance
Also available the negro version
The truth hurts and it's scary huh faggot
Typical American lacking knowledge
"These days, footballs are typically made from cowhide or vulcanized rubber, making their nickname “pigskins” somewhat ironic. Football fans often perpetuate the idea that footballs used to be made of pigskin, which is how they got their nickname, but it turns out this isn't the case."
It's "cumskin", and it's hardly even an insult
t. nignog that's angry that he can't insult white people properly because of his inferior intellect
>when niggers are even jealous of pigs being white..kys
You can't insult people whose nations have built tremendous societies and created amazing technology with petty insults like that.
Also why niggers get triggered by word nigger or even coloured because they haven't collectively achieved anything.
Kinda like calling dumb person who barely finished vocational school dumb makes him riled up, while MSc chuckles and moves on.
You're fucking special...Those arguments are the stupidest on the internet.
White people stole all kinds of ideas and amalgamated them to their "culture"
England as an isolated country didn't invent shit until they went abroad...Just look at Caucasian cuisine probably the least original and the historically most bland in the world
This white nigga try to say whites invented the world...Brainwashed mothafucka
Im secretly extremely offended and devastated, Jamal.
It's ok Gunther everyone likes bacon
I wish I looked like this
The term is cumskin and it's because white people are literally the meter by which the global civilization is measured by
Friendo, it all boils down to this.
Do nonwhites want to go to white countries? Or is it the other way around?
Even if whites stole all their ideas as you claim (utter bullshit), they were obviously the best at applying it to their societies.
Pretty hilarious to see how assblasted you are though.
Lol when cumskin is preferred over pigskin, they're both equally insulting.
You mean the new "arab" countries now right?
Or the other (((white))) countries?
Plz clarify
They're both meaningless, there's no history, tact or sting behind the insults. They sound like nothing more than something kids would call each other on the playground.
>INB4 b-but muh shitskin
It only works because niggers let it hurt them.
Wow someone's mad that they're a nigger.
Even the white skinned animals look better
Still majority white. Though I admit we screwed up letting you guys in.
Eh, lesson learned. Why do you think Trump was voted in?
>nogs think that is white skin
>Sup Forums in a nutshell
Lmao because globalization has fucked up the United States you moran.
Stop saying "we" you and I are not anywhere near the hierarchy that makes those decisions. Your leaders dun fucked up son, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it
>Reconise pic related from my episodes of sleep paralysis
>reverse search image
>"Bedside Marlen"
Oh shit.
because it has no power. white people dont give a fuck about race.
Lmfao did you really just say white people don't care about race...
This is getting good...
>Most bland
All right, Americuck.
Inferior people can't into memes.
Have a (you) if you're not a triggered shitskin.
Triggered not at all
>Just look at Caucasian cuisine probably the least original and the historically most bland in the world
What do you mean by Caucasian cuisine though? Dishes from the Caucasus? American food? British? French? Nordic?
>It's an Americans think they know about ethicities episode
no, they are actually true.
You can't truly offend succesful people.
pig = smart and social animal
shit = shit
Because the white people who are not glad they are whites are not here.
But please, make it trendy on twitter and tumblr, it will make the others whites race aware.
You can't insult someone for being white. It just doesn't stick. I'd thank you for the compliment and go about my day.