Did the Holocaust really happen?

Hey Sup Forums, did the Holocaust really happen?

This guy makes refutes all of the normal talking points spread here, can anyone refute this?


Other urls found in this thread:


No it didn't


Just on a side note, Andersen is a fucking weird guy.

All of these are covered in the gallery. Read it.


I haven't found anyone who can refute this, which is why I ask.

>It didnt
>it should have

NO NAZI. Ever. Ever. Was a Holocaust denier.

This one, simple fact shows that everything the modern deniers try to claim is a silly contrivance. From 1945 onwards, thousands of Nazis were captured and hundreds tried for their part in the Holocaust and other crimes against humanity. They tried to pretend they were someone else, they tried to pretend they didn't know what was happening, they tried to pretend they didn't have as much to do with it as others, they tried to claim they were just following orders and they tried to justify it as "the kind of thing that happens in war." But what NOT ONE of them EVER did was DENY it happened.

Even men on trial for their lives, in the full knowledge they would be hanged if convicted, never stood up in the courtroom and shouted "This is all a lie! This is a fabrication! There were no gas chambers and no crematoria! I'M BEING FRAMED!!!!" On the contrary, they gave great detail as to precisely how they had helped build and helped run the mechanics of mass murder, some of them even seeming proud of how they had achieved something so complex and on such a vast scale.

Citation needed


No, the holocaust did not happen. Sorry, no blog is going to make it real.

>this retarded

Fuck me plebbit, fuck off.

I've seen and heard every Sup Forums infograph ironic and unironic about the holocaust and not one of them mentions the kraut that went to trial and says, "IT NEVER HAPPENED".

Yes and it was glorious


Well they were tortured if they said anything against it and also massive amounts of concentration camp workers were killed before there could even be a trial for them.

This is discussed in the greatest story never told. Tortured into confessions.

>NO NAZI. Ever. Ever. Was a Holocaust denier
Right. The Commander of the Auschwitz Camp was a HoloHoaxer admitting 2 Million Dead Jews while we now know it was just a "Million".

>while we now know it was just a "Million".

And how do we know this?

BBC did a documentary following him a year back, he seems ok.


Whether it (((happened))) or not, it's undeniable that it didn't go down how the history books describe it.


Please read the link


he actually kinda explains everything I've seen here (numbers, methods used etc) and noone's refuted it still, which is why i ask

That first plaque doesn't even say Auschwitz, the second one says 1.5 million.


>Ironically we could know exactly how it went down had the krauts not shoaed the book keeping documents.
>mfw krauts were dindus

No one's refuted it because no one's read it.
This is Sup Forums not imgur.

We'd still probably not know, there was reason for other groups to destroy the documents and the documents could easily be dismissed as nazi propaganda.

That reason being?

I happened but they need to get over it

My point remains. I got it off endchan, and noone's coherently refuted it yet other than what's covered in the blog.

I don't know enough to refute/verify which is why I posted it here

it didn't happen, Rooj

I was actually going to read all of this then they open with the picture of that bald neo-nazi and call revisionists deniers and neo-nazis and "far-right."

If you're going to take the moral high ground in an argument you can't open with calling your opponent all the names in the book.


This, and the other explanation I want is why he expected prisoners to be fed when their troops were dying of starvation and doesn't explain anything about it? just "ALLIED BOMBING NEVER HAPPENED" isn't really an answer.


Yes, it did happen.

oh and another one. his explanation for the crematorium is simply there were no adults there.

Next you're going to tell me cheese pizza means child porn pedo rings

Sadly it didn't happen

>NO NAZI. Ever. Ever. Was a Holocaust denier.
That's not true though. Like the rest of the holohoax.

21 March 46

Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe: The Fuehrer, at any rate, must have had full knowledge of what was happening with regard to concentration camps, the treatment of the Jews, and the treatment of the workers, must he not?

GOERING: I already mentioned it as my opinion that the Fuehrer did not know about details in concentration camps, about atrocities as described here. As far as I know him, I do not believe he was informed. But insofar as he …

Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe: I am not asking about details; I am asking about the murder of four or five million people. Are you suggesting that nobody in power in Germany, except Himmler and perhaps Kaltenbrunner, knew about that?

GOERING: I am still of the opinion that the Fuehrer did not know about these figures.

Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe: You heard what I read to you about Hitler, what he said to Horthy and what Ribbentrop said, that the Jews must be exterminated or taken to concentration camps. Hitler said the Jews must either work or be shot. That was in April 1943. Do you still say that neither Hitler nor you knew of this policy to exterminate the Jews?

GOERING: For the correctness of the document.

Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe: Will you please answer my question. Do you still say neither Hitler nor you knew of the policy to exterminate the Jews?

GOERING: As far as Hitler is concerned, I have said I do not think so. As far as I am concerned, I have said that I did not know, even approximately, to what extent these things were taking place.

Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe: You did not know to what degree, but you knew there was a policy that aimed at the extermination of the Jews?

GOERING: No, a policy of emigration, not liquidation of the Jews. I knew only that there had been isolated cases of such perpetrations.

Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe: Thank you.

More people here need to actually read this shit. The guys at Holocaust Controversies did a great job at refuting neo-Nazi babble.
Unfortunately, when I use it it's often dismissed by people with no interest in truth-seeking as Jewish propaganda, and yada, yada.

(((Sup Forums)))

Holocaust denial is illegal. Pic related is what happens to you if you're a nazi and deny the holocaust. They executed the rest after the war. Do you understand why you don't hear more denials now?

That's because in the second part they call all revisionists neo-nazis, racists and all that shit.

Why would I bother reading something that continuously insults me throughout the blog?

>muh 6 trillion

It was a witchhunt. People were yortured and executed en masse. Pretty soon people learned that denying the holocaust resulted in worse punishment, so like the witches before them, blamed it on satan. "I didn't know." "I was only following orders." Etc.

I believe there has been a mass murder of some sort but the six million number is a complete fabrication.

It's not even logistically possible for them to get rid of so many bodies in ridiculously short time with the technology they had at the time.

And what's with all the survivors? If all those people made it, who the fuck did the nazis kill?

Besides the Holocaust is probably the only historical event no one is allowed to question. You can go to jail and lose your livehood if you're a Denier. Just ask people like David Irving and Jean Marie Le Pen. There has to be something really fishy about something that can't be questioned like that

Supposed Nazi war criminal Alois Brunner said that the first he heard of the Holocaust was in the newspaper after the war.
Also, several Nazis on trial for the alleged Malmedy massacre claimed that they had tried to force them into making false confessions.
That's two off the top of my head. Stop telling lies.

>I accused you of murder but you never said you didn't do it, therefore I have definitive evidence that you are a murderer now off to the chair with you haha

But as you can see, a few brave souls did speak out the truth and faced the consequences. There are many many like them. Why don't you know about them to the extent that you falsely claim that no nazis denied the holocaust? Because what they say is illegal and their writings get suppressed by the authorities. Think about that.

This piece of shit only slanders people for 20 paragraphs, I can safely assume the rest is more shaming and bullshit.

Holocaust conspiracy retards are the worst kind of retards. The supposed gas chambers weren't even warm enough to activate zyklon b, no traces were found and they weren't sealed airtight either. Yeah, that sure sounds like German engineering to me.

Grow thicker skin you retarded piece of shit. And, yeah, it's not lime there's a correlation between worshipping Hitler, and hating Kikes or anything.

I don't care about name calling on here but if you're trying to have your "refutation" taken seriously you don't open with calling everyone who's a revisionist a neo-nazi klansman racist anti semite 50 times.

Fuck you, those sham trials claimed you can gas people and then walk into the chamber without consequences among other impossibilities all over. Just like in ww1, Germans had the choice between doing as told or genocide.

Well you're full of shit, because you've been in these threads before and seen counterexamples posted, but every time you enter a new thread you pretend to know nothing about them.

>Hey Sup Forums, did the Holocaust really happen?
Consider the individual components. Massive gulags/prison labor camps? Absolutely. Massive death counts? No question. The only question is how many people died of starvation, disease, neglect, and how many died from execution, both individually targeted and mass.

And there's reason for Stalin and the Jewish community to inflate both the severity and the numbers.

The link is junior high school garbage that at best just regurgitates better, more well researched sources--some of which have already fallen out of favor with serious historians.

Holocaust controversies is about as credible as the PLO's account of the history of Israel. I actually do believe in the mass executions, but that shit is garbage.

