fuck you britcuck faggots for ruining India, you guys are the reason why I had to migrate to the US since you turned India into a shithole.
>before British rule: 25% of the world's GDP
>after British rule: 2% of the world's GDP
fuck you britcuck faggots for ruining India, you guys are the reason why I had to migrate to the US since you turned India into a shithole.
>before British rule: 25% of the world's GDP
>after British rule: 2% of the world's GDP
>25% of the world's GDP
Yes all that prehistoric GDP data is so reliable.
Also India didn't even exist as a country before we came along. You were a bunch of disorganized corrupt fiefs ruled by effeminate men while the vast majority of the people lived in poverty. That's why it was so easy to take over, you didn't even fight back.
>Dimissing data because its "historical"
Kys, the british made India poor and the economy stagnated.
Worth it.
Now Indian women just like their ancient ancestors are sluts for Aryan cock.
maybe you should have fought back harder
it's not like you were outnumbered or anything
Please do explain how a country which held 25% of the world'e wealth allowed themselves to be conquered by some irrelevant island nation thousands of miles away?
We civilised India. Anyone who says otherwise is a communist.
but you didn't potty train them :D
We didn't do a very good job.
Decolonization was a mistake.
prehistoric =/= historical
poo in the fucking loo
To be fair India prior to British conquest wasn't "a country", it was a host of warring kingdoms that was laying wide open to European divide and conquer.
Hell, were it not for the fact that Pakistan and India have galvanized one against another it'd probably have quickly returned to being a bunch of warring states today.
Because they are victims blaming the system as well as the system from a dead empire's actions a decades and more ago.
Should be complaining to Krishna and indra or some shit. And stop answering my tech questions 'johnuthin'
Poo in the Loo it's okay I'll be there for (You). I'll give a toilet, heck you don't have to share.
You're welcome
Christmas never ends in the British Empire.
India is number 1 in another GDP: Gross Domestic Poo. Now be happy, you smelly loo.
They shit in the streets man. I don't consider this civilization
>overthrow petty despotism and superstition
>build civilisation
>civil government
>and most importantly PROPER SANITATION
>70 years of self-rule later random American blames you for designated shitting streets
is he bathing in sewage?
Uh, no. You faggots stole India from us.
No, I think he's just bathing in a big puddle.
Bun or get bunned nigga
You got fucked, now you're cucked.
Try to shit in the street, limp dick Pajeet
Ah fuck off your victim complex. Several nations got rekt in the Second World War, Japan had two nukes thrown on them, Russia lost a shit ton of it's population but guess what: they're doing just fine now. Fuck off and stop blaming le ebil white colonists for the mess we created by letting them take over our economy in the first place back then, and take matters into your own hands for improving the nation. OH WAIT: You're sitting comfortably in the USA, a country that's 70% white. Just fuck off, and don't post again. Ever.
GET THE SANITATION TECH! THAT'S THE ONE YOU NEED. Train some plumbers instead of call center workers.
You have to go back Pajeet.
We didn't create the mess that India is today, it was the British that stagnated our economy and looted us. Japan and Russia weren't under centuries of exploitative rule like we were.
Also, I'm only in the US because like I said, my original country was fucked up by the British.
Also you forgot:
>looted India and stagnated economic growth
>Also, I'm only in the US because like I said, my original country was fucked up by the British.
Then make it great again, pooboy.
>before industrialisation: 25% of the world's GDP
>after industrialisation rule: 2% of the world's GDP
Wow it's fucking nothing. If India wasn't a shithole to begin with it wouldn't have been conquered by the British in the first place.
Those digits.
>a shithole was the richest country in the world prior to colonization
Fuck you Poofag. If you were still a British colony you would living in conditions far better than what you are in now. You wouldn't be the laughing stock of the world for streets lined with human feaces.
>During British rule: 25% of poo in loo
>After British rule: 2% of poo in loo
Then why did India's economy start growing quickly after the British left, and the famines stopped?
>not under centuries of exploitative rule
>Post-war Japan
>Not under exploitative rule
Did you move to the USA because you felt at home surrounded by retards?
Because all the shit your people sprayed everywhere made fantastic compost.
When has India not been ruled by a foreign power? Before the British it was ruled by Muslims for 800 years.
The nature of the Indian is being subjugated. Indians are eternal cucks.
>forgetting that Pakistanis were also rules by the Mughals and British
See the chart I posted, the mughals actually sustained India's wealth and economy. The british on the other hand just looted India.
What does that have to do with anything?
You've had independence nearly as long as us sort yourselves out already
The CCCP continued industrialization of Russia, and Japan after the war was heavily supported and industrialized by the United States. However, the British were absolutely retarded with making money out of India.
"why i had to move to the US"
Jesus Christ this is why India will always be shit, any competent person capable of changing it for the better just bails on it. The west became great because people built it. Not ran from it.
>butthurt shitskin
Riddle me this you lower caste trash, if indians were so great at building civilizations and creating nations which accounted for 25℅ of GDP, why can't they do it now?
