So Sup Forums, what sort of happenings will occur in 2017?
So Sup Forums, what sort of happenings will occur in 2017?
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the best
Hopefully death and destruction beyond human imagination
The big one
Moar assault trucks
On the day after inauguration there will be a major earthquake on the west coast to go alongside Texas' trillion dollar oil find. Kek rewards those who choose wisely, and punishes those who are heavily cucked.
Assassination of Trump by someone from Sup Forums because he lied about all his campaign promises.
Collapses of the Russian government because of economic decay.
Syrian civil war continues.
Israel gets what's coming to them
moar assault gifs
A new political party will form in the US, it will cater exclusively to fans of Insane Clown Posse.
European civil war
so this is your plan, this is why you are shilling
china economy will colapse, cascading a shitstorm of events that will eventually colapse the US economy. Trump will be to blame, and a coupe will happen. Pence will be president for a while, then the left will take the power eventually.
you shouldnt have revealed your plans. Now it knows.
time to call FBI guys, we have a terrorist in our quarters.
A war.
Trump backs Israel. We know your love Trump, Schlomo.
>cant even spell Shlomo
at least have a little respect for the memes you fucking shill.
btw, he is against Israel, we have chosen our sides, hope you chose wisely.
Screen capped for possible outo me
Praise Kek
>he is against Israe
>"I am so proud of my Jewish daughter and my Jewish son in law and Jewish grand children. I couldn't love them more."
-Donald Trump
dead muslims everywhere
you are lucky i have my keyboard near to enlighten you.
retard, soros is against israel, you faggoys cant tell apart a globalist jew from an israeli. too bad, no wonder why your minds can only focus on racism, because you cant understand anything that isnt literal.
in conclusion, you cant even comprehend your own language, no better than a fucking random 3rd world-er. KYS, spare us from seeing your pathetic agony.
>I love Israel and want them to control America
go home bernie
you got rekt buddy, nice lack of argument,
SAGE; good night shill.
The end.