Are you happy you supported Trump? He's gonna undo all the based anti-zionist shit the Democrats did

Are you happy you supported Trump? He's gonna undo all the based anti-zionist shit the Democrats did

Yes, I am very happy. Now go back to your Saudi funded ISIS mosque.

>if you hate israel you like muslims
No. I want them all to die

You clearly didn't get the memo that you win with the Jews, but gotta watch out for backstabbing.

Do Israelis hate Hollywood?

Israelis are based.

Muslims are never going to die.They're what not 1.5 billion, and they're the fastest growing religion

They should stay in their own countries and live as they wish

The ((problem)) is, the Jews moved in there and abuse muslims daily. So in order for Jews to survive in the middle east Muslims must be in constant state of destabilization and war, which creates rapefugees and trillions of dollars of cost for Americans mostly, but rest of the west too

Israelis are jews and jews are hollywood, so yes they hate hollywood.

But they hate you even more.

I hope so.

Good goy

You should invade Iran too

Not as excited as around when the election was. Still think he was a better choice than Clinton though, if only slightly. And even worst case scenario at least it will be an interesting 4-8 years.

Whoops, didn't read through.
Correction, I do not like zionists and I doubt Trump does either.

Also something's weird with the reply arrows, there's a dotted line under them and I don't see a (you).

you could take any human being on the planet, make them president and they would be in that photo shaking Bibi's hand bud. Just fucking deal with it


Implying both candidates weren't soiled up to their waist in this filth.

lesser of two evils imo

That's not true.

Uninhibited kebob removal is what I voted for.


>pitting muslims against the Jews
Yeah, smart idea when the Jews have nukes.

Let them have their way, I don't care about Palestinians.

You should try opening up a book for once in your life.

lol, nope. Trump's has already ruined fifteen years of Israeli plotting and he isn't even in office yet. By letting Assad crush the FSA and encouraging Russia to deal with ISIS, Israel has been frustrated yet again. Iran's major allies continue to stand strong and their nuclear program is coming along just fine.

My challenge to anyone lying about Trump by calling him a Zionist: Explain to me how thwarting Israel's plan to bring down Syria helps Israel.

>based anti-zionist shit the Democrats did
You mean nothing? You mean the nothing that they did ever? Obama SAID some mean things about the kikes, but he gave them the biggest military aid package yet and helped them bring down multiple priority targets for furthering the Yinon plan. Or he tried, at least. Egypt slipped away from him and Trump has now fucked up Syria.

Honestly it's like talking to Creationists. All of the actual evidence suggests that Trump isn't a Zionist dildo, yet you insist that because Trump told the Jews he was totally on their side guys, that that means he's their puppet. It doesn't matter if he immediately fucks up their plans, no no, he's a Jewish stooge because he said some words.

Fucking retards.

Love games?

Roach diaspora detected.
Either that or a fucking Albanian.

All other US presidents:
>Nationalism for Israel, globalism for the US

>Nationalism for the US, an nationalism for Israel


>Trump will reveal /pol's true love of the Jew

yes, mr. trumpstein who has family all married into jews will surely go against their best interests! mr. trumpstein is secretly a nazi, believe me!

Yes you fucktards this is a good thing. Israeli jews (i.e. religious jews) hate marxism as much as we. Because marxism promotes class warfare favoring the 'oppressed class' (i.e. palestinians). thats why Israel endorsed Trump, Romney before that, MacCain before that. They are staunchly conservative. Only Jews who lose their religion and become essentially atheists (cultural jews) become (((jews))).

Is it possible to make the cultural jews into religious Jews. Sounds like it would solve a lot of problems.

Israel > Sandniggers

In theory any atheist can (re)discover religion. And I agree with you. If the west would embrace their cultural heritage more (including religion) that would solve a lot of the problems we are facing today


Care to explain?


someday right wing politics in the US will not be synonymous with kike bootlicking

hating one group doesn't mean you support the other

fuck sand niggers, fuck kikes

So if I'm reading right.
The holocaust never happened.
Nazi's should have killed more during the holocaust.
It's bad that the Zionists exploited the holocaust.
But we're going to let Trump make the Zionists get more power just because he's Trump.


He's going to let the jews initiate total war with their muzzy neighbors.
Then we're going to be able to push all their shit in at once.
Their populations here will go nuts and we'll purge the fuck out of them.

It's a hell of a game plan.

It's unfortunately the only route with so many cucks and soft minded limp wristed faggot liberals handicapping our gov from acting in our best interests.

can't wait

Not an argument. Trump isn't a Nazi but he is objectively not working for Israel's Zionist interests, period.

Nope. Give me facts or shut the fuck up. Give me a concrete way in which Trump's overt betrayal of Israel's interests in Syria helps them. You may have as much time as you'd like but if your answer is not a point by point explanation of how that is the case, you will have conceded the argument. I'll wait.

That image made me feel better. It would be a very Trump-like thing to do and consistent with his strategies thus far.

I'm still a little weary of all the jews being married into his family however. I suppose we'll have to wait and see.

I should have voted for Hillary "If you're a kike, take a hike" Clinton

What are you talking about bigger, Muslims have been in constant state of destabilization since year 650.

yea... ISRAEL will get the kabob removal and america and europe will get the kabob...

tired of you people's bullshit.

All major nationalist parties in Europe are pro-israel.


a) They are all bluepilled af fuck and believe that muslims are the only danger
b) They are fake opposition controlled by Jews
c) They are well aware of the Jewish problem, but for strategic reasons choose to delay the direct confrontation

dude, everything has changed since this UN shit.

The propaganda in america is that all of the sudden nothing else matters and we have to drop everything to help israel.

Trump lied to get elected. I voted for him, but i feel like a sucker now that he is a kike worshipper.

you jews think you have everything figured out now huh?

You fags think you can just call anyone criticizing Trumps kike worship as 'ctr' or 'shills'... Nope you kikes are just delusional and you are living in your own echo chamber.

You don't have to be a kike to notice the irony in your statement. Sup Forums is the one calling everyone 'shill' and 'ctr' and rather chose to remain in their state of delusion than confront the criticism of their half brained theories.

We were forced to choose between a guaranteed destruction of our nation and it's values with Hillary or a gamble with Trump on our future.
I have no regrets.

I disagree with Trump on this issue. It's a really big issue too. But his ethics plans for Washington are more important to me.

there are more cockroaches and mosquitoes than fcking muslims. They are ALL easy to slaughter.