What was Eyes Wide Shut about?
What was Eyes Wide Shut about?
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Watch the movie u fag
Nothing. Go back to bed, Goymany.
Were they jewish?
Replace the masked women with children and you get pizzagate
I heard its about some jews
Nice trips, satan. It was filmed in the rothschilds mansion.
The main plot was about a marriage that lacked proper communication, Tom Cruise's insecurity and the importance of a healthy relationship both mentally AND sexually.
Sydney Pollack's character's Jewishness was given considerable emphasis, and Tom Cruise plays the most goyish goy possible.
Kubrick died of a "heart attack" during editing.
another message from kubrick
all his movies have layers of meaning to them
teddy bears show up alot (pedo symbol)
Kek, that was actually in Kings book, Kubrick left out all of the back story about the gay relationship.
About choosing and accepting the comfort of the bluepill
the movie was incomplete, Kubrick wanted Alice to force Bill to watch her fuck the naval officer and many other men at the end, and then Bill is killed at her behest while she laughs.
it was supposed to be about moral degeneracy,
About getting two Scientologists paid, that's what.
Victor Zielger is the embodiment of the Illuminous Jew, who is far above you on the world's totem pole. It's no coincidence a hooknosed kike with a hyper Jewy, Ashkenazic name was selected to play that role.
Let's compare him to Bill Harford, Tom's character, the ultimate goy with an ultimate goy name. Sure he's a doctor, has some money, and a little status over the other goyim in the movie, but he's a fucking pleb, a bottom of the barrel worm, compared to the real elite.
Thinking Le American goy, drink beer, smoke shitty hash, and only have access to AIDS ridden hookers can hold a candle to the exotic, drink champagne, do coke and heroin, and have access to world-class hookers elite. Try again.
OC picture for you.
Satanic get
There are some on Sup Forums who believe that a movie directed by a Jew, adapted from a book written by a Jew, about a blatantly Jewish couple, is somehow an expose about Illuminati Jews.
I don't believe you.
Same thing TRUE Detective was about
>there were 2 detectiveS in the show yet the title was singular
>the real "True Detective" is the viewer who is supposed to continue the investigation on their own and find the truth
Kubrick hated the kikes and he changed the couple to be goy characters, with goy names, played by goy actors.
About superiority of Jews.
Exploring recently discovered sexual freedom of Tom Cruise after finding put his wife thought of another man whilst fucking him.
With a background of illermimatty because they are the luciferians who give into their deepest darkest urges of sexual debauchery and pizza.
that doesn't even look anything close to a menorah
Trips don't lie NonCountryfag
Typical Scientologists.
a weird sex cult party
Sup Forums
Remember the RAINBOW SHOP?
Kubrick was killed for making it and the film was radically re-cut right before its release.
Nuff said.
>Sri Lanka
What are you, some kind of Rabi?
Weird, I was literally just finished reading about this on vigilant citizen. The third chapter goes a little out there but it gives a good summary of what Kubrick was trying to portray.
I remember Kubrick explained he was invited to a masonic party and he left before the end. He tried to recreate that experience in this movie.
To be fair the movie wouldn't make sense imho if Tom Cruise wasn't in doubt about what really happened. Like if he saw a blood sacrifice or whatever.
The Hindus got mad though because originally Kubrick had a passage cited from the Bhaghavad Gita during the orgy.
You should read up on the stories and lives of some French revolutionaries (Masons) like Casanova and Marquis de Sade. I read their biographies and they had amazing lives. So much adventure. Casanova got introduced to the high nobles wherever he went because of his Masonic connections.
Why shouldn't we aspire to join them instead of hating on them?
kept waiting for it to get good, kept waiting for it to get good... then it ended.
What are most commercial films about now?
Promotion of degeneracy; undermining white virtue; normalization of feminism; servitude; etc etc.
Because they fuck children and drink their blood.
Because shit's satanic, that's why.
All women being sociopaths
Because losing your soul isn't worth the satisfaction you get from this shit. Those people are in their own hell in sense.
The Bhagavad Gita is pretty cool in the sense, if you consider what Kubrick wanted to include:
>The transcendental qualities are conducive to liberation, whereas the demonic qualities make for bondage. Do not worry, O son of Pāṇḍu, for you are born with the divine qualities.
>O son of Pṛthā, in this world there are two kinds of created beings. One is called the divine and the other demonic. I have already explained to you at length the divine qualities. Now hear from Me of the demoniac.
>Those who are demoniac do not know what is to be done and what is not to be done. Neither cleanliness nor proper behavior nor truth is found in them.
>They say that this world is unreal, that there is no foundation and that there is no God in control. It is produced of sex desire, and has no cause other than lust.
>Following such conclusions, the demoniac, who are lost to themselves and who have no intelligence, engage in unbeneficial, horrible works meant to destroy the world.
>The demoniac, taking shelter of insatiable lust, pride and false prestige, and being thus illusioned, are always sworn to unclean work, attracted by the impermanent.
