KIKES are running this site now.
hope you dumbass jew lovers are having a good time. You are getting showered with interracial and pro jew threads and you don't even get it.
They figured it out and took over dumb goy. GOT IT?
KIKES are running this site now.
hope you dumbass jew lovers are having a good time. You are getting showered with interracial and pro jew threads and you don't even get it.
They figured it out and took over dumb goy. GOT IT?
i would bang this human submarine
I would impregnate her and her baby at the same time if you know what I mean...
yeh i got it.
I fucking love seeing pregnant women. It does something to my brain. It's like opiates and it reminds me when I did heroin. I just want to protect her and provide for her, you know? Make her feel good, give her pleasure. But only if it's my child. I aint no cuck boy!
White women specifically
For some reason this is a fetish of Argies. I'm aware of this and I have no idea why they like it.
Jews must be annihilated lest the pregnant white woman is erased from the Earth.
Because a white pregnant women have everything you need.
A White women
And a fertile women
Here, some examples how (((they))) do this.
I thinks its because we project that its our baby and our woman. Esp if they are hot.
How they're doing it now is view Steisand Effect. They push shit people don't want to see and the reaction to the hated material makes it stronger. Soon it becomes accepted in the deep brain and they move on.
It's because we get off on the idea of publicly marking her as our own. Making her bear our seed and become dependent on us
Sneaky bastards
Almost everything is a psyop these days. Good to reset the brain and do some deep meditation to condition your subconscious.
Well most men get that. I just remember living in Argentina and for some reason all the men were into fucking preg women, even the porno at news shelves was all preg shit.
Kikes hate whites. Wanna rule the site.
No (You)s as well now. Kikes really do run Sup Forums now
yep. i am sick of it
We know. If we wanted a good discussion we would go somewhere else. You know those tennisball court shooting machines? Its like that, only this one filled with shit and a jew behind it. Problem is.. it is a fetish. Keep it coming!
There is nothing we can do!!!!
they will continue to bombard the site with kike interracial shit. It's all projection cause obviously Jews are being bred into extinction and the only jooz left are horrifically inbred hasidics, but ya.
We have to either stop this or just leave.
Oh they run it. They're trying to run down any thread that even mentions the judaic issues w pol/
It got worse once I hit 30. Several Woman I know have had fever dreams of babies in their late 20's early 30's.
get 'em preggers boys.
Reminder that kikes run america and the white race can't be saved until america falls