Tell me Sup Forums
Why aren't gay people allowed to love each other?
Tell me Sup Forums
Why aren't gay people allowed to love each other?
Why so eager for validation, that you have to pass new laws, to force everyone to agree with your nasty gay bullshit? Got some delusion to protect?
How about: condoms don't protect you from HPV? Implying no such thing as safe sex; science finally caught up with religion?
because when you love each other you create hiv
Why are gay people so adamant that others must unconditionally accept their mental illness?
They literally parade down the streets mostly nude, while claiming they're just like anyone else
Wait doesn't latuff suck major muslim dick? I'm surprised he's sticking it to an imam here.
>middle finger to the muslim
That isn't very tolerant of them
>middle finger to a rabbi
In fact, it's quite anti-Semitic
They are here in the US. What's going on over there?
Because Sodoma and Gomora.
I say feel free to love any asshole you wanna, just dont fucking parade your degeneracy on the streets like its something to be proud of in the future.
No its not somethibg to be proud of, ita actually slowly killing your own nation and genotype. Because of faggots like you, western culture is in decline and the future lies in the hands of chinese and goatfuckers from middle east. Thank you user.
fags are pedos
>I say feel free to love any asshole you wanna, just dont fucking parade your degeneracy on the streets like its something to be proud of in the future.
Be a degenerate, whatever, just don't make it public knowledge
Notice how all are shocked except the catholic with his "this shit again" expression.
> dick in butt
> love
Cus its gay
The biggest reasons for gayhate in the western world are those degenerate pride parades where the participants make even the homos who didn't participate look like freaks and the jewish agenda of pushing multiculturalism and globalism.
Get rid of the degenerate parades and the (((globalists))) and I'm sure you'll be accepted.
Not that you're here anymore, yet another 1 post by OP thread.
Better than a dick in a disgusting vagina
They should be allowed to love each other, get married (who cares, look at the statistics for successful long term marriages in western countries) - if they want in on that nightmare then best of luck. Not going to touch adoption of kids, that's another conversation. Just don't aggressively push your agenda on other people, or parade down the street in a leather thong and pink tassels expecting to be respected. Just because you are gay doesn't mean you have to act like an idiot.
Love and lust are 2 different things. Most of the gays.. and most straights too in the west here are in lust because of intense social engineering preying on this weakness in humanity. Classiness would be to keep your sexuality to yourself and be modest. Not flaunt it around loudly. Have some class be modest. These gay pride parades and people being loud about all this is disgusting and degenerate to me. I've met some very classy people who are attracted and in love with people of the same sex. Nothing but respect for them. but most of you are loud faggots.
for very scientific reasons concerning the structure and enevitable evolution of culture
Gay people can love each other just as long as they don't love another gay of the same sex.
kill yourself
it's not how hiv works
I'm not anti-Gay, just anti-Degenerate.
Do whatever you want in you home, but this is punishable by death at the Stake in my eyes
Sup Forums hates fags, not gays.
This. They should keep a lid on their "alternate lifestyle" like I do.
Gays are allowed to love each other. However, it doesn't mean that I have to accept the rise of "effeminate" men, and certainly not accept or tolerate the pride movement.
The overwhelming majority probably doesn't hate homosexuality, it's the degenerate culture and constant promotion of it that harms a society in the long run.
seeing and using pics like this you hand over your will and mind to those who create them, or simply put, to (((them)))
if you are strong enough do not let them control you
all these things are to provoke emotions from you, to make you see unclearly, to act as expected to stray you away from the truth
There's no difference
>mental illness
Thanks leaf, you saved me making a longer post than this.
Because you don't get a babby after you fuck.
You guys love to shit on the greasy mudslimes, but they sure know how to pump 'em out. They will eventually outbreed 'Murica due to MGTOW, general cucking, and LGBTQ+*$%.
