This jew lover is willing to go to war to defend the kikes hahahah
This jew lover is willing to go to war to defend the kikes hahahah
You do realize that the diaspora/multiculti Jews hate Israel too right?
he just also tweeted
"not anymore. The beginning of the end was the horrible Iran deal, and now this (U.N.)! Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching"
Really makes you cranks your engine
and here comes the mental gymnastics...
Trump was always pro-Judaism and pro-Israel. Only and idiot would be surprised by this.
Fuck off. We always supported Isreal
A stupid antisemite fights Israel and zionism
A smart antisemite supports Israel and zionism, and wants all the Jews to move there.
A radical antisemite supports Israel and zionism, and wants all the Jews to move there, and supports Iran's nuclear program
>Only and idiot would be surprised by this.
So 80% of Sup Forums is an idiot
>I love that we've sent Israel 223 billions dollars
>I love sending Amercians to die for Israel's wars
sure is conservashit in here.
the mental gymnastics keep coming...
It's basic history you fucking shitskin. If you weren't such a nobody you'd actually be excited, because we're entering the global jew vs zionist jew via mudslimes stage of the end times. Going to be a hell of a ride, stop concern trolling like a faggot and tell your mom to make you some popcorn.
Thats great. Jews are based kebab removers and they should be helped.
Here is my mental gymnastic:
If it causes the UN to be dissolved i am all for it.
He hates america and is owned by the jewish.
ok I'll have some popcorn while you--> we kicked them out 500 years ago.
Actually, during the republican debates, while every other republican candidate said america needed to support israel unconditionally, trump said that it was important to work out a deal and said that the palestinian/israeli talks would be the hardest deal he had ever made and wasn't sure if he could even do it, but he would try.
Get fucked by a bull horn faggot, you've contributed nothing to this thread.
I made this thread.
>we kicked them out 500 years ago.
Aren't they back? Spain has gone full "Refugees welcome", IIRC.
I know you are a poor baiter, but yes this is how it works, the solution to the Jewish problem is making all of them move to Israel, everything bad about the Jews stems from the fact they don't feel any responsibility for their own country cause everywhere they are a small minority, Sup Forums posters are the experts on niggers and arabs but when it comes to the jews you are incompetent
burgers, am i right?
sure, they hate them so much that they push for policies that destroy their host country while preserving the existence of the holy land...
we are talking about jews. please try to be awake if you are going to participate in Sup Forums threads
btw we said we were going to have like thousands of refugees and we only have take like 20 lmao. We trolled Brussels. Based spain strikes again.
yeah Donald isn't allowed to do anything with our military unless another nation is paying the bill, if Israel wants to pay for it they can pay us otherwise they can have nothing
no more fucking hand outs in free military gear either, they need to pay for the wall
>sure, they hate them so much that they push for policies that destroy their host country while preserving the existence of the holy land...
A lot of liberal Jews side against Israel pretty much all the time, tbf. Their hatred of the nation-state does not end with just their host country.
This is actually mental gymnastics to justify supporting Drumpf's circumcised sucking
Circumcised penises are the best for sucking, though.
thats not what the tweets said :^)
You realize Israel is our greatest ally yes?
We're fucked.
Sup Forums already knew these things
Get on Sup Forumss level
Because UN globalization is worse than a bunch of brainwashed news in the desert.
The greatest threat to American security and to European security is Israel.
US security. Jews are mostly in the highest positions of the government. Control most of the media (if not directly indirectly).
Europe: THe moment you are not with Israel you are agains't it. THat means that the moment you decide to help Palestina, you are supporting their desturction of Israel. You might think otherwise, but their military reads it like this.
Also, Israel is like Russia. It will defend it's national interests before being accepted in the eyes of the west.
So what's the strategy the leader has to do? Act as if you are a zionist.
Anyway, Israel is better than Islamistan. Altough, not by that much.
where were you when Sup Forums realized that the true Sup Forums guy to end with the jewish supremacy over the US was a socialist old man from a jewish family known as Bernie Sanders?
damn thats hot.
The jew won. They made Sup Forums and the whole alt-right support them.
There's literally no one opposing them now except a few muslim countries (not even all of them).
NWO is real.
Sup Forums took the blue pill in exchange for muh wall and some empty economical promises.
