Who is this man? What is the likelihood of him being elected? Is he Sup Forums?
R.I.P Ahmed
>Who is this man?
I have no idea.
>What is the likelihood of him being elected?
Elected to what?
>Is he Sup Forums?
I have no idea.
Thanks Ameribro
He's likely to become the largest but I dont see him forming a coalition
He's an israel loving zionist
He is leading in the (((polls)))
he has 50+ on his side. thats 12+ seats (for now) VVD will probably work with them although they say they wont.
He only likes isreal because they both hate kebabs.
Honestly this is the best we got after Pim Fortuyn got killed by an assassin hired by the kikes.
he hates islam. rest is not important
If he's working for (((them))) will he really cleanse the snakbars with fire?
Ment to
Instead of
crypto kike, voting for him is like voting for the devil. You know which parties he has on his back.
But the other political parties are also shit, so there is an option of choosing a party who likes being humongous faggots, who would like to have their wives be impregnated by niggers (all the other parties, including the christian ones), and who would like mohammed to kill them on the street out of progression.
Or you can choose this kike lover who hates the mudslimes, but still wants everyones wives to received the black gift.
so 2/2 evil, vs 1/2 evil
I'm shocked how Sup Forums hasn't gone mental over this man, are there anyother politicians this anti islam with a chance?
It's all coming together now, thanks Uncle Shekelstein
He is pretty much only right winged when it comes to immigration and the EU, other than that he's fairly left, especially in his economic policies.
Hates Islam, loves Israel. Probably cause a certain guy called David Horowitz launders money by saying he's sending him a buttload of money but he gets a small percentage of what Horowitz puts in his accountant book.
You know how old this image is? We were right all along.
All jews need to be killed, ALL OF THEM. Yes also the mudslimes, both of them need to go, additionally also the negro's. And with the asiatics we need to stop their population growth to make them more stable.
but all of these years and learning about the jews, the jews may think "well some of us are good and virtuous, surely the goym will see that"
to that answer I concluded: no, there are no good jews, all of them need to be killed and violently removed.
Sup Forums is a zionist board, you aren't welcome here
it never was, there was a questionmark hanging above this, and we know that you kikes tried to reason with us.
We pondered your position long and hard, and concluded that we still want to genocide all of you.
I may be just one person, but I believe that even one person such as myself, when faced with a questionmark where there is a division, can add his voice to the pile so much that it can tip over in balance.
and thus we were completely anti kikes once more.
>Sup Forums keeps pushing zionists into office
Why do neo-nazis have such shit music taste?
he will not help you white dutch with money.
alot of dutch people think , they will get lower TAXES . kekee this guy does nothing for them wallets only talking .