Prime minister of cuckistan

>prime minister of cuckistan

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Oh bibi

>all that focus on "muh Iran" and "muh hizballs"
>turns out it was the Saudis and Gulf Arabs all along that would buy and influence the UN/US to turn against him
Is there anything worse than being outsmarted by fucking Saudi Arabia?

come on, denounce soros, do it faggot

>literally just throwing money at the US

let's be fair to the kikes, oil is simply more important to the US than a group of hyper-aggressive kikes

Meanwhile, in America...

Look I hate kikes as much as anyone else, but those fucking Mudslimes need to be slapped around.

Every country they go to, they infiltrate and by sheer amount of fucking and generating useless babies, they eat up the country from the ground up.

Remove the kebab. Those fuckers are NOT compatible with the West.


So your solution of not having Muslims enter your country is to displace them from their own country? Are you fucking retarded?

>implying the Levant isn't Israeli clay

"Lebanon" doesn't exist, the "Lebanese" are a made up non-people. Same goes for Palestinians.

Now fuck off, Ahmed. Shouldn't you be enlisting for ISIS or something?

>Rare flag
>A fucking Marijuana Tree

Listen, Mudslime.

The solution is to remove the kebab. I don't care if Arab babies die. They need to be contained.

You people don't fit in the West, we need to create some sort of safe zone and throw all you fuckers there so you can fuck your goats and have 40 wives and fuck 9 year old girls.

Maybe we can take Iraq and Libya and create a new country called Arabia and have you idiots live there.

stop supporting them and putting them in high positions of power and we will stop taking them in, ameri-kun

let Iran have its way with the Gulf states while Israel throws another 6-day party
they will all kill themselves while we watch the fireworks


Ok Akhmed.

Maybe stop sucking Muslim dick and all white-majority nations can unite and finally "fix" this problem?

Get fucked, you neocon. Most Muslims aren't Arab, and many Arabs are even Christian. Nice try though, JIDF.

>Akhmed living in USA

Fuck off, Habib.

No one gives a shit about you shitskins or kikes.

Remove kebab first.

Then remove kikes.

End of story.

This is a European country, not a fucking Mudslime safe haven.

Nice red herring, rabbi. But that's not what I am talking about. I'm telling you off on equating Arabs and Muslims. That's a kike divide and conquer technique. Christian Arabs are our allies against israelis and mudslimes.

Now stop, you're not fooling anyone.

I do not give a fuck about any shitskins you imbecile. Including your parents. And you, Achmed. Nice try.

Brown skin, into the bin. Kike faggot. White is right

>S. 10, introduced by Sens. Tim Scott (R-SC) and Robert Casey Jr. (D-Pa.), codifies a controversial State Department definition of anti-Semitism that includes one-sided criticism of Israel and opposition to Zionism.

If you were an American, this bait wouldn't be so obvious.

Says Brazil. The country owned by Lebanese people kek. Isnt your president Lebanese? Lebanon has been mentioned in the bible. Where is Brazil mentioned? Could you even walk down the street wearing a nice watch without being mugged?

You must be a child. "Remove kebab" is a nice buzzword but thats not really the solution to your problems. Maybe you're just shitposting.

>You people don't fit in the west
Hmmmm I have dual American citizenship, I'm only here for holiday but I'll bite.

>Live in US
>Voted Trump
>Whole family voted Trump
>Own one of the largest business in the local metropolitan area
>Employ over 2000 Americans

What have you done for your country again?