This is hilarious.
>what did he mean by that?
retolical qeastion, he meant moar shekels for us
Israel is now the most powerful country in the world.
The US is the Mexico of Israel.
Laughing so hard here.
You know shit about geo politics.
Israel wanted Hillary.
Ask yourself why.
Both Hillary and Trump are Jewish plants. It's all part of the plan.
They don't leave such huge decisions to chance. You can't beat them.
Take the real red pill you loser.
As your internet in mexico. It's also a jewish plant.
Now go buy some porn.
No wonder your country is bankrupt and poorer than even fucking Mexico.
Go pay your Muslim ancestors.
>has jewish daughter
>doesn't hate jews
stop the presses
>somehow this is ok
Go pray to the sun you pathetic Slim, burrito eating fat pig.
Sup Forums hates the UN as much as Israel. We were never going to stop funding Israel because they use bribery, blackmail, threats, and planted agents to control our government, but we can save just as much money by refusing the fund the UN any longer. I just want President Trump to cut as much unnecessary spending as he can, and defunding the UN is a big part of that.
He'd be a mudslime lover if he didn't so I'd rather him side with the hooknoses
just saying, you don't vote for someone who has jewish family and expect them to start saying shit like the shoah ain't real and israel must be eradicated off the face of the earth like some kind of muslim.
>We love isreal, a great ally, isreal good, deserving of the land after the suffering they endured
>But the Holocaust didn't happen, Holocaust fake, Nazi good, Jews bad
>But Jews deserve the land in isreal because of their suffering in Europe, isreal good
>Hillary, bad, is in the pockets of the Jews banks, that's bad
>But trump appointed a Goldman Sachs CEO, that good, trump good, trump support isreal
>But jews bad
>Jews good
>Jew bad
Fuck me Sup Forums you are really pretty far gone aren't you?
Not gonna lie, avid Trump supporter here.
He is a filthy kike lover, but he is still the best you got.
Please do tell me about how the (((globalists))) and the (((Zionists))) totally aren't working in tandem to promote Jewish supremecy
Loving the goal post moving on Jews.
>Sup Forums is not one person!!111!1!!1
Get fucked. You lot are hypocrites. You talk endlessly about how Jews are behind all the world's evils yet you voted for the biggest pro Jew who's ever stepped into office. So either the whole opinion on Jews here is a sham, or you're so deep in on the Trump thing you'd support him even if he made a complete 180 and supported NAFTA and worked with Democrats to outlaw guns.
Sup Forums will be like:
>4D chess (some random shit)
>everyone important is a Zionist
>its better than x
>other retarded shit
Sup Forums is now bluepilled
Sup Forums does mental gymnastics to pretend Israel is okay because they're "nationalist."
Israeli exceptionalism is the foundation of Zionism. Israeli loyalists abroad are the ones sabotaging every other county with cultural Marxism and economic stress. Israel hates everyone who isn't Jewish and every day they are coming up with new ways to kill you. Stop making excuses for absolutely everything Trump says.
>assuming Sup Forums is one person.
this is the point where this thread stops getting replies because trump's cucks can't handle the truth
it's a personality cult, they don't actually care what his policies will be
he's being anti-hitler.
can't call trump hitler when jews love him
Retards don't realize if we don't support Israel all the jews will immigrate back to the west and ruin it even more.
The fire rises
>this is the point where this thread stops getting replies because trump's cucks can't handle the truthit's a personality cult, they don't actually care what his policies will be
exactly, we should support the notion that it's every Jewish man duty to settle in Israel
>Implying anyone is actually falling for (((their))) tricks
We all know it's JIDF
david duke on total suicide watch
leftist scum can not forgive franco for being of jew descent
i have a house in malaga and go there every summer, spaniards are top cucks, you won't believe it guys, but they are cucked even by gypsies
tbqh he was to a large extent raised by jew friends, sports trainers and jew friends parents as his own were parents old and poor. no his jew friends prosper, google rotenberg brothers or alexander rakhlin
Funny all the russians i know here either are poor women looking for some ugly spaniard to get marry with nor men that steal cars for living. Literally 100% trash subhuman behavour.
Americans are truly cucks. Thankfully each day more Latinos arrive in the US and breed real men for the country.