Where is the proof for the claim? There is no claim to be made, they are only debunking low-hanging fruit. Nobody shares images of rabbits and greenhouses/swimming pools of Auschwitz to show that alleged executions didn't occur, but that the "muh ebil dark hellhole" narrative is incorrect. Start this thread over at CODOH, they will take it apart for you if you are interested.
Point being, the onus is not on me to prove however many million died. They can only rely on smoking guns and euphemisms. "Look, they never said they didn't!" or "they said 'x' died, forget the logistics of it all, it happened because they said so! We know this because they said so!"

But he didn't refute anything. Just tried to make people feel bad about telling the truth that there's no evidence for
>government conspiracy
>gas chambers
>6 million
and that all the historical evidence seems to contradict these claims. The holocaust is a conspiracy theory and thete are no rational reasons to believe it happened according to the legally enforced narrative.

Haven't you ever wondered why a historical narrative needs to be legally enforced? Why the narrative remains fixed even though new evidence refutes it and elements that were once accepted are now rejected?

Holocaust deniers are not making claims. We are asking for evidence and receiving none and exposing fraud and lies where possible.

>not one of them mentions the kraut that went to trial and says, "IT NEVER HAPPENED"
Because that is simply not true as you have seen from this thread.

Hermann Goering himself, the second in command of the Third Reich, did precisely that at Nuremberg. He denied the holocaust on both his own and Hitler's behalfs.

I don't believe in the gas chambers or the six million, but there's no denying those detained suffered immesurably. The problem with the Holocaust is it's portrayed as the pinnacle of human vulgarity, cruelty, and efficency, but there's too many inconsistancies. When I break it down as detainment and death through copious amounts of neglect, it becomes far easier to swallow, whilst still being aberrant enough for me to loathe.

Mate. The site is unreadable garbage. It is not credible. It is not objectively useful for historians. It contains no useful or new information. It's JIDF reeeeeing in website form.

It does not explain why there is no evidence for the assertions of the holocaust narrative. It does not explain why there is so much proven fraud, lies and revisions, but the story remains fixed and unchallengeable. It does not explain why a historical narrative needs to be legally enforced in the first place rather than just supported by evidence like literally everything else.




>Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor: One third of the holocaust

Pretty self explanatory, if your enemy has documents proving their innocence you get rid of those documents after you win.

>Hey Sup Forums, did the Holocaust really happen?

Who cares?
Doesn't matter to me if it did or didn't.
I'm just sick of fucking hearing about it.

Not how (((they))) say it did, and 6 million is a meme.

Next watch either Marxist Lucifer King, or New World Order Bible Versions.

Steven Anderson is based af.

>not begging for your life in a kangaroo court like a sniveling faggot
It's because most of them died like men.

>kangaroo court
Hey goyim, did you know that it was in fact the nazis who invented the nuclear bomb, not the Americans, and that instead of using it to win the war, they used it to blow up a village full of jews? It was proved at Nuremberg.



Yes you beat them up then run trials with nebulous accusations at best punishing people who were in no way directly involved in the killing of (((them))) . It's called re writing history

Actually, he covers all those points. Ctrl + F Zyklon B and gas-tight

Anderson is proved based once again, but I have to add that he seems as a slight ego tripper. Slightly cultish, but cant blame him for that considering on what he goes trough every day with death threats to his family.

If you have to ask for "proof" then it didn't happen. This applies to everything in life with no exceptions.

I used to do entire threads on this. I have an MA in History from Columbia, but ended up going into Law. If you have genuine questions, will answer them. Anything I don't know from memory I have bookmarks. I used to do these every few weeks until the election stuff took over.

Don't ask obvious shit you can find on jewggle please, if you have a REAL question, will answer or will give you bookmark where you can find...

No, he doesn't. I read the thing, it debunks low-hanging fruit that nobody uses as a refutation, just to poke holes in the narrative.
There is not a single source for the death tolls. If the conclusion cannot be based in reality, then it is not logical, ergo it did not happen. here: For example, according to this source (jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/augas.html), it states: Crematorium I operated [at Auschwitz] from August 15, 1940 until July 1943. According to calculations by the German authorities, 340 corpses could be burned every 24 hours after the installation of the three furnaces.