They are allowed. Who says they are not? Marriage however is a religious sacrament and a legal arrangement meant expressly to support the family that comes with a series of commitments like being faithful to each other. Have you seen the statistics? Do you know how many gay relationships are exclusive and faithful? Almost none.
Gays can love one another, but it costs them dearly.
>make up for almost 70% of aids related cases and have endemically high STD transfer rates
>have indemically high rates of substance, mental emotional and physical abuse
>Have THE highest rate of partner exchange of any given demographic
>sucide remains endemically high, even in tolerant nations with little statistical variance
>increased risk factors for type B personality and other assorted mental and emotional disorders
>Lesbians are endemically Obese
Being gay would fucking suck. Not even joking.
Because they don't allow me to not have a negative opinion about their mental illness and leave me fucking alone, I don't give a shit how many menly assholes you cracked this year but try to behave like a human and not like a fucking faggot.
If you felt the need to take a photo like that, you're probably a fag.
Because God will literally punish the entire earth because we allowed your faggotry instead of stoning you.
I've already loads of bans on Facebook after I said something about gays on The Telegraph and The Guardian, the last thing I said was "I don't like when sick people are treated like healthy" and got a month ban. The UK is a gay.
I don't hate fags as much as I hate trannies, at least they're proud of being men. Those that act too feminine are just annoying, though.
I hate living here sometimes, I really do.
They're not being men. "Male" are those who partake in sexual reproduction and have a working penis.
Kill yourself
I do kind of have to respect that the cartoonist is giving the finger to the Muslim as well. Consistency. Hard to come by these days.
Because it's wrong morally, and biologically
I've heard that unless you work something related to technology in the UK or USA you will have to get through a lot of libtard validation.
Yeah I know, but they're not trying to change their sex at least. A lot of them are red pilled too and hate trannies and lesbians.
Gays don't want to "love each other" or have anything close to a monogamous relationship. They just want to fuck multiple random people for the rest of their lives and spread diseases. People are entitled to do whatever they want. It's your life, no one cares. But don't demand extra cookies and privileges as if getting your ass pounded was some kind of life achievement worth of adulation
Okay so what about adopting?
Honestly this is the ONE area where logical argumentation on the "alt-right" just seems to shit the bed. It all boils down to: "Fags are icky and AIDs so throw them in a bog!"
I get so tired of this even being considered an "issue". Mass faggotry is a SYMPTOM of cultural Marxism, not the cause of it. For fuck's sake, gays are
EastEnders actively pushing degenerative characters such as gays, trans, shitskins, vegans etc in order to show them as normal in everyday life.
Islam is right.
Orthodox Jews are against faggots.
Yes but fuck Jews.
because of the first law: "love each other and populate the earth".
and since the acts of degeneracy are not purposed for the later it can not be considered to be love.
it just serves to selflishly pursue one illusion of happiness and therefore is a great sin.
also, since it lacks the lacks the greater goal (and, lets not lie to ourselves, serves no goal) it is useless, contraproductive and sets the country back (since the wasted energy could be used for greater good).
No, but fuck Muslims. Judaism is a religion of peace.
They are allowed to love each other.
However they should not be allowed to transform the governmental and societal institutions such as marriage and child raising, because even though their deviance can be tolerated, we cannot allow them to spread it on the rest of society.
Yeah I bet Islam is too.
Because people are getting older and faggots are not tied emotionally. So they stop loving eachother. But
> it`s somehow religious fault
> kikes have real religion and not a herbew-LARPing sect
> .jpg
But you are a gypsy.
Just less to shout about it and not do it in fashion
It's the culture of sexual degeneracy and promiscuity that they create that is the problem.
This, and gays in Anglo-Saxon are the most obnoxious people you will ever meet.
go back to /r/donald
One-way streets are one-way for a reason, just like the human asshole.
Whether you believe in a higher power or not, you should realise that the only natural type of relationship is m/f. Also LGBT is a mental illness, especially the T and know they've added a whole bunch of new letters to justify their mental illness.