Non Israeli jews

>non Israeli jews

Every jew that reads this, if you don't live in Israel, helping us build our empire, you have no right to call yourself a jew.
You are a pretender

Come to Israel!!! this is your home!!! we need you here!!!

>inb4 jews aboard help Israel
This is wrong, they do much more harm than help

come to Israel you pussy ass dispora kikes

This. Come home Jewish man!

>israeli jews
you fail at being jewish, it's like you've totally missed the point. you're probably subhuman mizrahi scum. fuck israel, it's a shitty idea. we don't need it.

>you fail at being jewish
thats the point! here we can be normal humans and not KIKES

>mfw Sup Forums slides those threads but they have no logical reason to

Are Western Secular Jews (the organizers of our leftist movements) the enemy of Israel?

Always considered Israel, as a nation, to be based but held western jews in great contempt

>expansionism is bad but not if Israel does it and when it returns lands that it gained through imperial expansion it's actually sacrificing itself

I kind of admire you kikes for managing to turn the whole Western world on its head in its attempts to make you fit into its post-WWII/post-colonial narrative with the shit you pull off.

>you fail at being jewish, it's like you've totally missed the point.
The point of being Jewish is to observe the commandments, build the Jewish state and perform worship.

yes, they are a bigger enemy than muslims at this point
I want soros to be boiled in semen
>expansionism is bad
where did I say it?
are you trying to play trick on lesser minds here?
you are very dishonest

This is now and #OpenBordersForIsrael thread.

You didn't say it. The West says it. And yet it lets you off the hook by simply letting your colonial conquest state exist based on a fairy tale book written thousands of years ago. It really boggles the mind.

>I want soros to be boiled in semen
>boiled in semen
>using the same punishment for Soros as for Tacitus

Why not excrement as for Jesus?

Lots of colonial states still exist, like Australia, New Zealand, every state in the Americas.

we don't give a shit about what you faggots aboard say
we simply don't care, because at the end we are(israelis) the once who have have to face the consequences

just leave us alone.
are you really that scared because we are outplaying you every single time and you realize you can't keep up, so you sanction us
thats it right?

>real country

But they've existed for centuries and were created when colonialism was the norm. The post-WWII was staunchly against that thinking and was all about self-determination and letting the native people rule over their land (and the natives in Anglo countries are all extinct basically). The UK didn't give Rhodesia and inch, South Africa was basically a rogue state. The USA is constantly berated for "killing" all those Indians. And yet no one says anything about Israel.

It's a known fact that liberal and atheist Jews are the biggest threat to Judaism and the state of Israel - more so than any Arab or Nazi.

We helped the Rhodesians and South Africans, giving them nukes for example.

>And yet no one says anything about Israel.
UN and Communists have been talking shit on us for 70 years.

Someone didn't get the memo...
Stop LARPing, jump aboard for the Big Win.

Top kek, as usual jews cover their cowardice with some petty excuses.

Dont have a problem with Israel every group of people on the planet should have their own country. Go home jews and kill the muslims.

Kys, zionist scum

You gunna get nuked by iran. And we'll all laugh.

My grandmother could go to Israel, but I am too many generations away from a practicing jewish ancestor. She fled from Poland because of the communist uprisings which she wanted no part of, she thought they would fail and she would be purged in retaliation. Why don't you want me? Do I have to go through an official conversion first?

All diaspora, liberals especially, should make Aliyah or at least head over just to do the 3 year military service. It is one of the most successful ways of redpilling a person.

Are X Jews different from Y Jews?

The answer is no. Globalists founded the Zionist movement and the state of Israel.

This is what Jews believe their "Messiah" will bring about: "He will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12, Jeremiah 23:8, 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10, 42:1). He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15)."

Sound familiar?

if your grandmother is jewish you get a citizenship.

>And yet it lets you off the hook by simply letting your colonial conquest state exist
but the UN trying to shut us down for decades now
are you trying again to lie and play tricks on lesser mind
very very uninformed and biased person you are.

Israelis HATE globalist jews

>it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country

That's Eternal Anglo for "genocide the bastards!" isn't it?

It doesn't matter if you hate them or not. At the end of the day they are your bread and butter, their donation both to your country and to the Israeli lobby in America is what gives you the edge over ever neighbor you have. If you lose that Israel would be destroyed.

Also can you deny that verse about the Messiah?

I'd honestly love it if all the kikes over here moved to Israel. Please keep encouraging them.

Greatest ally.

fuck off kike,you shaft europe we will shaft you

>building jewish empire
i think you mean >destroying the middle east

>mfw saw an orthodox jew in the street with his wife and half a dozen kikelets

Why did your PM cut ties with countries that buy your shit?
Israel's main source of income is weapons and technology. Your PM just cut ties with rich clients.


jews like to outjew each other .
I knew this joo girl who got a teaching job in israel . They paid her slave wages and being from US they treated her like a dog .

My grandmother is at the cutoff for jewish citizenship, her grandmother was the last practicing jewish ancestor in our family. It's all women from her to me though, does that help my chances at all?

I'm Jewish. I'm not Israeli, I'm American, and it will remain that way.

>verse about the Messiah
we are not muslims, secular (atheistic) jews like myself don't give a shit about the bible or the messiah or any of that bullshit

you keep doing it too

>you shaft europe
Again, thats why I said dispora jews cause much more problems and harm than they do good, ISRAELIS HATE GLOBALISTS KIKES
can you read what I worte without biase?

because you have crossed the fucking line this time
everyone begs for israeli tech and then they vote agaisnt us in UN resulotions, simply pathetic
siding with fucking muslim terrorists like Abu-Mazen, absolutely PATHETIC

send an email to the Israeli embassy. I'm sure they have better answers
also, you don't have to be a practicing jew, nor your grandmother

fuckoff dispora pussy kike
don't ever refer yourself as a jew you disgusting pampered kid

>no Shiach has appeared to end the exile and rebuild the 3rd Temple yet
Nice try, Magog.