"... over 400 million Hindus got slaughtered during Muslim invasion and occupation of India. Survivors got enslaved and castrated. India’s population is said to have been around 600 million at the time of Muslim invasion. By the mid 1500’s the Hindu population was 200 million."
Go the fuck back we don't want you non-American "muh homeland first" pieces of shit living here. Fuck you and fuck your family.
well, how did Pakistan separate from India?
miss it?
At least they fucking generated wealth out of india instead of turning it into a poor shithole
They are doing it now, India's economy is growing quite quickly. But it's not at the height it used to be because its still recovering from centuries of british exploitation you self-hating cuck.
I'm glad we effectively ended colonialism and turned africa and asia into nignog shitholes encouraging mass immigration to better, whiter countries
not even a burger but get the fuck out of their country poocuck
It's my country too if I completely assimilate unlike the towelhead sandniggers in Europe.
Did Indian peasants start getting smartphones over the last year? Trying to figure out why I've seen so many posts with this type of retarded Hindu nationalism recently
I'm not a hindu you dumbfuck
have u stopped shitting in the streets then?
Only low caste village indians do that.
Indias official theme song
> The British leave peacfully then the poo on loos start killing each other and tear the country into three
You guys will always be shit
Not when India had a quarter of the world's wealth.
>Before British empire
No industrial revolution
>After British empire
Industrialized world
Wtf? I hate science now!
The British didn't industrialize India, it was the opposite if anything. I wouldn't have such a problem with their rule of they managed India better.
All they really did was loot India by buying things and selling it back at a higher price after factories reformed it. And then of course they used Indians as manpowers for their imperial problems and colonial wars.
Oh go and shit yourself into a coma you irrelevant curry wog
Oh shit, forgot christians lived in India, Sup Forums tricked me into believing it was a spiritual battle ground where the mudslimes clean out the Hindus and the Sihks clean out the Mudslimes and the Hindus shit in the streets
> loot India by buying things
Stopped reading right there pajeet
You was a shithole before Brits meets you, they actually improved your fucking level by a lot.
if you are so worried about your nation why are you sitting there in a comfy chair posting "britfags ruined my country,but i have some money of my father,better leave this place and provide my services to some other nation"
>implying OP isnt a white male posting threads about india because we are too easy to trigger
Street shitters have nothing to do with religion, it's really just the lower caste untouchable Indians that do it.
Just pointing out where the British fucked up real badly. For the most part, the empire was a good thing.
Wealth from selling shit? Where's your source for such a claim?
Britain gives millions to india every year and you still can't shit in a toilet.
It's right of conquest you cuck, even if you want to deny that we made your shithole country better it was our right to exploit a country we vanquished, accept it and move on its not like we cry about roman domination
Understood, I wouldn't touch any of them
India's share of world GDP fell because of industrialisation in Europe. The same thing happened in China, get over it. Without the Brits you'd still be burning widows in suttee
A Pakistani guy I know says northwestern Pakistanis are the descendants of Mughals and they regard Indians as an inferior subjugated race
God this what is it about the asian eternal thief that runs way from every hardship in their homeland
op, ive been to india and some parts are growing like the US after the war. Im considering moving there and gettting on the ground floor on properties. Im a fucking white male too and I respect your country better than you ya fucking coward
Try living in India as an Indian. You won't get the benefit of having white skin or earning a salary in USD to convert to rupees
the sister states belong to tibet or china now i guess, why did the british give these lands to the disgusting curries?
Before concept of GDP, this fag thinks he can speak on world GDP, let alone a percent of it.
Did better under the bris than you've done for yourselves you over populated commie shits
All the riches in the world, Pajeet
Gold, you don't need
Diamonds, you don't need
All you need
Is your dear beloved designated street
So take a seat
And take a shit
>before British rule: 25% of the world's GDP
The World hadn't industrialized yet, Cash Crops were still the most expensive items.
>after British rule: 2% of the world's GDP
Manufactured Goods become the most expensive after Industrialization.
Come on Pajeet, use your brains.
Stop crying about the past you cuck play your part in the colonization effort fuck some white chicks and teach them about Shiva
And all the Britbongs who are feeling all superior and shit your nation dish is an Indian dish give It time we will colonize you right back
Too late Brit cucks are basically pakis at this point , rather hump a bee hive
Arent Pakis just Indian muslims? lol....
They probably were at some point but after having an incest rate of 70 percent they are barely human
>pre-technology that increases productivity
>largest population even then
>"He who poos out the most street-shitters is the most productive"
You played yourself, dumb poonigger.
India is a sub continent , even Indians look genetically different from other Indians . Hell east India was tibet 150 years ago.
You all look the same, dark skin, bug eyes, dark hair, dark eyes, horrible nose, freakishly short.
They're fucking niggers with an avg IQ of 80. They didn't invent, they didn't learn, all they did was farm. They would've have been left behind by an industrialized Europe and New World just like they are now but worse had the Brits not cleaned them up.
Should of killed more
How come you guys always look like youre mad? I used have an Indian friend in high school and his parents always looked like they were angry at something.
India fucking owes us you dumb fucking plank of a yank
>Life under Islamic rule was ssoooooo much better