>They believe that to gratify the senses unto the end of life is the prime necessity of human civilization. Thus there is no end to their anxiety. Being bound by hundreds and thousands of desires, by lust and anger, they secure money by illegal means for sense gratification.
Masons have been cucked m8. The Bavarian Illuminati has been running the show since at least 2001 when they knocked down the Two (Masonic) Towers. Masons are making a comeback I think. I think the Trumps could be their puppets.
Royal Arch = Rainbow by the way.
I'm confused, whats' the difference between Masons, Illuminati and all these groups? Is it just disinfo?
>The demoniac person thinks: So much wealth do I have today, and I will gain more according to my schemes. So much is mine now, and it will increase in the future, more and more. He is my enemy, and I have killed him; and my other enemy will also be killed. I am the lord of everything, I am the enjoyer, I am perfect, powerful and happy. I am the richest man, surrounded by aristocratic relatives. There is none so powerful and happy as I am. I shall perform sacrifices, I shall give some charity, and thus I shall rejoice. In this way, such persons are deluded by ignorance.
>Thus perplexed by various anxieties and bound by a network of illusions, one becomes too strongly attached to sense enjoyment and falls down into hell.
>Self-complacent and always impudent, deluded by wealth and false prestige, they sometimes perform sacrifices in name only without following any rules or regulations.
>Bewildered by false ego, strength, pride, lust and anger, the demon becomes envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated in his own body and in the bodies of others, and blasphemes against the real religion.
>Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by Me into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life.
>Attaining repeated birth amongst the species of demoniac life, such persons can never approach Me. Gradually they sink down to the most abominable type of existence.
>There are three gates leading to this hell-lust, anger, and greed. Every sane man should give these up, for they lead to the degradation of the soul.
Perfectly describes Ziegler and the kind of people who would attend the orgy.
Because today the vast majority "lodges" are filled with LARPing old dudes. Only a handful good ones, and most of those are not on our side of the pond.
That isn't a menorah you dumb fuck.
Perfectly describes krishna, the one the book warns you about being a bullshitter right in the very beginning of the book. EurAsian religions are all the same bullshitting deities telling their bullshit stories.
Secret societies are about as anti-freedom as you can get. Just look at history. People actually created a political movement just to go after the free masons.
The fact is, if you can't say your beliefs in public, and have to rely on deception and back room dealing, chances are you're a corrupt shit and need to be killed for the good of society.
Shadilay holy shit based leaf gets near the digits of Christ
Well, it's all bullshit in one way or another. This isn't a secret. But he's not wrong about the motivations of Ziegler. tl;dr they are greedy rich fucks who try to fill a spiritual void with materialism and whreck the world in process as they sin without tomorrow because they don't feel any kind of responsibility for their actions
>radically re-cut
And somehow it still follows the original novel's narrative extremely closely. How is that?
Catholic Church -> Knight Templars -> Masons, they are the old guard elite. Illuminati are globalist kikes that hate the Church, kill and fuck children. They spread disinfo about the Masons worshipping Satan but I don't think that's true. It's projection.
Pawns of pawns.. Illuminati were freemasons.. The problem is, that there is no umbrella term for these groups, they hide behind common symbols and practices, splatter them everywhere to hide in plain sight
They are driven by the same goal of world domination, and they use the same occult practices. The masons are for outsiders who get tricked into thinking enlightenment is found on the left hand path. Little do they know, that they will never even attain this so called "enlightenment", since only inborns get that "priviledge"
Did you read the part where krishna is trying to convince arjuna to murder his relatives? Krishna is just another piece of shit like the very people this movie is trying to portray. He's the leader of all the bullshit.
It literally was an horror movie/documentary on how the (((élite))) could basically do anything they wanted, basically pagan (the diabolical Carthaginian style pagan) drug fueled orgies with pedo brainwashed slaves, not even joking.
It's heavily implied through the movie in flashbacks and dream sequences that the doctor's wife was up to one point one of this brainwashed sexslaves too.
One of the parts that is reported missing and cut is the death of the prostitute that offered herself instead of the doctor when he was spotted as a dumb uppity goy.
In a tinfoil theory it is also implied by the end of the movie that his daughter may be kidnapped to feed the like sex/blood lust because she is seen walking to two suspicious characters seen before in the Jew unmasked party
In a biographical point of view on Kubrick, seems that as an influential heeb he was invited to one or more of these parties but it of disgust or need of expression made this movie and was killed for it in a (((heart attack))), fascinating
It was about sex and the different ways people feel about it.
His relatives wanted to murder Arjuna too just to get to his money. Arjuna was in a fucked if you do fucked if you don't situation and Krishna explained him why he can't just hide from the world, or rather how it won't make the world a better place or him more happy. You're here and either you fight or you don't.
>watching the american hollywood shit version instead of reading the german original
it's a movie-version of an austrian short-book (novelle)
kys pleb
surely you have a source for all this
and no fake news
But if Krishna were as powerful as he claimed, then he could've just killed them. That wasn't the point though. Krishna wanted arjuna to take part in murder. The being called "the word" is none other than satan himself. These books only lead to destruction. Everywhere the religious books go, destruction follows. If krishna were worth anything, india wouldn't be an absolute dump.
all truth shall soon be revealed
Literally filmed in a rothschild mansion. Think about it.