I like Israeli's.

I hate no nation parasite Jews, because they hate me.

אני רוצה לגור בישראל בשנה הבאה, אבל ראשון אני צריך ללמוד קצת עברית ומשיג התואר שלי באוניברסיטה.

אני רוצה לעבור לגור בישראל בשנה הבאה, אבל קודם אני צריך ללמוד קצת עברית ולסיים את התואר שלי באוניברסיטה.

your hebrew is OK-ish though

You honestly believe that some random jew on the street hates you?

תודה רבה, אני צריך עוד לתרגל. אין לי מורה, רק האינטרנט.

that was a perfect sentence, nice
they teach you hebrew for free here btw

גז את יהודי מלחמת מרוץ כעת

And when the first thing is impossible?

1. I dont speak Hebrew.
2. I'm pretty sure Israel has hate speech laws.

This. Join the winning team and don't duplicate the errors of your ancestors.

Magog is a place in Turkey. It is ruled by Gog.

Thanks, I look forward to it then

You will. Heh, you will.

>He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government
are you really tying some text from 2,500 years ago written in ancient hebrew to the modern concept of "world government"?

The important thing is that since you have so much room that you also take in a few million refugees

you don't know as much about judaism as you think you do

That will be the man we call the antichrist and the Muslims call the Mahdi.

Israel is doomed. It's like, written somewhere or something. That's what I hear.

Isn't your entire country that was established 80 years ago based on thousand year old writings which you declared yourself "God's chosen people" and declared that god had given you the rights to it?

No. Muslims believe that the antichrist will appear first. Then Jesus and the Mahdi will appear in order to fight the antichrist together.

And here am i waiting for self proclaimed ISIS to become self proclaimed ISISI.

>Isn't your entire country that was established 80 years ago based on thousand year old writings which you declared yourself "God's chosen people" and declared that god had given you the rights to it?
1. lebanon as a country is only 2 years older than israel and you can argue that to this day it's still a non functioning semi anarchy society of uneducated barbarians that is insignificant in all fields except for export of terrorism.
2. if you were actually educated about the subject of zionism from academic sources and not ALLAHUAKBAR TV STATION you'd knew the origins of modern zionism are largely secular and have to do with the historic and continual connection of jewish presence in israel and not necessarily believing in theological myths

no observant Jews should exist outside of Israel.

if you claim to be a Jew, especially Chassidic, Chabad, religious, orthodox, shomer shabat and live outside of Israel you are a disgraceful hypocrite and traitor. Any "Jew" living outside of Israel is a goy.

I like the Jews who want Israel to be there only home. I support it fully.
>tfw I've become unironically Zionist

Are you faggots working for the government or are you just doing this of your own free will?

Imagine if all the world's Jews moved to Israel. The Jewish population would more than double, and the UN would be forced to fuck off

im a jew in america and i prefer to be gassed eating a cheeseburger instead of fucking matzoh

Yes all jews please leave white nations help your people

And I've got no logical reason not to.


You guys really are the filth of the planet.
Rare pepes being shared on that trash, gtfo

you do understand by jewish conspiracy theory logic, if you move all jews to one country that country becomes the greatest super power ever. legitimately it would control the global economy and would henceforth deck any country it doesnt like.

holy fuck what a shitty propaganda image

Not going to happen pal

>control world
>become one country
>Country controls world

pretty simple logic

>not fulfilling the halakhic commandments

learn a thing or 2 about patriotism, nation building, and ancient Israelism, you nation wrecker you

They control america not the world

So you gave nukes you stole from us to failed African states now controlled by insane niggers.
Thank you, thank you so very much. You truly are our greatest ally.

nice try

Those states failed because of your kike controlled shithole they would still be white if not for you

But I thought you kikes hated the diaspora kikes

You're telling me that you're all one tribe?

I'm shocked

Actually, the Israelis got the nukes from the French

And the niggers don't have nukes anymore.

Our cousins made sure of that.

>Gets pissed about constant American military action in conflicts we shouldn't give a shit about
>Get pissed when we don't
Make up your fucking mind

i'm a jew and I'm pround i want to spread judaism all over britain and convert people out of scum christianity and islam into one true religion of judaism

none of you can stop me too

I want to return to based Israel. Some day I will leave this shithole behind permanantly

We had the wisdom to give up the nukes when the eternal anglo forced us into capitulation.

>german and a mix of shit

just saying

>american education

So was Palestine ever a thing or not?

My fellow ausfags tell me that palestine was not, in fact, ever a country and that the jews always owned and inhabited israel, but those greedy muslim parasites tried to steal it after ww2.

I'm just a dirty anti-semite.

Israel belonged to the jews a long time ago. Then some muslims stay there for a long time and when confronted that they have to leave, suddenly muh landz. It's called a reconquest

your primary objective is to fulfill the halakhic commandments and flee goy lands and leave the goys as they were

Israel has scammed my country long enough, I can only hope Trump turns off the faucet once he gets into office

We're taught by the best Jewish professors in the world

Consolidating the Jews into one massive area will make it easier for the final solution to become a reality.


>86 iq

Gods chosen people, amirite?

My previous post was a reference to some recent shilling by your countrymen trying to convince us that Israel and diaspora kikes are totally different breeds and totally hate each other.

But I know the truth. I know that you're all the same.

Daily reminder that if you are Christian, Israel HAS to exist. The jews needs to hold the holy land for the Temple to be rebuilt and Jesus to return

By that logic, leftist white people in Sweden and Germany are no different to right wing white people in America.

Are you the same as the average Swedish left wing voter?