August 1940- July 1943 is equivalent to 2 years and 11 months. Let's assume that each month is thirty days long, for convenience. So that is 24 hours*30 days per month)*(35 months)=25,200 hours. If Crematorium I operates at 340 bodies per 24 hours, parcelled equally per each furnace (three furnaces), that is a rate of about 113 bodies per furnace per day, which is about 4-5 bodies per hour per furnace. That is not possible, it takes much longer to cremate a body than 12-13 minutes PER BODY.

Now, let's look at a top-of-the-line cremation oven. matthewsenvironmentalsolutions.com/us/cremation/cremation-equipment-na/human-cremation-na/product/8-enertek-iv-plus
70 minutes is what they cite. The biggest argument I hear is "apples and oranges, cannot compare their ovens to now". First of all, by definition, yes you can. The time discrepancy argument doesn't make sense, too. This hour-long discrepancy is, supposedly, made up because the cremation period also takes into account how long it takes to heat up the oven, and the fact that bodies are cremated in caskets. To heat up an oven and to burn through wood doesn't take 50-60 minutes, or 1.5 hours. If the Third Reich's ovens can go through bodies in 15 minutes, but our modern ovens cannot, then it is illogical to claim bodies were gassed within that period. =no ash. So where are the bodies?

Actually, will do an AMA thread...

How did Germany kill 60 million Jews when there weren't that many in Germany at the time?

Why is the only evidence "well, there were 'x' Jews, now there aren't, ergo mass gassings/cremation", or "well, the nahtzees never said they didn't, ergo mass gassings and cremation". They rely on eye-witness testimony, yet when presented with #totally legit testimony of UFO encounters, the claims are dismissed because that isn't sufficient evidence. Is that not proof that they are diluting the standard of proof to match their arbitrary narrative?
In short, how come all the proof is basically pointing at puddles of blood and asserting what weapon was used in the murder, and that it was, indeed, a murder, or operating off of smoking guns?

Bump. OP's link is great. I have not gone down the rabbit hole nearly as much as him, but he debunks many points I've heard (but never fully researched myself, admittedly).

I don't like how he also implies race-realism is false... that's a separate issue from the holocaust and a story of tens of thousands of years of evolution.

To be honest, I don't want to go all the way down this hole. It seems like a waste of months of my life.

Yes, it really did happen. Of course you're asking this on Sup Forums though, so expect many answers to be no.

jews who lived in countries that germany occupied? There were concentration camps for jews and gypsies here in belgrade, serbia, organized by germans.

>There were concentration camps

For 60 million Jews?

Yes. Hiromoot gassed the (yous).

You're being serious when you say 60 million jews? No one legitimate is claiming 60 million Jews died. You're off by a magnitude.

>Questioning the number of Jews killed

Are you denying the Holocaust? Are you a Nazi?

lol this is the only sane person in the thread, it is a big waste.
it is a reddit response, so the ad-homs, snark, and agenda are all explicit. the difference between them and these kinds of shitholes is that we do not hide our bias. nobody here likes jews, even jews themselves.

they say 6 millions, where are you getting 60 million as a number lol

>denying the 600 million
oy vey

What is the end game of debunking the holocaust?
We need (((them))) when the unprivileged masses of the Muhammedan faith comes at us don't we?

The Holocaust is a fraud. Even if it did happen, it didn't.

Nazi alert. Someone alert the police to this thought criminal so that he can prosecuted for questioning the Shoah.

It's a joke, but it points towards the following: what is permissible to deny? The soap and all that over-exaggeration is given free reign when it is illegal to question the topic.

They're the ones bringing the unprivileged masses of the Muhammedan faith into our borders.

It wasn't 60 million, lol. At most 6 million.


Why do I get the feeling this was originally an anti-trump comic?

Current low-ball estimate is 11 millions Jews, you fucking Nazi scum. True Jews like me know that it is 60. I hope you end up in prison for your lies.

Look at this antisemite. It was six gorillon, goy.

This meme is shit. Jews are just as cucked as any other liberal.

Man wouldnt that be great if that factory going in and finished the job. Only problem is the croats genociding the serbs

>jews are behind every mass immigration organisation
>jews in places of power have actively said they want to genocide whites
It's not a meme.

arent jews killing muslims even right now as we are typing out this? Is there even any other nation in the world that muslims hate more?


>Not a single example is referenced


ex dee