I'll take the bait.
It's a shitty, boring movie
Kubbrik's worst movie.
Stanley Kubrick once remarked that "Hitler was right about almost everything”
If you read the book it explains a lot more and is easier to follow, but the movie does keep the "feel" of the book
Krishna is just another avatar. At some point during the Gita he reveals his true nature to Arjuna who freaks out about it, until Krishna starts pretending again. It's cosmic theater. Which is one of the points kinda why Arjuna should worry, because he supposedly isn't really killing anyone anyway. He's just a pawn obeying the cosmic plan.
Are you sure he was talking about the Christian God?
At the bottom of the glass, you have a total understanding of the universe and it's workings. That alone can be perceived or personified as God.
Kubrick didn't follow the book and had a history of keeping the authors of his adapted works out of the loop in regards to what he wanted to show in the films
teh villains were. The main characters, Kubrick deliberately changes the story to make them not jewish, the book had them jewish and he said he didn't want that. But Sydney Pollack is jewish
A sexual frustrated guy that wants to have fun sex experiences but he can't really put himself to it.
>Two girls at the party seducing him, he didn't fuck.
>Hooker on the street seducing him, he didn't fuck.
>Teenage girl at the clothing shop, he didn't fuck.
>Aristocrat sex orgie, he didn't fuck.
Checked. Sauce?
A guy lies his way into a sex party filled with rich degenerates. He gets discovered and they threaten him not to say anything about it. A druggie whore with a huge bush gets killed. Starring Leelee Sobieski.
I'm not implying anything about God more than what I posted.
>naiive well-to-do doctor finds out he's not on the top of the food chain and nearly wrecks his marriage
Because his true nature is ugly as fuck and the cosmic plan is satans drama. Look into spiritual contracts and how to break them. A divine being is the Earth and the galaxy, not the talking bullshit demons that use you to fullfil their plans. Fuck them.
Does it matter? If we're talking about the real god as in the absolute the result will be the same. Everything according to plan. Death and Life both sides of the same thing.
That was a good read. Thanks user.
Underrated post.
>Kubrick didn't follow the book
The film follows the book's narrative almost scene for scene.
Look at the titles of his two final films, user.
>Full Metal Jacket
>Eyes Wide Shut
There are so many stupid laws in our cowardly white hating society which could get people imprisoned, that to simply enjoy yourself you have to join a secret society and wear a mask to fuck someone without consequence. Orgies are held. Sacrifices are hinted at to appease unknown deities so the masked revellers can get away it. And if anyone blabs they get ID'd like a school sneak and bumped off.
fun fact unknown by 99.9% of people:
the whole movie was shot on a very high speed film, specifically chosen by Stanley. after his death all the grain was cleaned up in postprod which gives all the distributed versions the current look. ask yourself WHY?
gimme more conspiracy food for thought my wise dutch friend
I don't know why. Go ahead and tell me
Read about Angelina Jolie and what she did when she was accepted to the Illuminati
The movie is Kubrick essentially "exposing" the underground rituals of the absolute most rich and powerful.
thats not how it works bro, use your melon:
higher the film speed -> the more grainy the image -> the opposite of what all the studios strive for, the cleanest possible image. Why do you deliberately make glamorous images look grainy?
Watch salo 120 days of sodom, it's not as good of a movie I think but the elite around which it centers is more perverted and sick. The slaves they torture and fuck are minors too.
slow, low grain film = more expensive, requires a lot of lights to shoot = big budget productions = cinema. High speed film = cheaper, can be shot in natural light without expensive lighting setups = used for documentaries and low budget productions. Now imagine watching EWS with it having a documentary feel. You are welcome.
That was written by the Marquis de Sade who wrote it while the state had imprisoned him and tortured him in jail. It was basically a giant fuck you to the system by the Marquis. He knew how to describe a shag though, hats off to him.
Would be like an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm
learn the difference between a 5 -light candelabra and a menorah
Also worth mentioning is that he lost his original manuscript of 120 days and had to rewrite pretty much all of it.
De Sade was a sick fuck, wanting to expose the other sick fucks when they turned against him.
The first major scandal occurred on Easter Sunday in 1768, in which de Sade procured the sexual services of a woman, Rose Keller,[13] a widow-beggar who approached him for alms. He told her she could make money by working for him—she understood her work to be that of a housekeeper. At his chateau at Arcueil, de Sade ripped her clothes off, threw her on a divan and tied her by the four limbs. Then he whipped her, made various incisions on her body into which he poured hot wax, and then beat her. He repeated this process seven or eight times, when she finally escaped by climbing out of a second-floor window and running away. At this time, la Présidente, de Sade's mother-in-law, obtained a lettre de cachet (a royal order of arrest and imprisonment, without stated cause or access to the courts) from the King, excluding de Sade from the jurisdiction of the courts. The lettre de cachet would later prove disastrous for the marquis.
source: en.wikipedia.org
I think he was a sick fuck himself