Thanks Donald

>Thanks Donald

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Thanks Donald!

He's thanking the Donald effect
Getting it all out of his system ready for the 20th when he will be banned from daily shitposts

Obviously he is implying that people should thank Donald (him) for this

Unfortunately, as soon as he takes power the Fed will probably bump up interest rates and pop the economic bubble. Just because they (the establishment) don't like him. The establishment's cheerleader, Obama, is doing similar by going out like a bitch and trying to sabotage shit.

meanwhile the markets plunge because wallstreet knows Fatty Bankrupt's sad pathetic track record

If you don't reply to this post with "Thanks Donald" your mother will die in her sleep tonight

mfw normie lefties get assblasted over these tweets for the next eight (8) years

She never said anything negative about Trump, so she should be OK.

He transcended.

He's Kek and Trump as same time.



Thanks Donald

It's a play on the sardonic Thanks Obama!

we don't call him god-emperor for nothing m8

I think he is thanking Donald.

Thanks Donald
>Tfw 2004 era memes are making a comeback

He's sold out to the Jews. They are the only ones who care about the economy

Thanks Donald!

>worshipping a fat bankrupt jew

didn't think of this but it makes it that much better
thanks leafbro


Thanks Donald

He's not even president yet. Jesus, I'll bet you retards also blame Obama for Dow 6700 in early 2009, yet refuse to acknowledge Dow 18000 just seven years later.

Oy veyyyyy

He's a fucking moron.

thanks donald


>Taking credit for Obama's work
What a scumbag.

Thanks Donald

Thanks Donald

Thanks donald

Italy is full of faggots

>Thanks Donald

>Thanks Donald!
Hahaha. I love this guy.

>I'm too dumb for economics how it work ?????
The market moves in cycles. 2000/1, 2008/9, before as well but not as huge as after the first one (dot com). It'll likely crash soon, it was meant to a few months back but they obviously manipulated the fuck out of it. Anyone who takes office right after a crash, like Obongo in 2008/9 or Bush in 2000/1, will get that recovery regardless. Obama didn't do shit, just like Bush didn't. It's common knowledge that the markets move in cycles. These are just the outside of those movements, so when it does crash, it'll start recovering and by the end of the Donald's second term, it'll be at the current or higher level again.

It's like with anything, housing bubbles or whatever (which is currently building again) - people buy, buy buy, then realize that what they bought might not be worth as much as they thought, so they try to offload it, and then everything crashes and you're left with big debts that you can't repay because you bought on the assumption that you'd make your money back. You can. But it's going to take another cycle, if you bought at the wrong time, and most people can't hold that long.

Also, the FED had the rate at 0% between 2009 and 2015. Kind of difficult to go anywhere but up, then.

Thanks Donald

Thanks Donald

Thanks Donald!

>Celts aren't white

thanks donald

Thanks Donald

Thanks Donald

Thanks Donald

"here donald, make sure to have two daily mouthfuls for the next 4 years"
thanks doctor shlomo

thanks donald

Thanks Donald

Thanks Donald!

this. trump doesnt even know my mother's face, so the deathnote doesnt work on her

Notice when it was last that high.

thx denald

Thanks Donald!

I distrust Jews as much as most of Sup Forums but for fucks sake.